Dell Server 630F User Manual

C H A P T E R 9  
Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault  
Fibre Channel Software and  
This chapter provides instructions for updating the storage area network (SAN) soft-  
ware and firmware in existing equipment or in a pre-existing SAN. If you are installing  
a new device, you should verify that the new device has the latest firmware and soft-  
ware installed. The instructions for updating the following software and firmware are  
provided in this chapter:  
Software on Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems  
Software on NetWare systems  
PowerVault 650F, 651F, and 630F drive firmware  
PowerVault 650F, 651F, and 630F licensed internal code (LIC)  
PowerVault 660F firmware  
PowerVault 660F and 224F drive firmware  
PowerVault 50F, 51F, and 56F switch firmware  
PowerVault 35F bridge firmware  
PowerVault 120T and 130T firmware  
PowerVault 530F software and firmware  
NOTES: If you are installing a new SAN, skip this chapter and go to Chapter 10,  
“Installing and Configuring Hardware Devices in a Windows SAN.”  
If you are adding components to a pre-existing SAN, see the components readme on  
the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD Version 4.0 or the Dell PowerVault Fibre  
Channel Update CD Version 4.0 to determine which SAN components need to be  
Before starting an upgrade, always check the File Library on the Dell Web site at for the latest drivers and BIOS revisions for your servers  
and SAN components.  
Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware  
Preparing the SAN for an Upgrade  
NOTE: Perform this procedure when all users have closed their application programs  
and have logged off the system.  
Before running all SAN upgrades, you must perform the following steps:  
1. Prepare the SAN for an upgrade by backing up all data on the SAN storage sys-  
tems to tape media or media that can be taken off line. Do not simply back up  
your data by copying it from one SAN storage device to another. Ensure that both  
the backup job and the backup operator have the authority to back up all of the  
data. You should use the verify feature of your backup software to verify that the  
files and directories counts are correct as reported by the backup job. You may  
want to make a second copy of your data for off-site storage.  
2. Close all application programs, including all Dell OpenManage programs, and  
stop all Dell OpenManage services including:  
Dell OpenManage Data Event Monitor  
Dell OpenManage Data Agent  
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)  
NOTE: When you stop SNMP, you may see indicators advising that other ser-  
vices need to be stopped. Stop all other services of which you are advised.  
3. If you are running Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) clusters, stop the cluster ser-  
vices on both cluster servers.  
4. Ensure that all hard-disk drive I/O activity on the SAN has stopped.  
Upgrading Software on Windows NT and  
Windows 2000  
The following sections describe how to install the software upgrade from the latest  
version of the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD or Dell PowerVault Fibre  
Channel CD onto Windows NT or Windows 2000 systems.  
Before You Install the Software Upgrade on Windows NT  
or Windows 2000  
NOTICES: To save your Storage Consolidation configuration, you must not  
uninstall Storage Consolidation before executing the installation of the new  
version of the software. Performing an uninstall will result in the loss of the  
Storage Consolidation configuration for the server.  
Perform this procedure when all users have closed their application pro-  
grams and have logged off the system you will be updating.  
Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware  
Before you run the software upgrade from the latest Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel  
Utilities CD or Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Update CD, you must perform the fol-  
lowing steps:  
1. Back up your configuration data in the registry so that it is available after you com-  
plete this process. Otherwise, it will be lost.  
2. Uninstall the QLogic Fibre Channel Configuration Utility. For instructions, see  
Chapter 11, Installing, Configuring, and Removing Microsoft Windows  
SAN Software Components.”  
3. Uninstall the Dell PowerVault 5xF download utility.  
a. Click Start—> Settings—> Control Panel.  
b. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.  
c. Highlight Dell PowerVault 5xF Utilities.  
d. Click Add/Remove, and follow the instructions on the screen.  
