HP Hewlett Packard Network Router 30292B User Manual

H P  
3 0 0 0 B u s i n e s s S e r v e r s  
N e t w o r k i n g  
HP SNA Services (30292B):  
- SNA NRJE Network Remote Job Entry  
- SNA IMF/iX Interactive Mainframe Facility  
- LU 6.2 Application Programming Interface  
- SNA Distributed Host Command Facility/iX  
SNA NRJE is able is able to  
communicate with JES2, JES3, and  
VSE/POWER host job entry subsystems.  
Automatically route job output based  
on destinations selected by the user at  
the time of job submittal - “Job  
Automatically route output based on  
user-selected IBM host forms - “Output  
SNA NRJE Network Remote Job Entry  
Process batch jobs originated by a user  
on an IBM Mainframe - “Reverse NRJE”  
Provide Native Languages Support - for  
data only. NLS 16-bit character  
mapping; interactive and programmatic  
access; and data integrity are not  
supported for languages such as  
Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese,  
and Traditional Chinese.  
This paragraph describes System Network Architecture  
Network Remote Job Entry (SNA NRJE) for both the  
operating systems. The term SNA NRJE is used to refer  
to both SNA NRJE/V and SNA NRJE/iX. The terms SNA  
NRJE/V and SNA NRJE/iX are used when a distinction is  
Host output can be sent to any  
supported output device on an HP  
3000 such as disk files, tape files,  
printers, or user-written programs.  
Multiple HP 3000 users can  
concurrently access the host for batch  
Jobs are submitted into the  
SNA NRJE/V on the HP 3000 Series 37-70 or SNA  
NRJE/iX on the HP 3000 Series 900 provides enhanced  
batch data communications between the HP 3000 and an  
IBM Systems/370-compatible mainframe in a System  
Network Architecture (SNA) environment. SNA NRJE  
emulates the major features of an IBM 8100 DPPX/RJE  
workstation using an SNA Physical Unit Type 2 (PU 2),  
Logical Unit Type 1 (LU 1) device.  
transmission queue independent of the  
line status.  
Users can submit jobs and receive  
output without operator intervention.  
Other HP 3000 applications run  
concurrently with SNA NRJE.  
SNA NRJE can share an SNA link with  
other HP SNA service products.  
Customizable error and help message  
facilities are provided.  
Host console commands can be sent  
and host console data can be received.  
Data compression and character code  
translation are configurable.  
SNA NRJE and SNA Link support  
communications at up to 56 KB/s on  
MPE V and 16 MB/s on MPE/iX.  
SNA NRJE can take advantage of  
SNA/SDLC Link’s Auto-dial capability.  
JES2 or JES3  
IBM Host Processor  
Up to 56 Kbps for MPE/V,  
and 64 Kbps for MPE/iX  
9600 bps  
or Leased  
HP 3000 V or iX  
and SNA Link  
IBM 8100  
Card Readers  
Card Readers  
RJE Console  
Laser Printers  
HP 3000  
Bus ness  
The Output Management feature of SNA  
NRJE allows users to have job output routed  
based on the form selected by the users host  
JCL and a Lookup Table which provides a  
mapping between host form names and HP  
3000 file equations. Again default forms will  
be used if none are indicated.  
Product Requirements  
Both SNA NRJE/iX and SNA NRJE/V require an  
IBM System/370-compatible mainframe (Model  
370, 30xx or 43xx) with an IBM 37xx  
communications controller. The following  
software must be running on the host and  
communications controller:  
Reverse NRJE allows a user connected to an  
IBM mainframe (or a user on a separate HP  
3000 attached to the IBM) to start a job on an  
HP 3000 if SNA NRJE on the HP 3000 is  
• Job Entry Subsystem: JES2 or JES3  
running under  
– Operating System: MVS  
• Job Entry Subsystem: VSE/POWER  
running under  
– Operating System: VSE  
Note: The user must use the special form  
CMD that causes SNA NRJE to stream a  
received data set rather than route the data  
set using file equation attributes.  
Using SNA NRJE and SNA Link, an HP 3000  
with an HP 2680 Laser Printer can act as a  
remote or local (though still requiring a 37xx  
communications controller) print station for  
an IBM host. HP 3000 users can direct print  
output data sets to the laser printer. Users  
can specify an environment file that indicates  
predefined forms, character fonts and formats  
- data set by data set.  
Selected User Commands  
Revises the priority of a submitted  
job, or jobs.  
Cancels previously submitted jobs  
and causes data sets returning from  
transmitted jobs to be deleted.  
Provides information about a  
Causes the user to exit from the  
NRJE command interpreter (CI), and  
returns control to the process from  
which the CI was run.  
Native Language Support allows users to  
select alternative Native Language Ids for  
translation of user data. Only data going to  
the host or coming from the host will be  
translated, commands and messages will still  
be in native 3000. Each reader, printer, and  
punch can be configured with a different  
language. NLS 16-bit character mapping;  
interactive and programmatic access; and data  
integrity are not supported for languages such  
as Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and  
Traditional Chinese.  
File Definition” used within a job to  
include the contents of the file  
specified in the command.  
Provides you with information about  
subsystem commands.  
Invokes the subsystems command  
interpreter. It is also an NRJE sub  
system command, so that you can  
switch to a different default  
Modifies and executes the previous  
NRJE subsystem command.  
Executes a prepared program.  
Provides information about jobs  
you have submitted.  
Prepares a batch input job stream for  
transmission to a host system.  
* This command has NRJE Manager extensions.  
Bus ness  
HP will support certain versions, releases,  
modifications, and Product Temporary Fix  
(PTF) levels of the above software. The  
Network Implementations Support Plan  
(NISP) will help the customer engineer  
determine support requirements in advance of  
SNA NRJE in a particular network.  
Installation and Configuration Policy  
SNA NRJE is customer installable. However,  
Hewlett-Packard will perform minimum  
configuration of SNA NRJE in order to verify  
minimum product functionality. These tasks  
performed by HP are included in the product  
purchase price.  
SNA NRJE/iX Product Requirements  
• An HP 3000 Series 900 computer system  
running a supported release of MPE/iX.  
• HP 30291A SNA/SDLC Link/iX, J2249A  
SNA/Token Ring Link/iX, or HP 30298A  
SNA/X.25 Link/iX  
For product configuration tailored to the  
customers specific needs, or for a complete  
HP implementation, HP offers a  
comprehensive range of integrated and  
flexible support services. Please refer to the  
Network Support data sheets in this guide for  
more information on these services.  
SNA NRJE/V Product Requirements  
• An HP 3000 Series 37-70 and MPE V operat-  
ing system  
Customer Responsibility  
• HP 30246A SNA Link/V  
Prior to having HP personnel onsite to  
perform minimum configuration of SNA NRJE,  
the customer is responsible for the following:  
Functional Specifications  
SNA NRJE provides the HP 3000 with the  
major functions of an IBM 8100 DPPX/RJE  
workstation operating as a remote node in an  
SNA network.  
• Providing HP with the information neces-  
sary to complete the Network  
Implementation and Support Plan (NISP)  
– System configurations  
– Logical network map identifying relevant  
traffic flow  
The maximum RU size supported by NRJE is  
768 bytes.  
SNA NRJE supports a record length up to 252  
bytes (or characters) for JES2 and JES3 and  
128 bytes (or characters) for VSE/POWER  
when sending data from the HP 3000 to an  
IBM host. Records up to 225 bytes in length  
may be received from the host.  
– Physical network map identifying relevant  
network hardware components.  
Verifying that the necessary host mainframe  
software is installed and configured to sup-  
port SNA NRJE. The customer should con-  
tact their HP Sales Representative for typi-  
cal host parameter values or consult the  
“HP SNA Products Remote System  
Configuration Guide (J2220-61025).  
