Fluke Network Card MedTester 5000C User Manual

medTester 5000C  
Automated Biomedical Equipment  
Test System  
Field Upgrade Installation  
PN 2245628  
April 2005  
2005 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in USA  
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies  
M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S  
medTester 5000C Field  
Upgrade Installation  
These instructions tell you how to perform an instrument  
firmware upgrade to a medTester 5000C and how to install  
optional modules into a Fluke Biomedical medTester 5000C.  
If you ordered more than one module and/or upgrade, you have  
received more than one set of these instructions. But you can  
perform all installations at the same time with one set of instructions.  
Before You Begin  
In these instructions, upgrade means that you are bringing up to date the firmware  
in your medTester 5000. Upgrading involves replacing firmware integrated circuits  
(ICs). Enabling modules means that you are installing software from diskettes to your  
medTester in order to make medTester modules available for use.  
In some cases you need to install additional ICs that work with specific  
medTester 5000C modules. These are the modules for Expanded Memory, and  
medCheck. You have received all of the parts necessary to perform the installation  
yourself and to enable individual medTester 5000C modules.  
If you have already had Fluke Biomedical upgrade your medTester or install  
modules at the factory, you are receiving the module installation disks in the event  
that you need to reinstall the modules later. Please save these instructions with  
your installation disks. Your instrument is ready to use.  
M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S  
When upgrading your 5000C firmware, all memory for test  
records and checklists will be erased. Process all current  
medTester test records first. For example, upload them to  
your compatible CMMS or print them.  
If you are installing a medTester 5000C firmware Upgrade; and  
Modules 4 or 7; install your ICs before enabling the module(s).  
Module Identification  
Modules are identified by number according to the following table:  
Module Number  
Module Name  
M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S  
Module and Upgrade Parts  
Check that you have received the following parts with your module or upgrade:  
Firmware Upgrade  
2 IC RAM chips (40-pin devices, labeled U20 and U21)  
Modules 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14  
Installation disk, 1 for each module  
Module 4 Expanded Memory  
Installation disk  
IC RAM (32-pin device without label)  
Module 7 medCheck  
Installation disk  
4 IC RAMs (32-pin device without label)  
If you are upgrading your medTester 5000C firmware, and your  
medTester currently includes medCheck, then your medCheck  
Module does not include the four (4) RAM ICs because they are  
already in your medTester. However, you may have received the  
installation disk in the event you need to reinstall it.  
Required Equipment for Upgrade/Modules  
To install a medTester 5000 firmware upgrade or to enable a medTester 5000C  
module, you need:  
For a -medTester 5000C Firmware Upgrade or to install modules that contain ICs  
(integrated circuits)  
a knife (not needed if the quality sticker has previously been removed);  
a Phillips screwdriver, #2-type;  
an IC removal tool (not needed for instruments with lever handle IC  
M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S  
To install modules that include an installation disk  
an IBM-compatible personal computer with:  
9 Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (95, 98, 2000, or XP);  
9 a 3.5" floppy disk drive;  
9 a serial port (or compatible USB to serial converter).  
a medTester-to-PC interface cable:  
1. If your computer has a 25-pin serial port:  
use a 25-pin female to 25-pin female null-modem cable  
(Fluke Biomedical part no. 2392186).  
2. If your computer has a 9 pin serial port:  
use a 25-pin female to 9-pin female, null-modem cable  
(Fluke Biomedical part no. 2200102).  
Installing Integrated Circuits  
Use the procedures described in this section for installing:  
1. Any modules that include ICs to be installed inside the instrument,  
Firmware Upgrade  
Module 4: Expanded Memory  
Module 7: medCheck  
If you are not installing ICs, skip to the section Enabling Modules below.  
All ICs (integrated circuits) have a notch, dot, or dimple on one end. This is the  
end with pin 1. All the ICs referenced here are oriented so that pin 1 is towards  
the rear of the instrument. Note the notch marked on the PCB (printed circuit  
board) on that end.  
Always orient an IC correctly when installing it or you could damage  
All ICs are referenced by a U number (U20, U21, etc.). The U numbers are  
marked on the PCB. When installing an IC, make sure all the pins go into the  
socket holes and none are stuck out or bent under. If the instrument doesn't work  
correctly after installing an IC, check that it is the correct IC, that all the pins are in  
the holes, and that the orientation is correct.  
M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S  
IC Removal and Installation Description  
There are two types of IC sockets which you may encounter—one that is plain,  
and one that has a lever handle. ICs are removed or installed as follows:  
Plain Socket IC Removal  
Hook the IC removal tool under each end of the IC, and pull it out  
of the socket, OR  
Insert a small flat-bladed screwdriver under alternate ends, and  
carefully pry them up until the IC comes out.  
Plain Socket IC Installation  
Press the IC into the socket firmly.  
Lever Handle IC Socket Removal  
Hold down the IC firmly with a finger, and  
Pull the lever up. Remove the IC by hand.  
Lever Handle IC Socket Insertion  
Make sure the lever is up.  
Insert the IC by hand.  
Push the lever to one side to lock in the IC.  
M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S  
IC Installation Procedure  
This section describes the procedure you can use to install ICs. It includes  
instructions for the disassembly of the medTester 5000, replacement and  
installation of ICs, testing of your IC installation, and reassembly.  
This is your authorization to remove the Quality seal and to open the  
instrument case to install legitimately purchased upgrades and  
Service should only be performed by qualified personnel. There are  
dangerous voltages present inside this instrument. Always unplug the  
power cord before opening the case. Never plug in the power cord  
while the case is open.  
Disassembly involves opening the medTester case in order to access ICs. To  
1. Peel off the Quality seal sticker that seals the case halves together.  
Discard it.  