4. Uninstall all of the following software components.  
a. Click Start> Programs> Dell OpenManage> PowerVault  
Manager> Data Managed Node> Data Managed Node Uninstall.  
b. Click Start> Programs> Dell OpenManage> PowerVault  
Manager> Data Supervisor> Data Management Station Uninstall.  
c. Click Start> Programs> Dell OpenManage> PowerVault  
Manager> Data Administrator> Data Administrator Uninstall, if  
d. Click Start> Programs> Dell OpenManage> PowerVault  
Manager> Data Analyzer> Data Analyzer Uninstall, if applicable.  
e. Click Start> Programs> Dell OpenManage> PowerVault  
Manager> Power Tool> Data Detective Uninstall, if applicable.  
f. Click Start> Settings> Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove  
Programs, select QLDirect, click Add/Remove, if applicable, and follow the  
instructions on the screen.  
g. Click Start> Settings> Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove  
Programs, select Dell OpenManage ATF, click Add/Remove, and follow  
the instructions on the screen.  
h. Click Start> Settings> Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove  
Programs, select Dell OpenManage Array Manager, click Add/Remove,  
and follow the instructions on the screen.  
NOTE: If you see error messages during any of the uninstall procedures, record  
the error message and perform the failed task manually after you reboot the sys-  
tem in step 5. For example, if the uninstall shield reports that files or directories  
have not been deleted, open Windows Explorer and delete them after rebooting  
the server.  
Dell PowerVault SAN Administrators Guide  
5. Reboot the system.  
You can now perform the software upgrade as described in the following section.  
Installing the Software Upgrade on Windows NT or  
Windows 2000 Systems  
This procedure explains how to update or install the software needed for a SAN on  
Windows NT or Windows 2000 systems.  
1. Verify that Windows NT Server 4.0 and the required Service Pack (as described in  
the Release Notes on the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD) or Windows  
2000 Server is installed on the system.  
2. Verify that Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor, Data Administrator, Dell  
OpenManage ATF, and all other Dell OpenManage Manager products except Dell  
OpenManage Storage Consolidation are completely removed from the system by  
checking that none of these products appear in the Start> Programs menu.  
3. Set the screen resolution to 1024 x 768 pixels.  
4. Verify that Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is installed on  
the server.  
5. Verify that SNMP is installed on your server.  
6. Update the QLogic HBA NVRAM, BIOS and drivers and the QLogic Fibre Channel  
Configuration Utility. For instructions about updating your NVRAM, BIOS and  
drivers, see Chapter 10, Installing and Configuring Hardware Devices in a  
Windows SAN.For instructions for installing and configuring the QLogic Fibre  
Channel Configuration Utility, see Chapter 11, Installing, Configuring, and  
Removing Microsoft Windows SAN Software Components,and Chapter 12,  
Installing, Configuring, and Uninstalling Components in a Novell NetWare SAN.”  
7. Update the Dell OpenManage Storage Consolidation software from the Dell  
PowerVault Fibre Channel Update CD Version 4.0.  
If you already have an earlier version of Storage Consolidation installed on the  
servers connected to the SAN, you have the option of performing an upgrade  
installation. This gives you the benefit of being able to update the Storage  
Consolidation software without losing the assignment configuration of the virtual  
disks on the SAN.  
An upgrade installation is similar to a regular installation except that during the  
installation, you will be asked if you want to do an upgrade installation. Answer-  
ing yes will allow the installation software to proceed with the installation. For  
instructions, see Dell OpenManage Storage Consolidationin Chapter 11, or  
refer to the Storage Consolidation User's Guide.  
NOTICE: To save your Storage Consolidation configuration, you must not  
uninstall Storage Consolidation before executing the installation of the new  
version of the software. Performing an uninstall will result in the loss of the  
Storage Consolidation configuration for the server.  
Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware  
8. If applicable, install the optional Dell OpenManage Hardware Instrumentation  
Package (HIP) or HP OpenView Network Node Manager Special Edition (NMM  
SE). See Chapter 16, Configuring SAN Management Applicationsfor installa-  
tion instructions.  
