Hotpoint Microwave Oven MWH 121 User Manual

Instructions for use  
Installation, 2  
Description of the appliance, 3  
Microwave oven function  
Beginning and use, 5  
Setting the clock  
Safety Block  
Operating mode  
Special Function: DRINK  
Special Function: POPCORN  
Special Function: FRESH VEGETABLES  
Microwave Function  
Defrost by weight (Automatic)  
Defrost by tome (Manual)  
Important notes  
During operation  
Interrupting the operation  
Working with microwaves  
MWH 121  
Precautions and Advices, 9  
General security  
Practical advices  
Microwave Oven Maintenance, 11  
Remove the plug from de socket  
Light replacement  
Solving problems  
Cord replacement  
Description of the appliance  
1 – Glass window on the door  
2 - Catch  
3 – Mica covers  
4 – Screen  
5 – Faction Selector  
6 – Timer Selector  
7 – Open button  
8 – Slot for rotating base  
9 – Rotating base  
10 – Rotating plate  
Microwave oven function:  
In a conventional oven the heat radiated by the  
resistances or gas burners, slowly penetrates the food  
from the outside to the inside. There is, therefore, a  
great loss of energy in the heating of the air, oven  
components and recipients.  
Most food contains water, whose molecules vibrate  
with Microwaves.  
The friction between the molecules generates heat,  
which causes a temperature rise in the food, defrosting  
it, cooking it or keeping it warm.  
On the other hand, in microwave ovens the heat is  
generated in the interior of the food itself, heating it  
from the inside outwards. There is therefore no loss of  
energy as the air, interior walls of the oven and  
recipients (when adequate) do not heat up with  
As the heat is formed inside the food:  
- It may be cooked with little or no liquid or fat;  
- Defrosting, heating or cooking in the microwave oven  
is quicker than in a conventional oven;  
- Vitamins, minerals and nutritive substances are  
Microwave ovens have the following advantages:  
The Microwaves pass through porcelain, glass,  
cardboard and plastic but not through metal.  
Therefore, recipients made of or containing metal  
should not be used in the microwave oven.  
1. Save on cooking time: in general there is a 3/4  
reduction of the cooking time than with conventional  
2. Ultra-quick defrosting that prevents bacteria  
The Microwaves are reflected by the metal…  
3. Electricity saving.  
4. Maintaining the nutritive value of the food due to the  
cooking time reduction.  
5. Easy cleaning.  
In the microwave oven there is a high voltage valve  
called "Magnetron" that converts electric energy to  
Microwave energy. These electromagnetic waves are  
conducted to the inside of the oven cavity by means of  
wave-guide and spread by a mode stirrer or by a  
…they pass through Glass and Porcelain…  
Inside the oven, the Microwaves spread out in all  
directions and are reflected by the metallic walls,  
penetrating the food evenly.  
…and they are absorbed by the food.  
Beginning and use  
Operating mode  
Setting the clock  
1. Connect the oven to a suitable power source (see  
the Installation Instructions).  
1. Press the CLOCK  
key until the digits start  
2. Open the door by pressing the “Open” button.  
2. Enter the hour by turning the ROTATING KNOB in  
both directions.  
3. Place the container with the food on the tray or grille.  
4. Select the desired function and cooking time in  
accordance with, the description provided following  
3. Press the CLOCK key  
again to change the  
4. Enter the minutes by turning the ROTATING KNOB in  
both directions.  
5. Close the door and press the START  
6. The microwave oven starts working. The Display  
shows the functioning time decreasing.  
5. Press the CLOCK key  
to stop.  
Safety Block  
1. The microwave oven operation can be blocked (for  
example: to prevent it from being used by children) by  
pressing the STOP  
key for 3 seconds. The  
microwave beep and the appliance will be blocked. It  
continues to display the time and the Safety Block  
function indicator will light up.  
2. To unblock it, press the STOP  
key for 3 seconds.  
At the end of this time there is an alarm sound and the  
Display show the clock once again.  
Special Function: DRINK  
Special Function: FRESH VEGETABLES  
1. Place 300-400 g of fresh vegetables (broccoli,  
cabbage, carrot, etc.) and 45-60 ml of water in a heat  
resistant recipient with a lid. Add salt as desired.  
1. Place the drink (approx. 150 to 300 ml of coffee, tea,  
milk, water, etc.) in a heat resistant recipient on the  
2. Press the Special Function FRESH VEGETABLES  
key: the Special Function Fresh Vegetables indicator  
light up.  
2. Press the Special Function DRINK  
Special Function Drink indicator light up.  
key: the  
3. Press the START  
key. The oven starts working.  