Verifying that SNA Link/V, SNA/SDLC  
Link/iX, SNA/Token Ring Link/iX, or  
SNA/X.25 Link/iX is properly installed and  
configured prior to the installation of SNA  
NRJE unless an SNA Link will be installed  
at the same time.  
NRJE supports up to eight workstations, each  
of which may support up to 16 LU-LU  
sessions, with a maximum of 64 total LU-LU  
Bus ness  
• Updating the HP 3000 system to the proper  
release level and installing the SNA NRJE  
software using AUTOINST. Refer to the  
HP 3000 MPE/iX Installation and Update  
Manual (36123-90001) for MPE/iX systems  
or the HP 3000 Software Update Manual  
(32033-90036) for MPE V systems.  
HP effort spent on problems that are not  
caused by HP installation and configuration  
activities is considered HP Consulting Support  
and is billable to the customer at normal HP  
time-and-materials rates.  
System Environment  
Verifying that all of the necessary software  
modules have been successfully installed by  
AUTOINST and are at the correct version  
levels using the NMMAINT.PUB.SYS utility.  
• Performing full system backups as neces-  
sary and ensuring that the HP 3000 system  
and personnel with HP 3000 system man-  
agement knowledge are available when HP  
is onsite to complete the INP card installa-  
tion and minimum configuration of SNA  
SNA NRJE/iX, SNA SDLC Link/iX, and  
SNA/X.25 Link/iX are available on the HP  
3000 Series 900 with currently supported  
releases of the MPE XL or MPE/iX operating  
system. SNA/Token Ring Link/iX requires  
MPE/iX release 5.0 or later. SNA NRJE/V and  
SNA Link/V are available on the HP 3000  
Series 37-70 computers with the MPE V  
operating system.  
The customer is also responsible for  
completing the configuration in order to fully  
integrate SNA NRJE into the existing  
The following documentation is for both SNA  
customer network after HP has completed the  
minimum configuration of the SNA NRJE.  
• 30292-61001 SNA NRJE User Programmer  
Reference Manual  
HP Responsibility  
• 30292-61000 SNA NRJE Node Managers  
Following the installation of SNA NRJE, HP is  
responsible for the following:  
• J2220-61025 HP SNA Products Remote  
System Configuration Guide  
• 5958-8544 HP SNA Products: Job Entry  
Subsystem (JES) Guide  
• Confirming that all of the necessary soft-  
ware modules have been installed and are at  
the correct version level.  
• Configuring the SNA NRJE product to a  
minimum configuration (1 LU) in order to  
verify software and hardware functionality.  
Verifying the SNA NRJE configuration by  
issuing the NRJECONTROL START com-  
mand and ensuring that the LU-to-LU ses-  
sion becomes active.  
These steps complete HPs portion of the  
installation and minimum configuration of  
Bus ness  
SNA IMF/iX Interactive  
Mainframe Facility  
SNA IMF/iX and an SNA Link product  
allow the HP 3000 to emulate the base  
function set of an IBM 3270 control unit  
using SNA (PU2 or 2.1, LU1, 2, 3)  
The SNA Interactive Mainframe Facility/iX (SNA IMF/iX)  
product provides IBM 3270 device emulation for  
Hewlett-Packard terminals, printers, and HP 3000 Series  
900 systems. (SNA IMF/V, P/N 30247A, provides similar  
functionality for MPE V systems.)  
Other HP SNA service products can all  
be supported simultaneously over one  
SNA/SDLC Link/iX or SNA/X.25 Link/iX.  
The maximum datacomm line speed is  
64 KB/s.  
SNA IMF/iX on an HP 3000 Series 900 allows interactive  
communications between the HP 3000 and an IBM  
System/ 370-compatible mainframe using SNA 3270  
protocols. SNA IMF/iX emulates the base function set of  
an IBM 3270 control unit using SNA Physical Unit Type  
2 (PU2 or 2.1), Logical Unit Types 1,2,3 (LU1, 2,3)  
protocols. HP terminals, printers, and applications on  
the HP 3000 running SNA IMF/iX emulate IBM terminal  
and printer functions.  
SNA IMF/iX supports up to 127 devices  
(terminals, printers, and application  
programs) concurrently. With MPE/iX  
Release 4.0 or later, SNA IMF/iX  
supports up to 127 devices per SNA Link.  
The Pass Thru capability of SNA IMF/iX  
allows HP 3000-attached printers and  
terminals to emulate the base function  
set of IBM 3270 printers and terminals.  
SNA IMF/iX allows access to 3270 subsystems on the  
mainframe (such as TSO, CICS, and IMS) through a set  
of high-level intrinsics. There are two modes of  
operation. In programmatic mode, customer-written  
application programs on the HP 3000 emulate IBM 3270  
terminals and printers, exchanging data with the host  
SNA IMF/iX Pass Thru takes advantage  
of the Modified Data Tag feature of  
selected HP terminals (such as the HP  
700/94) and supports a write  
optimization feature that limits screen  
updating to modified rows only. These  
features significantly reduce response  
IBM Mainframe  
SNA IMF/iX provides a “rolling softkeys”  
feature that allows the user to define  
and label multiple levels of terminal  
function keys to be their most  
frequently used IBM 3270 program  
function keys. Users can also define  
various “menus” of function keys that  
are clearly displayed in the terminal  
screen. The SNA IMF Programmer’s  
Reference Manual documents the  
terminals supporting this feature, some  
of which provide up to 16 softkeys on  
the screen at a time.  
SNA Link(s)  
Other HP  
SNA Services  
IBM 3274  
Control Unit  
HP 3000/iX  
Terminals/printers being used in the  
PassThru mode do not have to be  
dedicated. The user may access either  
the HP 3000 or the remote host from  
the same terminal.  
Up to 127 SNA IMF/iX Devices  
– HP Terminals  
– HP 3000 Programs  
– HP 3000 Printers  
Up to 32 IBM Devices  
– IBM Terminals  
– IBM Printers  
Bus ness  
applications via intrinsics. The customers application  
program decides which intrinsics to call. In Pass Thru  
mode, an HP-written application program on the HP  
3000 also emulates IBM 3270 terminals and printers,  
exchanging data with host applications via intrinsics. In  
Pass Thru mode, the selection of which intrinsics to call  
is fixed.  
Features (continued)  
SNA IMF/iX allows programs on an  
HP 3000 to communicate with  
programs o the host system, through  
a set of high-level intrinsics.  
Programs may be written in C,  
Pascal, or SPL.  
SNA IMF/iX requires the installation and use of  
SNA/SDLC Link/iX (30291B), SNA/Token Ring Link/iX  
(J2167B)* or SNA/X.25 Link/iX (36939B). The SNA  
Link products manage the physical link to the host and  
implement protocols in the lower three layers of SNA.  
Most host application programs  
designed to work with IBM 3270  
terminals can usually be used with  
minimal change.  
SNA IMF/iX runs concurrently with  
other HP 3000 applications and can  
be accessed from other systems via  
HP’s Network Services.  
* SNA/Token Ring Link/iX (J2167B) requires MPE/iX  
release 5.5 Express 7 or later, or MPE/iX release 6.0  
Express 1 or later.  
SNA IMF/iX supports HP’s Native  
Languages Support (NLS 8-bit  
character mapping), which allows  
application programmers to create  
local language applications for end  
users. NLS 16-bit character mapping;  
interactive and programmatic access;  
and data integrity are not supported  
for languages such as Japanese,  
Korean, Simplified Chinese, and  
Traditional Chinese.  
Asian options also supported include:  
• HP Asian Vectra PCs  
• HP Asian Terminals  
• HP Asian Printers  
• Asian IBM environments  
Functional Description  
SNA IMF/iX is a software product that allows an  
HP 3000 and attached devices to emulate the base  
function set of an IBM 3274 control unit and attached  
devices, which does not include graphics, programmed  
symbols, color, or extended highlighting.  