9. Install Dell OpenManage ATF, if needed.  
10. Install QLogic QLDirect, if needed.  
11. Update the following Dell OpenManage software in the following order:  
a. Dell OpenManage Data Managed Node  
b. Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor or Dell OpenManage Data Administrator  
For instructions, see Chapter 11, Installing, Configuring, and Removing  
Microsoft Windows SAN Software Components,but use the Dell Power-  
Vault Fibre Channel Update CD Version 4.0 instead of the Dell PowerVault  
Fibre Channel Utilities CD Version 4.0 listed in Chapter 11 for the Dell  
OpenManage Data Supervisor and Data Administrator software.  
c. Dell OpenManage Array Manager  
12. Install and configure the remaining Dell OpenManage data management soft-  
ware. For instructions, see Chapter 11, Installing, Configuring, and Removing  
Microsoft Windows SAN Software Components.“  
The remaining Dell OpenManage data management products include Dell  
OpenManage Data Analyzer and Dell OpenManage Data Detective. See the  
documentation provided with the application programs for complete installation  
13. Install the PowerVault 5xF download utility from the Dell PowerVault Fibre  
Channel Utilities CD or Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Update CD.  
14. Reboot the system.  
The software upgrade on Windows NT or Windows 2000 is completed.  
Updating Software on NetWare Systems  
The following sections explain how to update or install the software needed for a SAN  
on NetWare systems.  
Updating the QLogic HBA NVRAM, BIOS, and Drivers in  
The drivers for the Novell NetWare operating system are located on the Dell  
PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD Version 4.0. They are also located in the  
<drive letter>:\netware directory of driver and firmware diskette 1 that you made  
from this CD.  
Dell PowerVault SAN Administrators Guide  
To update the NVRAM and the BIOS, perform the same steps as in Configuring the  
HBAin Chapter 10.  
To update the HBA drivers in NetWare, perform the following steps:  
1. In s e rt t he Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD Version 4.0 into the servers  
CD-ROM drive, or insert driver and firmware diskette 1 that you made from the  
CD into the server's diskette drive.  
2. Start the appropriate NetWare installation program.  
For NetWare 4.2, type load installat the server console prompt.  
For NetWare 5.1, type load nwconfigat the server console prompt.  
3. Select Driver Options.  
4. Select Configure disk and storage device drivers.  
5. Select Deselect a selected driver.  
NOTE: Unloading the selected driver unmounts all LUNs.  
6. Select QL2100.HAM or QL2200.HAM, depending on which adapter you have.  
7. At the prompt Do you want to unload driver <driver_version>?,  
select Ye s .  
8. Go back to Configure disk and storage device drivers.  
9. Select Select an additional driver.  
10. Press <Insert> to select Install an unlisted driver.  
11. If the driver and firmware diskette is in drive A, press <Enter>.  
If the driver and firmware diskette is not in drive A, press <F3> to enter the cor-  
rect path to the firmware and driver diskette.  
12. Select QL2100.HAM or QL2200.HAM, depending on which adapter you have.  
13. At the prompt Do you want to copy driver QL2100.HAM?, select Ye s .  
14. At the prompt Specify server boot path, type the path to the file  
server.exe, or press <Enter> to accept the default path of c:\nwserver.  
15. At the prompt Save Existing File c:\nwserver\ql2x00.ham, select  
16. At the prompt Save Existing File c:\nwserver\ql2x00.ddi, select  
17. Select Modify driver parameters.  
18. Type the proper value for Slot Number and press <Enter>.  
Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware  
NOTE: To obtain the slot number, perform the following steps:  
a. Press <Alt><Esc> until you get a console prompt.  
b. Type load ql2200or load ql2100, and press <Enter> to display the  
available slots. Make a note of the displayed slot numbers.  
c. In NetWare 4.2, press <Esc> until the console prompt appears. In NetWare  
5.1, press <0> to return to the console prompt.  
19. Leave the Scan all Luns option at the default value of Ye s , and press <F10> to  
save the configuration.  
20. Select Save parameters and load driver.  
21. If you have a second adapter, select Ye s at the prompt Do you want to  
select an additional Disk driver?, and then repeat steps 10 through  
18 for the second adapter.  
22. At the prompt Do you want to select an additional Disk driver?,  
select No.  