3. Press the START  
key. The oven starts working.  
Special Function: POPCORN  
4. At the end, there is a standing time during which the  
oven continues working and the Special Function fresh  
vegetables indicator blink.  
1. Place the corn (100-150 g) in a heat resistant  
recipient with a lid. Add a little butter or cooking oil and  
sprinkle with salt or sugar as desired.  
Microwave Function  
2. Press the Special Function POPCORN  
Special Function Popcorn indicator light up.  
key: the  
1. Press the MICROWAVE  
Function indicator light up.  
key: the Microwave  
2. Enter the operating time (for example: 10 minutes),  
by turning the ROTATING KNOB in both directions.  
3. Press the START  
key. The oven starts working.  
Special Function: RICE  
3. To change the Microwave power, press the  
keys. If these keys are not pressed, the microwave  
oven work as default at maximum power.  
1. Place a cup of rice (approx. 200 g) and 1-½ cups of  
water into a glass bowl with lid. Add salt, oil etc. as  
desired and mix everything.  
4. Press the START  
key. The oven starts working.  
2. Place the glass bowl with the lid on the oven  
3. Press the Special Function RICE  
key: the  
Special Function Rice indicator light up.  
4. Press the START  
key. The oven starts working.  
5. At the end, there is a standing time during which the  
oven continues working and the Special Function RICE  
indicator blink.  
Defrost by Weight (Automatic)  
- In the Defrost by Weight function, the introduced  
weight is that of the food alone, not including the dish.  
1. Press the DEFROST BY WEIGHT  
Defrost by Weight Function indicator light up.  
key: the  
- Use the Defrost by Weight function only for raw food.  
2. Enter the type of food, by pressing the  
keys. If these keys are not pressed, it select type 1  
food as default.  
- This function has better results if the food is at a  
temperature of -18ºC and if the food is taken directly  
from the freezer to the oven.  
3. Enter the food weight (for example: 1,2 kg), by  
turning the ROTATING KNOB in both directions.  
- If the food is at a higher temperature (either because  
it isn’t a 3 star freezer or because the food has been  
out of the freezer for more than 20 minutes) the oven  
calculated time will be more and there may be a risk of  
fire. In these cases, select a weight, which is lower than  
the real food weight.  
4. Press the START  
Key. The oven starts working.  
5. When the oven stops and the alarm sounds, open  
the door and turn the food over. Close the door and  
press the START  
- In the cases above and when the food is already  
cooked and frozen, use the Defrost by Time function,  
starting with short periods of time.  
Defrost by Time (Manual)  
1. Press the DEFROST BY TIME  
Time Function indicator light up.  
key: the Defrost by  
- When you use tin foil to protect the thinner parts of the  
food, make sure that it doesn’t touch the oven walls,  
otherwise there may be damages.  
2. Enter the defrosting time (for example: 12 minutes),  
by turning the ROTATING KNOB in both directions.  
- Turn the foods around the moment the microwave  
beeps and starts to flash on the screen: “Turn”. Close  
3. Press the START  
key. The oven starts working.  
4. When the oven stops and the alarm sounds, open  
the door and turn the food over. Close the door and  
the door and press the START  
the cooking process.  
button, to continue  
press the START  
The following table describes the different Defrost by  
Weight programmes; the respective weight ranges;  
defrost time ranges; standing time ranges (to allow  
temperature evenness) and recommendations.  
Defrost Time  
Cover the thinner ends with tin foil. Turn  
the meat when the oven whistles  
0,1 – 1,5 kg  
0,1 – 1,5 kg  
0,1 – 1,5 kg  
4 – 61 min  
20 – 30 min  
20- -30 min  
20 – 30 min  
Cover the thinner ends with tin foil. Turn  
the meat when the oven whistles  
4 – 61 min  
4 – 63 min  
Cover the tail of the fish with tin foil.  
Turn the fish when the oven whistles  
Place the fruit in a glass dish and cover  
it during defrosting and standing time.  
0,1 – 0,5 kg  
0,1 – 0,8 kg  
2 – 13 min  
2 – 19 min  
5 – 10 min  
5 – 10 min  
Place the bread on the glass turntable  
covered with kitchen paper towel.  
During Operation…  
Working with Microwaves  
The microwave oven door may be opened at any time  
during the cooking operation, in which case:-  
Before using any dish, make sure that it is appropriate  
for use in microwaves (SEE ADVICE ON THE USE OF  
The production of microwaves is immediately  
Always make a slit in the food's shell before cooking it.  