SNA IMF/iX supports IBM applications  
with 480, 1920, or 3440 character  
screen sizes.  
For Asian options only:  
SNA IMF/iX (ASIAN) supports  
IBM’s DBCS protocol to ensure 16-  
bit data integrity communication  
between the HP 3000 and the  
Asian host.  
SNA IMF/iX (ASIAN) allows both  
16-bit interactive as well as  
programmable access to the  
Asian IBM host.  
SNA IMF/iX (ASIAN) provides 16-  
bit character mapping between  
the HP (HP-15) and the IBM  
(DBCS) data.  
SNA IMF/iX (ASIAN) supports  
languages such as Japanese,  
Korean, and Traditional Chinese.  
SNA IMF/iX requires SNA/SDLC Link/iX, SNA/Token  
Ring Link/iX or SNA/X.25 Link/iX. These links manage  
the communications link and implement lower-level SNA  
(PU2 or 2.1) protocols. SNA IMF/iX provides interactive  
and programmatic 3270 communications with a  
mainframe and can run simultaneously along with other  
SNA services such as SNA NRJE/iX and LU6.2 API/iX on  
MPE/iX systems.  
In the programmatic mode, user-written programs on  
the HP 3000 can communicate with programs on the  
host. HP 3000 programs may be written in C,  
Bus ness  
Program access is accomplished through use  
of a set of intrinsics that are powerful  
procedures, which perform the low-level task  
of decoding the data streams.  
written for use with IBM 3270 controllers will  
work with SNA IMF/iX with little or no  
modification. For customers who are in the  
process of changing from centralized to  
distributed processing, this feature helps  
provide a smooth transition.  
(Table 1 provides a list of available intrinsics.)  
The intrinsics can be used with the intrinsics  
of other HP 3000 facilities such as  
IMAGE/3000, VPLUS/3000, KSAM/3000, or  
NS/3000. The high-level, easy-to-use nature  
of these intrinsics results in improved  
programmer productivity.  
The Pass Thru mode of SNA IMF/iX provides  
users the capability of using HP 3000 attached  
printers and DTC attached terminals for  
interactive access to a host computer.  
In this mode, SNA IMF/iX users can directly  
access host software such as CICS or IMS, or  
they can use TSO for program development.  
Because programmatic mode works by  
exchanging information through screen  
images, most host applications that have been  
Table 1. SNA IMF/iX Intrinsics Summary  
Aborts an outstanding no-wait REC3270 or TRAN3270 request.  
Provides the SNA IMF/iX users the capability to start PASS Thru on an HP 3000 terminal  
or printer programmatically.  
Returns the locations of attribute characters with all or a subsection of a screen.  
Equivalent to turning off the specified device.  
Returns the error message associated with a given intrinsic error number.  
Returns information about the attribute information of the Double Byte  
Returns information about the attributes of the specified field.  
Informs the user program that a previous I/O operation has completed.  
Waits for a previous no-wait I/O request to complete.  
Equivalent to turning on the power of a 3270 Display Station or Printer. It allocates the  
internal screen buffer used by SNA IMF/iX.  
Prints a copy of the internal screen image to a spool file.  
Reads a field of data from the internal screen buffer and returns the data to an  
HP application program.  
Reads all or part of the internal screen buffer and returns this data to the  
HP application program.  
Allows the user program to receive the screen after modification by the host.  
Equivalent to pressing the RESET key on an IBM 3270 Display Station keyboard.  
Returns information about the attributes of the screen image currently in the internal buffer.  
Equivalent to typing a Series of keystrokes in a 3270 Display Station keyboard. Provides  
a mechanism for performing “special function key” operations from the HP application  
program. Also allows more than one field of data to be updated in one Intrinsic call.  
Equivalent to pressing a transmit key in the 3277 or 3278 Display Station keyboard.  
It causes modified data to be transmitted to the host the next time the host polls the device.  
Returns the number if the version of SNA IMF/iX that is being executed in the HP 3000.  
Writes data from the HP application program into an unprotected field if the internal  
screen buffer.  
Reads all or part of the untranslated host data stream.  
Creates the data stream that an HP application program sends to the IBM host.  
Bus ness  
Table 2.  
3270 Typewriter Keyboard  
Using the Pass Thru mode does not require  
the use of dedicated terminals.  
HP 700/96 Keyboard  
Program Function Keys  
User specifies by typing  
desired program function  
number or through user-  
defined configuration of  
HP function keys.  
The Pass Thru mode of SNA IMF/iX is mot  
intended as a replacement for real IBM 3270  
No equivalent on HP  
For HP terminals being used in the Pass Thru  
mode, the response time will be longer than  
that of IBM terminals:  
• The data transmission rate between the  
HP 3000 and the terminals is slower than  
that between the IBM 3270 controller and  
its attached terminals.  
• For terminals not supported by the write  
optimization feature, the screens on the  
HP 3000 and Pass Thru terminals are  
rewritten any time a change is made. For  
small changes, this contributes to an  
increase in response time  
• SNA IMF/iX uses the Modified Data Tag fea-  
ture of the HP 700/94, HP 2394A, and HP  
150 terminals in order to accurately and  
flexibly handle null and blank characters. In  
addition, this may result in improved  
response time when compared to other HP  
PA1, PA2, PA3, CLEAR,  
Keys are in different  
locations (Softkeys are  
INHIBITED Indicators  
Indicators not provided  
Equivalent functions  
3270 Characters  
Corresponding to HP  
Terminal Characters  
cent sign ¢  
solid vertical bar |  
“NOT” sign  
• For applications where response time is  
critical, please consult your HP Sales  
Representative for more information.  
• Although the principle functions of IBM  
3270 terminal keyboards are implemented -  
including Program Function (PF) keys and  
Program Attention (PA) keys - there are  
some differences:  
unprotected field by replacing the field with  
exactly the same characters as it had previ-  
ously; the field would NOT be transmitted  
to the host with SNA IMF/iX, since no char-  
acters had changed. A real 3270-type ter-  
minal will transmit such modified fields  
whether or not any characters are actually  
• Some keys are in different positions, some  
keys have different labels, and some keys  
are not implemented. Table 2 lists the  
major differences between IBM 3270 termi-  
nals and HP 2392 terminals.  
• Leading blanks can be converted to nulls  
based on a configuration option at Pass  
Thru startup.  
• Trailing blanks can be converted to nulls  
based on a configuration option at Pass  
Thru startup.  
• Trailing nulls can be converted to blanks  
based on a configuration optional Pass Thru  
Magnetic card reader, auxiliary card reader,  
and light pen are not provided in HP termi-  
nals using Pass Thru mode.  
There are minor logical differences in the way  
HP terminals behave. Differences include:  
With Pass Thru mode, only unprotected  
fields in which one or more characters have  
actually been changed are transmitted to  
the host. If a Pass Thru user modifies” an  
Bus ness  
• SNA IMF/iX does not support the numeric  
lock feature.  
• Pass Thru mode does not support slave  
printers (printers attached to terminals).  
50% performance improvement in Pass  
Thru mode and greater functionality over  
other terminals.  
– HP 700/96  
– HP Vectra  
Functional Specifications  
– PC with Reflection 7 PLUS Version 3.3  
(or later)  
• SNA IMF/iX emulates the base function set  
of the IBM 3274 terminal controller; the  
base set does not include color, graphics,  
programmed symbols, or extended high-  
• In Pass Thru mode, non-MDT terminals are  
not supported with all host applications that  
are sensitive to nulls and blanks. In these  
circumstances, an MDT terminal will func-  
tion properly and is strongly recommended  
to be the terminal of choice.  
• SNA IMF/iX supports communications to an  
IBM System/370 (or compatible) mainframe  
running either the MVS/SP, MVS/XA,  
DOS/VSE, or VM operating systems with  
ACF/VTAM through an IBM 37xx communi-  
cations processor running ACF/NCP.  