23. Select Return to previous menu twice.  
24. Select Exit to exit the installation program.  
The installation procedure makes all necessary additions and changes to the  
startup.ncf file and sets the values appropriately, so you do not need to adjust  
any driver settings.  
25. Mount the volumes according to the configuration you had prior to step 6.  
If the Mount commands are in the autoexec.ncf file, you can reinitialize the  
autoexec.ncf file to mount the appropriate volumes.  
NOTICES: For volumes to be accessed by a NetWare server, you must mount  
them on the server. You can mount them by issuing the Mount command;  
however, most administrators place it in the autoexec.ncf file. After  
NetWare installation, the Mount all command is placed in the autoexec.ncf  
file by default. The administrator must remove this command and replace  
it with a series of Mount commands explicitly mounting the volumes on  
the SAN that should be available to the server. For instructions, see Chap-  
ter 12, “Installing, Configuring, and Uninstalling Components in a Novell  
NetWare SAN.”  
If you are using Novell Storage Services (NSS) volumes in your SAN, you  
must edit each system’s autoexec.ncf file. In this file, find the command  
load nss.nlm and change it to LOAD NSS /AutoDeactivateVolume=all /  
MailboxSize=16000 /ClosedFileCacheSize=100000 /CacheBalance=60. This  
command prevents the NSS manager from mounting all NSS volumes  
attached to the SAN.  
The driver upgrade on Novell NetWare is completed.  
Dell PowerVault SAN Administrators Guide  
QLogic Fiber Channel Configuration Utility  
For instructions, see QLogic Fibre Channel Configuration Utilityin Chapter 12.  
Dell OpenManage Data Managed Node for NetWare  
For instructions, see Installing, Configuring, and Uninstalling Data Managed Node for  
NetWarein Chapter 12,  
Dell OpenManage ATF for NetWare  
For instructions, see Dell OpenManage Application Transparent Failover for  
NetWarein Chapter 12.  
Updating Dell PowerVault 650F/651F/630F  
Drive Firmware  
The following sections describe how to install the latest version of your hard-disk  
drive firmware on your storage systems.  
Before Updating the Dell PowerVault 650F/651F/630F  
Systems Drive Firmware  
Before you update the firmware on the hard-disk drives in your Dell PowerVault 650F,  
651F, or 630F systems, perform the following steps:  
1. Make sure that Dell OpenManage Data Agent, Dell OpenManage Data Supervi-  
sor (or Data Administrator), and Dell OpenManage Data Detective are installed  
and configured on your server.  
NOTE: You must run the drive firmware update procedure from the server that is  
running Data Managed Node and that is assigned the lowest numbered LUN  
(LUN0) on each 650F/651F system.  
2. If you are running MSCS clusters, stop the cluster services on both cluster  
servers. Otherwise, skip to step 3.  
3. Click Start> Programs> Dell OpenManage Manager> PowerTool, and  
click Data Detective.  
4. Make sure that the local host machine name is listed in the Set/Get Host and  
Device window and click Set.  
5. In the Data Detective window, click Script and then click Get Hard Drive Info.  
6. When the window appears that lists the drive information, including the firmware  
revision, determine which firmware revisions are on your drives and make a note  
of them.  
Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware  
7. Obtain the updated drive firmware from the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel  
Utilities CD or from the File Library at  
8. Copy the drive firmware file onto your C drive.  
9. Close all application programs that access the hard-disk drives on which you plan  
to update the firmware. However, you do not need to close Dell OpenManage  
Data Administrator.  
NOTICE: You must disable the cache on your storage processors before you  
update the drive firmware.  
10. Disable and deconfigure both the read cache and write cache before installing a  
new version of the Flare and PROM code. To deconfigure means to set all mem-  
ory partition sizes for array caching to 0.  
The firmware can now be downloaded to the hard-disk drive. See the following sec-  
tion for details.  
Updating the Dell PowerVault 650F/651F/630F Drive  
Firmware on Windows NT or Windows 2000  
To update the firmware on the hard-disk drives in your Dell PowerVault 650F, 651F, or  
630F system running Windows NT or Windows 2000, perform the following steps:  
1. Click Start> Programs> Dell OpenManage Manager> PowerTool, and  
click Data Detective.  