- The Timer is automatically stopped, indicating the  
remaining cooking time.  
Whenever heating liquids use a recipient with a large  
opening to allow the vapour to escape.  
Then, if you wish you may:  
Remember that…  
- Stir or turn the food, to improve uniform cooking;  
- Change the Microwave power level by pressing the  
1. Larger quantities of food require more cooking time.  
2. The lower the food temperature the more cooking  
time is needed.  
- Select another function, by pressing the Function  
3. Less dense foods cook faster.  
- Change the operating time left by turning the  
4. An even distribution of the food in the oven  
guarantees better results. The cooking of different  
types of foods simultaneously is possible by placing  
the dense food in an outside circle and the less dense  
in the centre of the plate.  
- Close the door again and press the START  
The oven restarts working.  
Interrupting the Operation  
5. Better results are achieved by allowing the food to  
stand before serving because it continues to cook for  
some time after the oven is switched off.  
To stop the microwave oven before completing its  
programmed time, press the STOP  
key or open the  
6. The cooking time may be shortened and the liquids  
preserved (the food doesn't dry out) by covering the  
food. The lids should be transparent to allow the  
microwaves through and they should have a small  
opening for the vapour to escape.  
If you don’t wish to continue cooking the food, close  
the door and press the STOP  
key again. The oven  
emits a sound and the Display show the Clock.  
At the end of the functioning time, the microwave oven  
stop, emit 3 signal sounds and the Display show the  
word “End”. The sound signals are repeated every 30  
seconds until the door is opened or the STOP  
Precautions and Advices  
General security  
Eggs with their shell and whole boiled eggs shouldn’t  
be warmed up in microwave ovens as they may  
explode, even after microwave heating has ended.  
! If the door or the door hinges are damaged, the oven  
should not be switched on until repaired by a qualified  
Only use utensils that are suitable for use in  
microwave ovens. Do not use any metal utensils inside  
the oven unless they were supplied with the oven and  
for that purpose.  
! It is dangerous for anyone, except a qualified  
technician, to tamper with the apparatus or try to repair  
it in any way by removing any lid or covering which  
assures protection against the exposure to microwave  
Do not warm up liquids or other food in closed  
recipients as they may explode.  
! Liquids and other food should not be heated in  
airtight recipients as these can explode.  
Do not warm up pure alcohol or alcoholic drinks.  
! Children should only be allowed to use the oven  
without adult supervision if they have been given the  
appropriate instructions so that they can use the oven  
safely and understand the dangers of its incorrect use.  
When in doubt, choose short periods to cook heat or  
defrost food with microwaves. With long cooking  
periods the food may become dry and even begin to  
! When the microwave oven is operated in the  
Combination mode (Microwaves + Grill), children  
should only be allowed to use the unit under adult  
supervision due to the high temperatures generated.  
Do not use the microwave oven for anything other  
than warming, cooking or defrosting food.  
Do not operate the microwave oven without its tray  
nor when empty.  
! The microwave oven should be cleaned regularly and  
any food deposits removed (please see the chapter on  
Oven Maintenance for details). Failure to maintain the  
oven in a clean condition could lead to deterioration of  
the surface that could adversely affect the life of the  
appliance and possibly result in a hazardous situation.  
Keep the microwave oven ventilation holes open.  
Never cover any air vents or openings.  
• Eliminating the packing materials: use the right bins  
when discarding all of packing materials. This will  
ensure that the packaging materials are recycled.  
When heating food in plastic or paper recipients,  
check the oven frequently in case they ignite.  
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste  
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), requires  
that old household electrical appliances must not be  
disposed of in the normal unsorted municipal waste  
stream. Old appliances must be collected separately in  
order to optimize the recovery and recycling of the  
materials they contain and reduce the impact on  
human health and the environment.  
If any smoke is detected, then switch off the oven or  
disconnect it and keep the door closed in order for any  
flame to die out.  
After warming up baby bottles or baby food jars stir  
or shake its contents and check the temperature  
before feeding, to avoid burns.  
Warming up drinks in the microwave oven may result  
in a delayed eruptive boiling; therefore one should be  
careful when handling the recipient.  
The crossed out “wheeled bin” symbol on the product  
reminds you of your obligation, that when you dispose  
of the appliance it must be separately collected.  
Consumers should contact their local authority or  
retailer for information concerning the correct disposal  
of their old appliance.  
Practical advices  
! This type of dish may heat considerably.  
Use heat resistant ovenware made of glass, glass,  
ceramic, and porcelain, ceramic or heat-resistant  
plastic. These materials do not block the microwaves.  