2. Remove the nine (9) screws and lockwashers holding the top case to  
the bottom case. There are four (4) on top, two (2) in the front, and  
three (3) in the back.  
3. Pull the case halves apart. Pull the top half forward while turning it  
upside down and lay it down. There are cables connecting the two  
halves together. Take notice of these—if they come apart, you will  
know how to put them back together.  
4. Remove the six (6) screws holding the metal shield to the digital PCB  
(printed circuit board).  
M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S  
Install Integrated Circuits  
1. For a medTester 5000C Firmware Upgrade, remove IC U20 and U21  
on the digital PCB, and install the new U20 and U21 (40-pin devices  
with labels).  
2. For Modules 4 (Expanded Memory) and 7 (medCheck), install all the  
RAM ICs (32-pin devices without labels) that you have received in the  
next available positions—U23, U24, U25, U26, U27, in that order.  
Test the Installation  
1. Fold the two case halves back together temporarily, closing the case.  
2. Plug in the instrument, turn on the power:  
A. For a Firmware Upgrade an initialization will be performed  
B. Calibration is not affected by this initialization, so the instrument  
remains calibrated.  
C. The instrument should display a startup message, then display MAIN  
MENU 1.  
D. Test the RAMs: From MAIN MENU 1, press F5 UTIL, then RIGHT  
arrow, then F2 DIAG, then F4 MEMORY, then F2 RAM. The indicated  
RAM ICs should test GOOD:  
All instruments: U22  
With Module 4 Expanded Memory: U23  
With Module 7 medCheck: U24, U25, U26, and U27  
Press Esc enough times to return to MAIN MENU 1.  
Reassemble the instrument now.  
1. You should have temporarily closed the case. With the unit unplugged,  
now open the case again by unfolding the top case and laying it down.  
2. Attach the shield to the digital PCB with the six (6) screws. These are  
the steel screws without lockwashers.  
3. Make sure all cables are still in place. If they have slipped off,  
reconnect them firmly.  
M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S  
4. Fold the case halves back together. Attach the top case to the bottom  
case with the nine (9) screws and lockwashers. These are the stainless  
steel screws.  
Enabling Modules  
Perform the steps described below for installing Modules 2 through 14. You need  
to install each module from its separate diskette. Installation requires running a  
program on an IBM-compatible personal computer.  
You MUST install the modules that you have received in numerical  
order, starting with Module 2, or the lowest numbered module you  
have. Installing modules in numerical order will lead to a successful  
1. Use the medTester 5000C COM1 port.  
2. Decide on a computer COM port—(COM1 through COM4).  
3. Decide on a baud rate—(300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200).  
4. To change the medTester baud rate from MAIN MENU 1:  
A. Press F5 UTIL, then F1 BAUD;  
B. Select the COM1 port;  
C. Press F4 BAUD until the desired baud rate is displayed;  
D. Press F5 STORE; Press Esc twice to return to MAIN MENU 1.  
If Module 2 (RS-232/Printer) has not yet been installed, the  
medTester baud rate is not selectable and can not be adjusted. It is  
permanently set to 9600. After you install Module 2, you can change  
the baud rate.  
5. Connect the computer COM port to the medTester COM1 port  
(medTester to PC null modem serial cable).  
M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S  
6. Run the computer in DOS mode (command prompt).  
If running Windows 95 or 98, with the mouse you can click and hold  
the Start button, then select Programs and MS-DOS Prompt.  
If running Windows 2000 or XP, with the mouse click the Start  
button, select Programs, Accessories, and Comnmand Prompt.  
7. Insert the diskette into the computer's 3.5" floppy disk drive.  
8. At the DOS prompt type this command:  
A:\INSTALL port baud <Enter>  
Where Ais the floppy disk drive letter, A or B, and  
portis the computer COM port, 1 through 4, and  
baudis the selected baud rate: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or  
Here’s an example of this command:  
A:\INSTALL 1 9600<Enter>  
9. The program will install (enable) the module in the medTester. The  
computer should display MODULES SUCCESSFULLY LOADED.  
Note: If you have problems or get a different message, you can read  
the README file by typing A:README<Enter>for suggestions.  
Modules are customized for each instrument and can only be installed  
on the instrument with that specific serial number. Some modules  
need prerequisite modules to be installed first.  
RS232 / Printer  
100 Record Storage  
Expanded Record Storage  
Waveforms / Extended Testing  
Data Transfer  
Module 2  
Modules 2 & 3  
Modules 2 & 3  
Modules 2 & 3  
Modules 2, 3, & 4  
Modules 2,3, & 4  
Modules 2,3, & 4  
Modules 2,3,4,6 &  
DEFIB Autosequences  
IVPUMP Autosequences  
Competitive CMMS Interface  
ESU Autosequences  
SPO2 Autosequences  
PACER Autosequences  
NIBP Autosequences  
Modules 2,3, & 4  
Modules 2,3, & 4  
Modules 2,3, & 4  
Modules 2,3, & 4  
M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S  
7. To install more than one module, repeat steps seven (7) through nine  
(9) for each module which has an installation disk. Install them in  
numerical order.  
8. If necessary, return to Windows from Command Prompt by typing:  
EXIT<Enter>at the DOS prompt.  
Confirming Module Installation  
1. Turn the medTester 5000 power off to reset the microprocessor.  
2. Turn the medTester 5000 power on. Check that the startup message  
shows the correct instrument serial number and the correct firmware  
version number.  
3. Push F5 UTIL, then right arrow, then F3 MODULES. At this point, each  
press of F5 NEXT will sequentially scroll through each installed module  
allowing you to confirm the modules installed in the medTester 5000.  

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