2. Make sure that the local host machine name is listed in the Set/Get Host and  
Device window and click Set.  
3. In the Data Detective window, click Script and then click Get Hard Drive Info.  
A window appears that lists the drive information, including the firmware  
NOTICE: You must disable the cache on your storage processors before you  
update the drive firmware. See the previous section for more details.  
4. In the Data Detective window, click Download, and then click Disk Firmware  
5. In the Download Disk Firmware window, type the path to the drive firmware file  
and click Download.  
6. Click OK when the download is complete.  
NOTE: A firmware file is created for a specific drive model; other drive models  
are not updated. You do not need to remove the other drive models if your sys-  
tem has a mixture of hard-disk drives.  
7. Enable the read cache and write cache on the storage processors in the Data  
Supervisor or Data Administrator window.  
9-10 Dell PowerVault SAN Administrators Guide  
Updating the Dell PowerVault 650F/651F/630F Drive  
Firmware on NetWare  
Use the Dell OpenManage Command Line Interface (CLI) to update the hard-disk  
drive firmware in your Dell PowerVault 650F, 651F, or 630F systems when running  
Novell NetWare on the server.  
The syntax for the CLI command is  
load sys:\[OpenManage Directory]\omcli -d <device name>  
firmware <volume:\path\filename> -r -d <e_d> <e_d> ...  
where <volume:\path\filename>specifies the full pathname of the new firm-  
ware image on the server and where the variables are as follows:  
-d <device name>The name of the device being managed by the Dell  
OpenManage Data Managed Node for NetWare. <device name>is case  
-d disksDownloads the hard-disk drive vendor firmware to the specified  
disks; disksspecifies the physical hard-disk drives for the firmware download in  
any order. For a storage system with Fibre Channel hard-disk drives, diskshas  
the format of <e_d>, where eis the enclosure number in hexidecimal and dis  
the disk number in the enclosure.  
-rSpecifies that the storage system will perform a hard reboot after the firm-  
ware is downloaded. The default is no reboot.  
NOTICES: You must enter the full pathname of the firmware file or the  
command might not be completed successfully.  
Observe the following conditions when downloading hard-disk drive firm-  
ware on PowerVault 650F and 651F storage systems:  
Disable the read cache and write cache.  
Pause all host-generated I/O requests to the storage system.  
If RAID 3 memory is assigned, it must be set to 2 megabytes (MB). If you  
set the RAID 3 memory to 0 MB, all RAID 3 LUNs will go to the ready  
The following is an example of a CLI command to update drive firmware:  
load sys:\dell\om\omcli -d V596-A2-D0:0 firmware  
sys:\system\sw36de22.fdf -r -d 0_0 0_1 0_2 ...  
Updating Dell PowerVault 650F and 651F  
Licensed Internal Code  
The licensed internal code (LIC) (sometimes referred to as Flare) update may also  
include a programmable read-only memory (PROM) update for the storage proces-  
sors. When you install the LIC update, the storage processor tries to copy the LIC to  
reserved areas outside operating system control on several disk modules called  
Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware 9-11  
database disks. Having multiple copies of the LIC offers higher availability if a disk  
module fails. The database disk modules have disk IDs of 00, 01, and 02.  
A storage processor with version 1.03 PROM code does not recognize Flare 5.11.xx as  
valid. As a result, a storage processor with version 1.03 PROM code is not a compati-  
ble replacement for an existing storage processor that has been upgraded to Flare  
5. 11.xx.  
When you install the LIC, at least two database disk modules should be operating and  
online. If possible, all disk modules should be online. A disk module is online when it  
is fully powered up with no errors and the disk module's state in the disk information  
window is normal. If you try to power up the array without two of the database disk  
modules in place, the procedure fails.  
Dell recommends that you run the LIC update procedure from the server that is run-  
ning Data Managed Node and that is assigned LUN0 for each PowerVault 650F and  
NOTE: The following procedure assumes that the new version of the LIC is loaded  
onto the server connected to the storage system. If the LIC update includes new  
PROM code, the PROM code is automatically loaded with the LIC.  