Painted glazed ceramic dishes may be used if the  
painting is done under the glaze.  
This is not the case with ovenware made of metal.  
The microwaves are obstructed which means that the  
food in closed containers remains cold. Ensure that  
any metal objects – e.g. a spoon – are at least 2 cm  
away from the oven walls and the inside of the door.  
The glass on the inside of the door could be damaged  
by sparks.  
Many glazes and colours contain metallic substances.  
If this is the case they should not be used in the  
microwave as they may be damaged.  
Recipients with silver and gold glazes may go dark.  
! Plastic dishes should be heat resistant (at least 180°  
C) or they may be deformed when used in the  
microwave. Melamine dishes are not suitable for use in  
the microwave as they heat up too much  
To cook or defrost pieces of meat of irregular sizes,  
you may cover the thinner parts with tin foil, which  
should be kept at least 2 cm away from the oven walls,  
otherwise these may cause an electric arc.  
To cook or heat food in plastic bags, they should be  
perforated to allow vapour to escape thus preventing  
the bag from bursting.  
Metal spits may be used as long as they are smaller  
than the pieces of meat.  
Crystal contains a percentage of lead, which may  
cause it to crack if used in the microwave oven. The  
same may happen to glass dishes with jagged edges.  
! Wooden recipients should not be used in the  
microwave. Wood contains water, which evaporates  
and may cause the recipient to crack.  
! Porcelain dishes may be used but they should not  
have hollow handles. Humidity may be formed inside  
the hollow handles, which will causes an increase in  
pressure that may cause them to break.  
Microwave Oven Maintenance  
The use of glass lids, plastic lids or plastic film is  
advisable because:  
If in doubt about the use of glass, glazed ceramic or  
porcelain dishes in the microwave oven, do the  
following test:  
1. They prevent the release of excessive vapours  
especially when cooking for longer periods.  
- Place the empty dish and a glass of water inside the  
microwave oven;  
2. They increase the speed of heating food.  
3. They prevent the food from drying up.  
4. They prevent the loss of the food aroma.  
- Close the door;  
- Set the Power Level Selector at maximum power;  
- Adjust the timer to 1 minute;  
The lids should have holes to avoid pressure. Plastic  
film should be perforated.  
! If during this test you hear any noise along with  
Baby bottles, baby food jars and other similar  
recipients should be warmed up without lids as they  
can burst.  
sparks, turn off the oven immediately.  
Any kind of cookware that has this kind of behaviour  
or is very hot when removed from the oven should not  
be used in the microwave oven.  
! Glazed ceramic dish recipients contain many  
water molecules and heat a lot, but can be used in  
the microwave oven.  
If in doubt, contact the supplier of the cookware, and  
make sure that they are appropriate for microwaves.  
Remove the plug from the socket  
Light Replacement  
Make sure that the oven is unplugged before cleaning  
the oven.  
The light bulb may only be replaced by the Technical  
Support Service.  
Don't use abrasive cleaning products.  
1. Clean the outside surface with neutral detergent,  
lukewarm water and dry it with a damp cloth.  
2. Avoid water from entering the oven ventilation holes.  
1. Clean the oven walls with a damp cloth after each  
2. Avoid water from entering the ventilation holes in the  
oven's interior.  
3. If some time has passed by since the last cleaning  
and the oven's interior is dirty, place a glass of water  
on the tray and switch on the oven for 4 minutes on the  
highest setting. Moisture will form on the oven walls,  
which will be easily cleaned.  
4. The tray can be washed with regular dish washing  
detergent or in the dishwasher.  
Door, door seal, and oven front  
1. These parts should always be clean, especially the  
contact surface between the door and the oven front,  
to prevent microwave leakage.  
2. Use neutral detergent, lukewarm water and dry the  
surface with a soft cloth.  
Solving Problems  
Cord Replacement  
Repairs or interventions carried out by an unqualified  
serviceman can cause dangerous situations.  
If the cord is damaged, it should be replaced by the  
manufacturer, authorized agents or qualified  
technicians in order to avoid any dangerous situation  
and also because special tools are required.  
Every and any kind of repair or intervention should  
be done by the manufacturer, authorized agents or  
qualified technicians.  
If you detect any abnormalities in the oven, check the  
following before you contact T.A.S:  
1. Check if the outlet into which the oven is plugged  
has power. To do so, plug another appliance into the  
same outlet and check if it works.  
2 If the oven lamp switches on, but the food does not  
heat up, check if the door is well closed (if the door is  
not properly closed, no microwaves will be produced).  

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