• SNA IMF/iX supports communications with  
an IBM S/36 running SSP or an IBM/38 run-  
ning CPF or an IBM AS/400 running OS/400.  
• The SNA Link/iX product supports Physical  
Unit Type 2 or 2.1 protocols; SNA IMF/iX  
provides Logical Unit Type 1,2, and 3 emula-  
tion over the link. The SNA Link/iX or  
SNA/Token Ring Link/iX can support inter-  
active (SNA IMF/iX and SNA DHCF/iX),  
batch (SNA NRJE/iX), and programmatic  
(LU6.2 API/iX) communications simultane-  
ously over a single link to an IBM host.  
• In Pass Thru mode, SNA IMF/iX emulates  
the IBM 3278-2, 3278-3 and 3278-4 display  
stations and IBM 3287 printers.  
• The following terminals are supported with  
HP 3000 MPE/iX systems in Pass Thru mode  
via the DTC attachment.  
– HP 700/92  
– HP Vectra PC with Advance Link 2392  
– HP Vectra PC Reflection 7 PLUS,  
Version 3.3 (or later)  
• SNA IMF/iX supports the write optimized  
feature for improved performance in Pass  
Thru mode with the following terminals:  
HP 700/92  
With the HP X.25/iX Network Link (36939B)  
and NS 3000/iX Network Services (36920B),  
SNA IMF/iX supports these terminals when  
they are directly attached to an HP 2334A  
Plus or HP 2335 PAD.  
This feature is supported on SNA IMF/iX or  
SNA IMF/V (30247A) only and is NOT  
supported on the IMF/V (30250A) product.  
Other Pass Thru-supported terminals  
configured to be one of the terminals listed  
above are NOT supported.  
• SNA IMF/iX supports up to 127 devices (ter-  
minals, printers, or application programs)  
concurrently per SNA link with MPE/iX  
Release 4.0 or later.  
• The HP 700/94 terminal is recommended for  
use with SNA IMF/iX in Pass Thru mode as  
it offers the greatest performance and func-  
tionality. SNA IMF/iX also supports null  
suppression mode on HP 700/94 terminals  
which result in further performance  
• The HP 700/94, HP 2394A, HP 150, HP  
700/92, and HP 2392A terminals support a  
19.2 KB/s connection to the HP 3000.  
• The following terminals support multiple  
levels of “rolling softkeys” allowing up to 96  
user-definable function keys.  
– HP 700/94  
• The following terminals support Modified  
Data Tags and, consequently, provide a 10-  
– HP 2394A  
• SNA IMF/iX supports any HP system  
Bus ness  
• Link Level Message encoding:  
– SNA IMF/iX supports both NRZ and  
NRZI encoding.  
• Access to the SNA IMF/iX intrinsics in pro-  
grammatic mode is provided in capability-  
mode as well as native-mode with the use of  
HP-provided switch stubs.  
• In Pass Thru mode, terminals configured as  
consoles are not supported.  
Installation and Configuration Policy  
The customer is responsible for loading the  
SNA IMF/iX software onto the system.  
Hewlett-Packard will perform minimum  
configuration of SNA IMF/iX in order to verify  
minimum product functionality. This activity  
is included in the product purchase price.  
Product Requirements  
Customer Responsibility  
• SNA IMF/iX requires an IBM System/370 or  
compatible mainframe (models 370, 30xx,  
0r 43xx) with an IBM 37xx communications  
controller. The following software must be  
running on the IBM host and communica-  
tions controller:  
• For communications to an IBM S/36, IBM  
S/38, or IBM AS/400 minicomputer, the fol-  
lowing software must be running on the IBM  
– SSP (S/36) Release 5  
– CPF (S/38) Release 7.0  
Prior to having HP personnel onsite to  
perform minimum configuration of SNA  
IMF/iX, the customer is responsible for the  
• Providing HP with the information neces-  
sary to complete the Network  
Implementation and Support Plan (NISP),  
– system configurations  
– logical network map identifying relevant  
traffic flow  
– physical network map identifying relevant  
network hardware components  
Verifying that the necessary host mainframe  
software is installed and configured to sup-  
port SNA IMF/iX. The customer should con-  
tact the HP Sales Representative for typical  
host parameter values or consult the  
“HP SNA Products Remote System  
Configuration Guide” (J2220-61025) for  
Verifying that the SNA/SDLC Link/iX,  
SNA/Token Ring Link/iX, or SNA/X.25  
Link/iX is properly installed and configured  
prior to the installation of SNA IMF/iX  
unless the link product will be installed at  
the same time.  
– OS/400 (AS/400) Release 2 and the  
HP 3000 must be running MPE/iX  
Release 4.0 or later.  
• HP will support certain versions, releases,  
modifications, and PTF levels of the above  
software. Your HP Sales Representative or  
Systems Engineer can determine whether  
SNA IMF/iX can be supported with your  
particular configuration. The Network  
Implementation Support plan (NISP) will  
help the customer engineer determine sup-  
port requirements in advance of the installa-  
tion of SNA IMF/iX in a particular network.  
• SNA IMF/iX Product Requirements  
– HP 3000 Series 900 computer system  
– HP 30291B SNA/SDLC Link/iX  
• Updating the HP 3000 system to the proper  
release level and installing the SNA IMF/iX  
software using AUTOINST. Refer to the  
HP 3000 MPE/iX Installation and Update  
Manual (36123-90001).  
– J2167B SNA/Token Ring Link/iX  
– HP 36939B SNA/X.25 Link/iX  
Bus ness  
Verifying that all of the necessary software  
modules have been successfully installed by  
AUTOINST and are at the  
Network Startup includes implementation  
scheduling and coordination assistance,  
network configuration and verification testing,  
and network documentation.  
NMMAINT.PUB.SYS utility.  
• Performing full system backups as neces-  
sary and ensuring that the HP 3000 system  
and personnel with the HP 3000 system  
management knowledge are available when  
HP is onsite to complete the minimum con-  
figuration of SNA IMF/iX.  
System Environment  
SNA IMF/iX is available on all HP 3000 Series  
900 systems with currently supported releases  
of the MPE/iX operating system.  
The customer is also responsible for  
SNA IMF/iX requires installation and  
operation of HP 30291B and A5563A  
SNA/SDLC Link/iX, J2167B SNA/Token Ring  
Link/iX, or HP 36939B SNA/X.25 Link/iX.  
completing the configuration in order to fully  
integrate SNA IMF/iX into the existing  
customer network after HP has complete the  
minimum configuration of SNA IMF/iX.  
Support Products  
HP Responsibility  
HP offers a spectrum of support service  
products to help plan, implement, operate,  
and manage your multivendor network  
throughout the network lifecycle.  
Following the installation of SNA IMF/iX, HP  
is responsible for the following:  
• Confirming that all of the necessary soft-  
ware modules have been installed and are at  
the correct version level.  
For more information, contact your HP Sales  
Representative, or refer to the HP data sheets  
for specific support services.  
• Configuring the SNA IMF/iX product to a  
minimum configuration in order to verify  
software and hardware functionality.  
Verifying the SNA IMF/iX configuration by  
issuing the RUN TTSSON.PUB.SYS com-  
mand with the appropriate parameters and  
entering the IBMTEST command. This test  
verifies the LU to SSCP session.  
The following documentation is for SNA  
• 30293-61000 SNA IMF/iX Node Managers  
These steps complete HPs portion of the  
installation and minimum configuration of  
• 30293-61005 SNA IMF Programmers  
Reference Manual  
• 30293-61008 Using SNA IMF Pass Thru  
• J2220-61025 HP SNA Products remote  
System Configuration Guide  
Additional Implementation  
• 30293-60211 SNA IMF/iX: User Support  
Guide (For use in Taiwan)  
For implementation needs that go beyond  
installation, the customer can either provide  
self-support or can purchase additional  
services from HP. These services included  
Network Startup and HP ConsultLine. In  
addition, the customer can also purchase  
service from HP on a time-and-materials basis.  