Before updating the LIC, perform the following actions:  
Stop all I/O requests to the storage system.  
If you are running MSCS clusters, stop the cluster services on both cluster  
Disable and deconfigure both the read cache and write cache before installing a  
new version of Flare and PROM code. To deconfigure means to set all memory  
partition sizes for array caching to 0.  
When you load the storage processor controller firmware update on your array  
system, make sure that PROM code has also been updated on all storage pro-  
cessors in the array. The PROM code is flashed on each storage processor only if  
the Automatic Reboot option box is checked in the firmware download window.  
The LIC file must be on the C drive of the server connected to the array in the  
Array List.  
NOTE: According to the Microsoft online knowledge base, Article ID Q149984, you  
cannot download firmware from a network-mounted drive because of issues related  
to permissions and ownership of network mounts.  
Updating the LIC on a 650F and 651F in a Windows  
To update the LIC and PROM code, perform the following steps:  
1. Open Data Administrator or Data Supervisor. For details, see "Running Data  
Supervisor" in the Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor, Event Monitor, and  
Integrator Installation and Operation Guide.  
9-12 Dell PowerVault SAN Administrators Guide  
2. In the Array Configuration window, click Array, and then click Firmware  
The Firmware Download window displays the name of the storage system on  
which the LIC will be updated.  
3. In the Enter Full Path Name of File field, type the complete path of the LIC  
update file that you want to download.  
4. From the Select Host drop-down menu, click the name of the server where the  
LIC file is located.  
5. Set the storage processors to reboot automatically after the LIC update by check-  
ing Automatic Reboot.  
The new LIC update does not take effect until the storage processors are  
rebooted. The storage processors reboot automatically after the LIC download is  
complete if Automatic Reboot is enabled. When you reboot the storage sys-  
tems storage processor, you may have to restart the Dell OpenManage Data  
Managed Node Data Agent on the storage systems server.  
If the LIC update also includes a more recent PROM version than what is in the  
storage processors, you must check Automatic Reboot; the storage processors  
update their PROM the first time you load a new LIC update only. If you do not  
put a check mark in the Automatic Reboot check box, the storage processors do  
not download the PROM update, which may be required by the LIC update.  
6. Click OK.  
7. In the LIC license agreement window, click Yes to accept the agreement and  
start downloading the LIC update.  
8. When you see that the download has been completed successfully, click OK.  
9. Reconfigure the array caching. For details, see "Configuring an Array" in the Dell  
OpenManage Data Supervisor, Event Monitor, and Integrator Installation and  
Operation Guide.  
NOTE: The size of the new LIC update may cause memory sizing constraints that  
prevent you from reconfiguring the array cache. If this happens, reconfigure the  
memory partitions after the storage processors are rebooted (either manually or  
10. If you did not enable Automatic Reboot, reboot the storage processors. You can  
reboot the storage processors in the array either by shutting down the array and  
then powering it up again or by using the rebootSP Data CLI command. If you  
use the command, you may have to stop and restart the Dell OpenManage Data  
Managed Node Data Agent on the server after the storage processors reboot.  
For details on the rebootSP command, see the Dell OpenManage Data CLI for  
NT Installation and Operation Guide.  
NOTE: If the new version of the LIC detects that the cache was not deconfigured  
before the update, the 949h Illegal UpRev Configurationmessage is  
logged for each logical unit number (LUN) in the system, no LUNs are assigned,  
Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware 9-13  
and you must downgrade to the previous version of the LIC. After you have  
downgraded to the previous LIC version, you can deconfigure the cache and then  
upgrade the LIC.  
Updating the LIC on a 650F and 651F in a NetWare  
When downloading the LIC from a computer with a Novell NetWare operating sys-  
tem, you can use the Dell OpenManage Command Line Interface (CLI) to download  
firmware by typing the command:  
load sys:\[OpenManage Directory]\omcli -d <device_name>  
firmware <flare file_name> -r  
where [OpenManage Directory]is the path to the Dell OpenManage application,  
<device_name>is the name of the device being managed by the Data Managed  
Node Data Agent for NetWare, and <flare file_name>is the firmware binary  
For more information, see your Dell OpenManage Data CLI for Windows NT Installa-  
tion and Operations Guide.  