• 30293-60221 SNA IMF/iX: User Support  
Guide (For use in Japan)  
• 30293-60231 SNA IMF/iX: User Support  
Guide (For use in Korea)  
Bus ness  
LU 6.2 Application Programming  
HP LU 6.2 API provides:  
High-level Intrinsics  
Support for Major Languages  
Support for IBM Applications  
Multiple Sessions  
Peer-to-peer Connectivity  
Parallel Sessions  
Support for Remote Attach  
Compatibility with Other SNA  
This data sheet describes HP LU 6.2 API (Application  
Programming Interface) for both MPE V and MPE/iX  
operating systems. The term HP LU 6.2 API is used to  
refer to both HP LU 6.2 API/V and HP LU 6.2 API/iX  
products. The terms HP LU 6.2 API/V and HP LU 6.2  
API/iX are used when a distinction is necessary.  
HP LU 6.2 API/V on an HP 3000 Series 37 through 70 or  
HP LU 6.2 API/iX on an HP 3000 Series 9xx provides HP  
3000 users with a way to program HP 3000 application  
programs for program-to-program communication in an  
SNA environment.  
Trace Facility  
Logging Facility  
User Controlled Sessions  
Management from Program or CI  
Enhanced Communication Rates  
Efficient and easy-to-program prob-  
lem detection and recovery proce-  
As with all HP SNA services, cus-  
tomized error and help facilities are  
HP LU 6.2 API implements the LU 6.2 “mapped  
conversation verbs” for what IBM has named “advanced  
program-to-program communications” (APPC). Users  
may write “transaction programs” that use these verbs  
(or high-level intrinsics as HP has implemented them) in  
order to communicate with each other, even though  
these programs may be executing on different systems  
within the SNA network.  
X.25 Connectivity  
IBM AS/400  
IBM S/370 Mainframe  
IBM S/370 Mainframe  
LU 6.2  
LU 6.2  
LU 6.2  
Transaction Program  
Transaction Program  
Transaction Program  
IBM Communications  
IBM Communications  
Type 2.0  
Type 2.0  
Node Type 2.1  
SNA LU 6.2 Advanced  
SNA LU 6.2 Advanced  
SNA/SDLC Link/iX (Node Type 2.0 nd 2.1) or  
SNA/X.25 Link/iX (Node Type 2.0 only) or  
SNA/Token Ring Link/iX (Node Type 2.1)  
SNA Link/V  
LU 6.2 API/V  
LU 6.2 API/iX  
LU 6.2 Transaction  
LU 6.2 Transaction  
HP 3000 MPE/iX System  
HP 3000 MPE/V System  
Bus ness  
for the HP 3000. These HP SNA products  
may all be running simultaneously over the  
same SNA Link/V, SNA/SDLC Link/iX,  
SNA/Token Ring Link/iX* or SNA/X.25  
Link/iX to the SNA network. The SNA Link  
products manage the physical link to the  
IBM host and implement protocols in the  
lower three layers of SNA.  
HP LU 6.2 API provides  
High-level Intrinsics: HP 3000 program-  
mers can use a set of high-level intrinsics to  
implement program-to-program communica-  
tion in an SNA network.  
Support for Major Languages:  
Application programs on the HP 3000 can  
be written in COBOL II, Transact, or Pascal.  
For LU 6.2 API/iX, C language applications  
are also supported.  
Support for IBM Applications: HP LU  
6.2 API supports Mapped Conversations  
with CICS in an MVS or DOS/VSE environ-  
ment and Mapped Conversations with  
VTAM in an MVS environment. With  
MPE/iX Release 4.0 or later, HP LU 6.2  
API/iX supports Mapped Conversations in  
an OS/400 environment.  
Multiple Sessions: An HP 3000 applica-  
tion program using LU 6.2 API/V intrinsics  
may have up to 8 LU-LU sessions running  
simultaneously. With MPE/iX Release 4.0 or  
later, an HP 3000 application program using  
LU 6.2 API/iX intrinsics may have up to 256  
LU-LU sessions running simultaneously.  
Each session is responsible for a separate  
communication task or for adding additional  
bandwidth to a single communication task.  
Peer-to-peer Connectivity: With MPE/iX  
Release 4.0 or later, LU 6.2 API/iX provides  
peer-to-peer connectivity to an IBM  
Note: HP LU 6.2 API/iX supports Native-  
mode HP 3000 applications only.  
Trace Facility: An easy-to-use trace facili-  
ty that allows HP 3000 application program-  
mers to track all LU 6.2 intrinsic calls and  
executions within applications being devel-  
oped, serving as a valuable debugging aid  
during program development.  
Logging Facility: A comprehensive logging  
facility that records all online LU 6.2 API  
session messages to aid in problem identifi-  
cation and resolution.  
User Controlled Sessions Management  
from Program or CI ( CNOS) : With  
MPE/iX Release 5.5 Express 7 or later, or  
MPE/iX Release 6.0 Express 1 or later,  
Programmatic or interactive user-controlled  
session management allows users to change  
session limits (over Node Type 2.1).  
Enhanced Communication Rates: The  
maximum datacomm line speed between  
the HP 3000 and the IBM mainframe host is  
56 KB/s on MPE V and 16 MB/s on MPE/iX.  
• Efficient and easy-to-program problem  
detection and recovery procedures.  
• As with all HP SNA services, customized  
error and help facilities are provided.  
X.25 Connectivity: HP LU 6.2 API/iX can  
communicate to an IBM mainframe over an  
X.25 connection. The SNA/X.25 Link/iX  
product (HP 30298A) can be used in place  
of SNA/SDLC Link/iX, or SNA/Token Ring  
Link/iX* but SNA/X.25 Link/iX emulates a  
Type 2.0 node, not a Type 2.1 node.  
Therefore if you run LU 6.2 API/iX over  
SNA/X.25 Link/iX, you cannot communicate,  
peer-to-peer with a Type 2.1 node like an  
IBM AS/400.  
AS/4000 over Node Type 2.1. an HP 3000  
may establish LU-LU sessions with an IBM  
AS/400 over Node Type 2.1 without having  
to go through a mainframe node.  
Parallel Sessions: With MPE/iX Release  
4.0 or later, LU 6.2 API/iX provides support  
for parallel sessions over Node Type 2.1. An  
HP 3000 may establish multiple, simultane-  
ous LU-LU sessions over a single LU-LU pair  
over Node Type 2.1.  
Support for Remote Attach: Remote  
Attach is the ability of a remote LU 6.2  
application to start running and begin com-  
munication with it.  
Compatibility with Other SNA  
Services: The HP LU 6.2 API is completely  
compatible with other SNA services offered  
* SNA/Token Ring Link/iX requires MPE/iX  
release 5.0 or later.  
Bus ness  
LU 6.2 API intrinsics are summarized in the  
following table.  
Functional Description  
HP LU 6.2 API provides a set of high-level  
intrinsics for application programmers to use  
for program-to-program communication  
between an HP 3000 application program and  
an application program running on an IBM  
host mainframe. HP LU 6.2 API/iX also pro-  
vides communication to an IBM AS/400.  
These intrinsics are responsible for initiating  
LU 6.2 conversations so that data can be sent  
or received over these conversations on behalf  
of program pairs needing to communicate to  
complete a transaction.” Examples of trans-  
action are database updates and file transfers.  
LU 6.2 API consists of a set of user-callable  
intrinsics that implement the set of LU 6.2  
defined mapped verbs along with the follow-  
ing option sets:  
LU 6.2 API Intrinsics Summary  
Establishes a mapped conversation  
between two TPs.  
Sends a confirmation request to the  
remote TP and waits for reply.  
MCDEALLOCATE Ends a mapped conversation  
between TPs.  
MCGETALLOCATE Receives the request from a remote  
TP to start a conversation and then  
establishes the conversation.  
Returns information pertaining to a  
mapped conversation.  
Flushes the LU’s send buffer.  
MCPOSTONRCPT Causes LU 6.2 API to post the con  
versation when information arrives.  
MCPREPTORCV Informs the remote TP that the  
HP 3000 resident TP (the local TP)  
is ready to receive data over the  
mapped conversation.  
MCRCVANDWAIT Waits for information to arrive on  
the mapped conversation and then  
receives the information. The  
Option Sets  
IBM-Defined Verbs  
PIP data (both local  
and remote support)  
Flush the LU’s  
send buffer  
information can be data,  
conversation status, or request  
establishes the conversation.  
Prepare to receive  
(including long locks) MC_PREPARE_ TO_ RECEIVE  
MCRCVNOWAIT Receives any information available  
on the mapped conversation with  
out waiting.  
MCREQTOSEND Notifies the remote TP that the  
local TP is requesting to send data  
for the mapped conversation.  
MCSENDERROR Informs the remote TP that the  
local TP has detected an error.  
Post on receipt  
Wait for posting  
to occur  
Test for posting or  
Receive immediate  
Tests the conversation for the  
receipt of information.  
Get conversation  
Waits for the receipt of information  
on one or more conversations.  
Bus ness  
If connecting to an IBM mainframe:  
An HP 3000 Series 900 running a supported  
release of MPE/iX. The SNA/SDLC Link/iX  
product (30291A), SNA/Token Ring Link/iX  
product (J2167B) or the SNA/X.25 Link/iX  
product (36939B).  
Product Requirements  
Requirements for IBM mainframe hardware  
and software are the same for both HP LU 6.2  
API/V and HP LU 6.2 API/iX.  
IBM Mainframe Hardware Requirements:  
• An IBM System/370 mainframe. This may be  
any IBM plug-compatible mainframe that  
supports 370 architecture.  
• A port on an IBM 37xx or compatible com-  
munications controller that supports an  
SNA line. The HP 3000 can also be con-  
nected to the Communications Controller  
via an IBM 3710 Network Controller.  
(Please check with your HP Sales  
If connecting to an IBM AS/400:  
An HP 3000 Series 900 running MPE/iX  
Release 5.5 or later operating system. The  
SNA/SDLC Link/iX (30291B and A5563A) or  
SNA/Token Ring Link/iX product (J2167B).  
• A full-or half-duplex data communications  
line (switched or leased) between the HP  
3000 and the IBM mainframe or IBM  
AS/400. A pair of synchronous modems.  
An X.25 connection to the IBM mainframe  
(X.25 not supported to IBM AS/400).  
• A block mode terminal that is supported by  
VPLUS/3000 for configuration.  
only), or Transact compiler.  
Representative for specific Communication  
Controller model support.)  
IBM Mainframe Software Requirements:  
• Advanced Communication Function for the  
Virtual Telecommunications Access Method  
(ACF/VTAM) applications are supported  
Mapped LU 6.2 conversations only  
– ACF/VTAM version 3.2 or later  
MVS operating system  
– Advanced Communication Function for  
the Network Control Program (ACF/NCP)  
remote transmission control program ver-  
sion 3.1 or later.  
• Customer Information Control System  
(CICS) applications are supported with:  
Mapped LU 6.2 conversions only  
– CICS version 1.7 or later  
Installation and Configuration Policy  
The Customer is responsible for loading the  
HP LU 6.2 API software onto the system.  
Hewlett-Packard will perform minimum  
configuration of HP LU 6.2 API in order to  
verify minimum product functionality. This  
activity is included in the product purchase  
Customer Responsibility  
– ACF/VTAM version 2.1 or later  
MVS or DOS/VSE operating system  
The customer is responsible for performing  
the following tasks in order to successfully  
install and configure HP LU 6.2 API:  
IBM AS/400 Hardware Requirements:  
• An IBM AS/400.  
• A port on the AS/400 that supports an  
SNA line.  
• Providing HP with the information neces-  
sary to complete the Network  
Implementation and Support Plan (NISP),  
IBM AS/400 Software Requirements:  
• OS/400 Version 1.2 or later.  
– System configurations  
– Logical network map identifying relevant  
traffic flow  
HP 3000 product requirements:  
• For HP LU 6.2 API/iX:  
Bus ness  
– Physical network map identifying relevant  
network hardware components.  
Additional Implementation  
Verifying that the necessary host mainframe  
or AS/400 software is installed and config-  
ured to support HP LU 6.2 API. The cus-  
tomer should consult the HP SNA Products  
Remote System Configuration Guide”  
(P/N J2220-61025), or the HP SNA  
Products: AS/400 Guide” (P/N 5960-1629)  
for details.  
Verifying that SNA Link/V, SNA/SDLC  
Link/iX, or SNA/X.25 Link/iX is properly  
installed and configured prior to the instal-  
lation of HP LU 6.2 API.  
• Updating the HP 3000 system to the proper  
release level and installing the HP LU 6.2  
API software using AUTOINST. Refer to the  
HP 3000 MPE/iX Installation and Update  
Manual (36123-90001) for MPE/iX systems  
or the HP 3000 Software Update Manual  
(32033-90036) for MPE V systems.  
Verifying that all of the necessary software  
modules have been successfully installed by  
AUTOINST and are at the correct version  
levels using the NMMAINT.PUB.SYS utility.  
• Configuring HP LU 6.2 API in order to fully  
integrate HP LU 6.2 API into the existing  
customer network.  
For implementation needs that go beyond  
installation, the customer can either provide  
self-support, or can purchase additional  
services from HP. These services include  
Network Startup and HP ConsultLine. In  
addition, the customer can also purchase  
service from HP on a time-and-materials basis.  
Network Startup includes implementation  
scheduling and coordination assistance,  
network configuration and verification testing,  
and network documentation.  
Support Products  
HP offers a spectrum of support service  
products to help plan, implement, operate,  
and manage your multivendor network  
throughout the network lifecycle.  
For more information, contact your HP Sales  
Representative, or refer to the HP data sheets  
for specific support services.  
HP Responsibility  
For both HP LU 6.2 API/V and HP LU 6.2 API/iX:  
• J2220-61025 HP SNA Products Remote  
System Configuration Guide  
Following the installation of HP LU 6.2 API,  
HP is responsible for the following:  
• 30294-61000 HP LU 6.2 API:  
• Application Programmers Reference Manual  
• Confirming that all of the necessary soft-  
ware modules have been installed and are at  
the correct version level.  
• Configuring 1 LU with Unsolicited Bind’  
equal to Y’.  
• Starting the APPC subsystem and verifying  
that the LU is in a PENDING or ACTIVE  
These steps complete HPs portion of the  
installation and minimum configuration of  
HP LU 6.2 API.  
For HP LU 6.2 API/iX:  
• 5960-1629 HP SNA Products: AS/400 Guide  
• 30294-61002 APPC Subsystem on MPE/iX  
Node Managers Guide  
For HP LU 6.2 API/V:  
• 30253-90002 LU 6.2 API/V Node Managers  
• 30253-90004 APPC Subsystem on MPE V  
Node Managers Guide  
Bus ness  
SNA Distributed Host Command Facility  
SNA DHCF/iX provides IBM 3270  
display stations with HP terminal  
capabilities including support for TTY-  
mode (simple ASCII) applications and  
many VPLUS applications.  
VPLUS has been optimized for  
applications used with SNA DHCF/iX;  
VPLUS forms can be compiled into  
IBM 3270 terminal formats prior to  
SNA DHCF/iX provides HP terminal  
emulation support for screen sizes of  
24, 32, or 43 lines for TTY-mode  
applications. VPLUS applications are  
supported with screens of up to 24  
lines less any lines required for a  
window line or softkeys.  