You may also use Dell OpenManage Data Administrator to install the LIC update on a  
NetWare server from a remote Windows NT or Windows 2000 management station.  
To perform the update, perform the following procedure:  
1. Copy the Flare to a local mounted volume on the NetWare server that has version  
4.1.4 of Dell OpenManage Data Managed Node installed.  
2. In the Data Administrator Firmware Download window, type  
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the LIC update.  
For more information, see the Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor, Event Monitor, and  
Integrator Installation and Operation and the Dell OpenManage Data Administrator  
Installation and Operation Guide.  
Updating the Dell PowerVault 660F  
This section provides brief instructions for updating the PowerVault 660F storage sys-  
tems firmware.  
Check the Release Notes on the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD or the  
Dell PowerVault Storage Area Network (SAN) Revision Compatibility Guide at to determine if a firmware upgrade is required for the  
PowerVault 660F. For additional information about the firmware on your 660F storage  
system, see the Dell PowerVault 660F and 224F Installation and Troubleshooting  
Guide and the Dell PowerVault Array Manager Users Guide.  
9-14 Dell PowerVault SAN Administrators Guide  
Updating the Dell PowerVault 660F RAID Controller  
Firmware on Windows NT or Windows 2000  
Use the download firmware function in Dell OpenManage Array Manager to update  
the RAID controller firmware as new versions become available.  
1. In Array Manager, right-click a RAID controller.  
2. Click Download Firmware.  
The Download Firmware dialog box appears. The dialog box provides a standard  
browser for locating the appropriate firmware image file.  
3. Click Browse to locate the file and enter the path and filename.  
Information about the selected file is displayed.  
4. Verify that the selected file is correct.  
If the correct image file is not selected, the command is not executed.  
5. Click Apply to begin the download process, click Cancel to discontinue the oper-  
ation, or click Help for more information.  
NOTE: If operating a dual-active controller system, the firmware in both control-  
lers will be updated simultaneously.  
For additional RAID controller firmware installation instructions, see the readme file  
included in the firmware download from the File Library at  
Updating the Dell PowerVault 660F and 224F Drive  
Firmware on Windows NT or Windows 2000  
To install hard-disk drive firmware on the 660F and 224F storage systems, you must  
prepare the system using Array Manager, ensure that you have the Flash-it! utility  
installed, and download and install the firmware update. For additional information,  
see the documentation that came with your firmware update.  
Before You Begin the Firmware Upgrade  
Before you start upgrading the firmware, you must prepare the RAID controller by  
performing the following steps:  
1. Make a note of which disk drives are hot spares. You will need this information  
after installing the firmware upgrade.  
2. Using Array Manager, disable Enclosure Management.  
a. Click Admin, point to Controller Options, click Advanced Options, and  
ensure that the Enclosure Management option is not checked.  
b. Click OK to cause a reset to occur, which disables polling of SCSI Enclosure  
Services (SES) devices.  
Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware 9-15  
3. Using Array Manager, take your hot spares offline, see your Dell OpenManage  
Array Manager Users Guide.  
4. If a reset does not occur, power cycle the RAID controller.  
Installing Flash-It! Software  
Flash-It! is an application that upgrades the internal programming (firmware) of your  
disk drives. This section explains how to install the Flash-It! software on your system.  
NOTE: You must be logged in as an administrator to install Flash-It!. If you are not  
logged in as an administrator, shut down your current session and log in as an  
To install Flash-It!, perform the following steps:  
1. Insert the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD into the CD-ROM drive.  
A window appears displaying the contents of the CD.  
2. Click PowerVault 660F/224F Fibre Channel Storage.  
3. Double-click Flash-It!.  
The Flash-It! setup wizard appears.  
4. Click Next to continue the installation.  
The Readme document appears in the Setup Wizard window.  