In VPLUS applications, SNA DHCF/iX  
supports HP terminal softkeys (as PF  
keys) and a “window” line on IBM  
3270 display stations using the  
bottom three lines of the screen.  
One MPE/iX session is provided for  
every SNA DHCF/iX user; each SNA  
DHCF/iX session appears as a  
Network Services Virtual Terminal  
(NS VT) session.  
The HP SNA Distributed Host Command Facility/iX (HP  
SNA DHCF/iX) software product provides IBM mainframe  
users who use IBM 3270 display stations with interactive  
access to an HP 3000 Series 900 system. Together with  
the IBM Host Command Facility (HCF Version 2) product  
on the IBM mainframe system, SNA DHCF/iX gives IBM  
3270 display station users the capability to run many  
applications on the HP 3000 system. These applications  
include TTY-mode and VPLUS applications.  
SNA DHCF/iX provides the data conversion services that  
translate output between applications on the HP 3000 and  
the IBM 3270 datastream required by IBM display stations.  
SNA DHCF/iX enables IBM 3270 display station users to  
access the HP 3000 system over their existing SNA, Token  
Ring, or X.25 network. SNA DHCF/iX requires the  
installation and use of the SNA/SDLC Link/iX (30292B and  
A5563A), SNA/Token Ring/iX (J2167B)*, or the SNA/X.25  
Link/iX (36939B) product (referred to jointly as SNA  
Link). SNA Link products manage the physical link to the  
IBM mainframe and implement the datacomm protocols in  
the lower three layers of SNA.  
* SNA/Token Ring Link/iX (J2167B) requires MPE/iX  
release 5.5 Express 5 or later, or MPE/iX release 6.0  
Express 1 or later.  
SNA DHCF/iX supports the HP “Break”  
and “Control-Y” keys.  
SNA DHCF/iX can support up to 64  
simultaneous sessions per SNA Link  
node. Using multiple SNA Link nodes,  
SNA DHCF/iX’s session count is  
limited only by the number of LDEVs  
available on the HP 3000  
Other HP SNA Service products are  
supported over the same SNA Link;  
each SNA Link can support up to  
64 Logical Unit (LU) sessions. The  
maximum line speed supported by  
SNA Link is 64 KB/s.  
IBM S/370  
Mainframe running  
Host Command Facility  
SNA DHCF/iX users can access  
HP MM II applications on the  
HP 3000.  
SNA DHCF/iX provides a full screen,  
ISPF-like editor for use by  
HP DeskManager users.  
SNA DHCF/iX contains a  
comprehensive and flexible logging  
facility that records SNA DHCF/iX  
session and error messages.  
SNA Link(s)  
Other HP  
DHCF/iX SNA Services  
HP 3000/iX  
Logical Session  
IBM 3270 Display Stations  
Bus ness  
When the VPLUS forms have been designed  
and are ready to be compiled, the applications  
designer will select the “IBM 3270” box in the  
Terminal Selection Menu of FORMSPEC, in  
addition to any HP terminal options normally  
selected, in order to include the IBM 3270  
format in the VPLUS forms file. Please note  
that, in an existing application, some VPLUS  
forms may need to be modified due to  
limitations of the IBM 3270 display station.  
Many of the VPLUS forms may require no  
Functional Description  
HP SNA DHCF/iX is a software product that  
provides an IBM 3270 display station with  
access to applications on an HP 3000. SNA  
DHCF/iX emulates many features of a  
remotely attached HP terminal; thus, it  
appears as if the IBM 3270 display station has  
a direct connection to the HP 3000 computer.  
SNA DHCF/iX can be operated across an  
existing SNA or X.25 network.  
SNA DHCF/iX communicates with Host  
Command Facility (HCF) on the IBM  
Usage Considerations  
mainframe in order to exchange data between  
the users MPE session and the IBM terminal.  
To the HP 3000 system, each SNA DHCF/iX  
session appears as a NS VT session. For IBM  
3270 display stations, SNA DHCF/iX provides  
access to two primary groups of applications  
on the HP 3000 Series 900 system.  
HP SNA DHCF/iX is not a complete  
replacement for HP terminals such as the HP  
700/92 and HP 700/94 terminals. Due to  
limitations of the IBM 3270 display station,  
SNA DHCF/iX cannot support all HP 3000  
applications. In addition, some HP 3000  
applications may require modifications prior  
to use with SNA DHCF/iX. Please refer to the  
SNA DHCF/iX Application Programmers  
Guide for information on usage considerations  
discussed here.  
• TTY-mode applications are characterized by  
their simple use of terminal control charac-  
ters (carriage return, line feed, form feed,  
tab, bell). SNA DHCF/iX translates the data  
as output being sent to the IBM terminal.  
This group of applications includes the basic  
MPE/iX CI (Command Interpreter) com-  
The HP keyboard differs from the IBM  
keyboard. The chart below shows some  
HP Terminals  
HP Function Keys  
IBM Terminals  
IBM PF Keys 1-8 (VPLUS  
Applications only)  
VPLUS applications are characterized by  
the use of the VPLUS forms subsystem that  
is included with the MPE FOS. VPLUS has  
been enhanced so that an applications pro-  
grammer can design VPLUS-based applica-  
tions for the IBM 3270 display station in  
addition to other HP terminals.  
Consequently, IBM 3270 display station  
users can be provided with access to many  
VPLUS-based applications using SNA  
Security fields,  
Full-Bright and  
Half-Bright fields  
Previous Page Key,  
Next Page Key,  
Insert Line Key, and  
Delete Line Key  
HP terminal characters: IBM Terminal mapping:  
Equivalent functions provided  
No equivalent functions  
provided for IBM terminals  
Hard RESET  
When developing VPLUS applications for use  
with SNA DHCF/iX, the application designer  
can develop and modify VPLUS forms using  
techniques similar to those for HP terminals.  
Bus ness  
HP 3000 applications that use special screen-  
mode or block-mode features that are specific  
to HP terminals are not supported. Some of  
these restrictions include:  
If the target application violates any of these  
restrictions, then it is not supported by SNA  
DHCF/iX. An error condition will be returned  
to the application when an unsupported  
feature is used. Prior to installation of SNA  
DHCF/iX, target HP 3000 applications should  
be qualified to ensure that they meet these  
• HP terminal escape sequences used for cur-  
sor positioning, terminal strap settings, pro-  
grammable softkeys, etc.  
• Screen enhancements such as inverse video,  
blinking, underlining, etc.  
When using SNA DHCF/iX, IBM 3270 display  
station users may experience different  
performance and functionality than HP  
terminal users. For IBM 3270 display stations,  
response times may be somewhat greater than  
an HP terminal due to the SNA network  
SNA DHCF/iX can provide universal access to  
HPDESK for an integrated office automation  
Within VPLUS applications, SNA DHCF/iX  
supports all of the VPLUS intrinsics except for  
limitations of the IBM 3270 display station,  
VPLUS forms caching is not supported with  
SNA DHCF/iX. In addition, several points  
need to be considered in VPLUS forms design  
Functional Specifications  
• SNA DHCF/iX supports many of the basic  
functions of HP terminals. Please refer to  
the Usage Considerations section for fea-  
tures that are not supported. Supported fea-  
tures include:  
• Prior to using a VPLUS application with  
SNA DHCF/iX, the VPLUS forms file must  
be recompiled using the IBM 3270’ terminal  
• When using FORMSPEC to design VPLUS  
forms, an HP terminal such as the HP  
700/94 is required.  
• Unlike HP terminals, IBM 3270 display sta-  
tions require an actual space on the screen  
for an attribute byte that describes the  
attributes of the following field.  
• Each field on the IBM display station needs  
to be preceded by this attribute byte; conse-  
quently, back-to-back fields are not allowed  
on the IBM 3270.  
Modified Data Tags  
– Security Fields  
• SNA DHCF/iX supports three different dis-  
play enhancements for IBM 3270 display  
stations: full-bright, half-bright, and non-dis-  
play. (Non-display is for security fields.)  
• SNA DHCF/iX supports those IBM devices  
officially supported by IBM for the Host  
Command Facility, Version 2. Please refer to  
IBMs HCF Product Specification Guide  
(GC27-0647) for a complete listing.  
• Each SNA DHCF/iX session appears as a  
Virtual Terminal session. The pool of Virtual  
Terminal sessions available for other users  
will be reduced by the number of SNA  
DHCF/iX sessions that are currently active.  
• SNA DHCF/iX can support multiple simulta-  
neous sessions, depending upon the number  
of VT sessions or LDEVs (depending on the  
MPE/iX release) distributed across multiple  
SNA Links.  
With SNA DHCF/iX, a VPLUS form can have  
at most 24 lines; if features such as softkeys  
(two lines) or a window line (one line) are  
used in the application, then the available  
lines for the form are reduced by the num-  
ber of lines required by these features.  
• Each SNA Link can support up to 64 con-  
current sessions distributed among the vari-  
ous SNA/iX services.  
Bus ness  
• Using an HP 3000 Series 900 and SNA  
DHCF/iX as a gateway system, IBM 3270  
display stations can access only TTY-mode  
applications on other HP 3000 MPE/iX sys-  
tems. Access to other systems requires the  
NS Network Service and Link products.  
• SNA DHCF/iX supports “reverse VT” func-  
tionality; this permits an HP application to  
acquire remote IBM 3270 display stations  
provided that the SNA DHCF/iX session has  
already been established.  
HP will support certain versions and later  
releases of the above software. Your HP  
support representatives must determine  
whether SNA DHCF/iX can be supported with  
your network configuration. The Network  
Implementation Support Plan (NISP) will  
assist the HP account team in determining  
support requirements prior to the installation  
of SNA DHCF/iX.  
Installation and Configuration Policy  
Product Requirements  
The customer is responsible for loading the  
SNA DHCF/iX software onto the system.  
• Hewlett-Packard System Requirements  
– HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System  
– A supported release of MPE/iX  
– SNA/SDLC Link/iX (30292B and A5563A),  
SNA/Token Ring Link/iX (J2167A), or  
SNA/X.25 Link/iX (36939B)  
Hewlett-Packard will perform minimum  
configuration of SNA DHCF/iX in order to  
verify minimum product functionality. This  
activity is included in the product purchase  
• SNA DHCF/iX requires an IBM System/370  
or compatible mainframe with an IBM 37xx  
communications controller. SNA DHCF/iX  
has been certified with the following mini-  
mum levels of IBM software for the IBM  
mainframe and communications controller:  
MVS (OS/VS2 Release 3.8)  
Customer Responsibility  
Prior to having HP personnel onsite to  
perform minimum configuration of SNA  
DHCF/iX, the customer is responsible for the  
– ACF/VTAM Release 3.2 or later  
– ACF/NCP Release 5.2 or later  
– HCF  
• Providing HP with the information neces-  
sary to complete the Network  
• For communication to an IBM S/36 the fol-  
lowing software must be running on the IBM  
Implementation and Support Plan (NISP)  
– system configurations  
– SNA 3270 Emulation  
– logical network map identifying relevant  
traffic flow  
• HCF V2 (Host Command Facility, Version 2  
- IBM P/N 5668-985) must be installed on  
the IBM host. IBM supports HCF V2 under  
MVS as well as OS/VS1 and DOS/VSE (see  
below) operating environments.  
• Although IBM supports HCF V2 under the  
OS/VS1 Release 7.0 and DOS/VSE Release  
35 operating environments, HP SNA  
DHCF/iX has not been tested or certified  
with these operating systems.  
– physical network map identifying relevant  
network hardware components.  
Verifying that the necessary host mainframe  
software is installed and configured to sup-  
port SNA DHCF/iX. The customer should  
contact their HP Sales Representative for  
typical host parameter values or consult the  
“HP SNA Products Remote System  
Configuration Guide” (J2220-61025) for  
Bus ness  
Verifying that SNA Link is properly installed  
and configured prior to this installation of  
SNA DHCF/iX unless SNA Link will be  
installed at the same time.  
• Updating the HP 3000 system to the proper  
release level and installing the SNA  
DHCF/iX software using AUTOINST. Refer  
to the HP 3000 MPE/iX Installation and  
Update Manual (36123-90001).  
Verifying that all of the necessary software  
modules have been successfully installed by  
AUTOINST and are at the correct version  
levels using the NMMAINT.PUB.SYS utility.  
• Performing full system backups as neces-  
sary and ensuring that the HP 3000 system  
and personnel with HP 3000 system man-  
agement knowledge are available when HP  
is onsite to complete the minimum configu-  
ration of SNA DHCF/iX.  
Additional Implementation  
For implementation needs that go beyond  
installation, the customer can either provide  
self-support or can purchase additional  
services from HP. These services include  
Network Startup and HP ConsultLine. In  
addition, the customer can also purchase  
service from HP on a time-and-materials basis.  
Network Startup includes implementation  
scheduling and coordination assistance,  
network configuration and verification testing,  
and network documentation.  
Ordering Information  
SNA Link Interface Card  
RS-232-C Synchronous  
Modem Connection  
V35 Synchronous  
Modem Connection  
Autodial Connection  
Factory Integration  
The customer is also responsible for  
completing the configuration in order to fully  
integrate SNA DHCF/iX into the existing  
customer network after HP has completed the  
minimum configuration of SNA DHCF/iX.  
HP Responsibility  
Required for SNA/SDLC, SNA/Services bundle, NS  
Point-to-Point, RJE, BSC/iX Softwares (option 001  
CIB/CIO become obsolete)  
Following the installation of SNA DHCF/iX,  
HP is responsible for the following:  
• Confirming that all of the necessary soft-  
ware modules have been installed and are at  
the correct version level.  
SNA Services License,  
Software and Documentation  
• Configuring the SNA DHCF/iX product to a  
minimum configuration (1 LU) in order to  
verify software and hardware functionality.  
Verifying the SNA DHCF/iX configuration by  
issuing the DHCFCONTROL START com-  
mand and ensuring that the LU to SSCP  
session becomes active for the LU that was  
Tier 1 License (also applies to 315,  
320 Tier 2, 3 systems)  
Tier 4 License (also applies to 335  
Tier 5 systems)  
Tier 6 License (also applies to 350  
Tier 7 systems)  
Upgrade credit Tier 1  
Upgrade credit Tier 4  
Requires A5563A.  
Includes former 30202A, 30293A, 30294A, and 36935A.  
These steps complete HPs portion of the  
installation and minimum configuration of  
Customers must also order the MPE media  
product (51543B) on MPE/iX 5.5 Express 7 or  
later, or MPE/iX 6.0 Express 1 or later. This is  
required to receive software for this product.  
Bus ness  
Support Products  
HP offers a spectrum of support service  
products to help plan, implement, operate,  
and manage your multivendor network  
throughout the network lifecycle.  
For more information, contact your HP Sales  
Representative, or refer to the HP data sheets  
for specific support services.  
The following documentation is for SNA  
• 36935-61001 HP SNA DHCF/iX User  
Support Guide  
• 36935-61002 HP SNA DHCF/iX Node  
Managers Guide  
• 36935-61003 HP SNA DHCF/iX Application  
Programmers Manual  
• 36935-61004 HP SNA DHCF/iX Diagnostic  
Message Manual  
• J2220-61025 HP SNA Products Remote  
System Configuration Guide  
Bus ness  
For additional information please contact any of our  
worldwide sales offices or HP Channel Partners.  
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©Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1999  
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Printed in USA RO0499  
Bus ness  

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