5. Read the information in the Readme document, and click Next.  
6. Click Next to accept the default destination directory and continue.  
7. C l i c k Next to accept the default program folder.  
8. Confirm that the installation options are correct, and click Next.  
9. Select Finish to restart your system.  
The installation process is complete.  
NOTE: For information on upgrading the firmware on the PowerVault 660F Fibre  
Channel disks, see the documentation included on the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel  
Utilities CD.  
Updating the Drive Firmware  
1. At, open the File Library, locate the firmware update  
file for your hard-disk drive, and download it to your local hard-disk drive.  
2. Select the Selected Devices page.  
3. On the Selected Devices page, click Rescan to rescan all SCSI adapters on the  
storage system and rebuild the Device List Tree.  
9-16 Dell PowerVault SAN Administrators Guide  
4. Select a device or multiple devices on the Device List Tree, and then click  
5. Select the Firmware Upgrade page.  
NOTICE: Do not power down the server, storage system, or drive during the  
upgrade process. If drive power is lost during the drive firmware update,  
the drive will be destroyed.  
6. Use the Browse button to select the downloaded firmware file on your local  
hard-disk drive, and then click Upgrade Now to install the new firmware on the  
hard-disk drive.  
A progress bar and messages provide status of the upgrade process.  
7. Enable Enclosure Management using Dell OpenManage Array Manager by click-  
ing Admin > Controller Options, and checking the Enable Enclosure  
Management check box.  
8. Mark your hot spare drives on-line, and make them hot spares again.  
Uninstalling the Flash-It! Utility  
1. Run the shortcut LogonApp.exe Uninstall located in the Flash-It! program  
NOTE: If you have installed the Flash-It! utility in a non-default directory, you must  
edit the Uninstall shortcut so that it references the correct path.  
2. Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.  
3. Select Add/Remove Programs  
4. Select the Flash-It! utility.  
5. Click Remove and follow the instructions on the screen.  
Upgrading the Dell PowerVault 5xF  
NOTICE: Before installing a firmware upgrade, stop all I/O to the 5xF  
switch. If you are running MSCS clusters, stop the cluster service on all  
cluster servers connected to the switch.  
Check the Release Notes on the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD to deter-  
mine the firmware revision requirements for the PowerVault 5xF.  
NOTE: You can check the firmware version for the Dell PowerVault 5xF switches by  
using the version command from the Telnet session or by using the Dell PowerVault  
Switch Manager.  
Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware 9-17  
For instructions on installing the firmware, see your Dell PowerVault 5xF Fibre  
Channel Switch Installation and Troubleshooting Guide or Dell PowerVault Switch  
Manager Users Guide, or click Start> Programs> Dell OpenManage  
PowerVault Manager> PowerVault 50F & 51F Utilities> Readme.  
Upgrading the Dell PowerVault 35F  
Check the Release Notes on the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD to deter-  
mine the firmware revision requirements for the PowerVault 35F.  
NOTE: You can check the firmware version by checking the PowerVault 35F's reboot  
messages through the serial interface.  
For instructions on installing the firmware, see the readme file on the PowerVault 35F  
page of the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD.  
Upgrading the Dell PowerVault 120T/130T  
For instructions on installing the firmware, see the Release Notes on the Dell Power-  
Vault Fibre Channel Utilities CD, or see the Dell PowerVault 120T/130T Drive Firmware  
Update Document.  
Upgrading the Dell PowerVault 530F  
Software and Firmware  
This section provides brief instructions regarding the PowerVault 530F SAN appliance  
software and firmware upgrades.  
NOTE: Check the Release Notes on the Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD or  
the Dell PowerVault Storage Area Network (SAN) Revision Compatibility Guide to  
determine whether a software or firmware upgrade is required for the PowerVault  
Upgrading PowerVault 530F Software  
Software upgrades on a PowerVault 530F SAN appliance require a complete installa-  
tion of the software image. For additional information about installing the software,  
see the Dell PowerVault 530F SAN Appliance Administrators Guide.  
Upgrading PowerVault 530F Firmware  
For the firmware installation instructions, see the readme file included in the firmware  
download from the File Library at  
9-18 Dell PowerVault SAN Administrators Guide  

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