HP Hewlett Packard Server PA 8600 User Manual

HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
This subchapter pertains to all HP 9000 Superdome servers (running PA-8600, PA-8700 or PA-8800 processors) for all markets. With Superdome, HP  
launches a new strategy to ensure a positive Total Customer Experience is achieved via industry-leading HP Services. Our experience has shown us that large  
solution implementations most often succeed as a result of appropriate skills and attention being applied to the solution design and implementation. To  
address this on the implementation side, for Superdome, HP is responding to Customer and Industry feedback and delivering Superdome Configurations via  
three, pre-configured Services levels: Critical Service, Proactive Service and Foundation Service. With Superdome, we introduced a new role, the TCE  
Manager, who manages the fulfillment of an integrated business solution based on customer requirements. For each customer account, the TCE Manager  
will facilitate the selection of the appropriate configuration. For ordering instructions, please consult the ordering guide.  
Superdome Service Solutions  
Superdome continues to provide the same positive Total Customer Experience via industry leading HP Services as with existing Superdome servers. The HP  
Services component of Superdome is described here:  
Solution Life C ycle  
HP customers have consistently achieved higher levels of satisfaction when key components of their IT infrastructures are  
implemented using the Solution Life C ycle. The Solution Life Cycle focuses on rapid productivity and maximum  
availability by examining customers' specific needs at each of five distinct phases (plan, design, integrate, install, and  
manage) and then designing their Superdome solution around those needs.  
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HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Standard Features  
NOTE: Given that PA-8600/PA-8700 are single-core processors and PA-8800 is a dual-core processor, the columns listed in this table refer to 16-socket,  
32-socket and 64-socket. This terminology refers to 16-way, 32-way and 64-way for Superdome PA-8600/PA-8700 and 32-way, 64-way and 128-way for  
Superdome PA 8800 systems.  
System Size  
16 Sockets  
M inim um System  
PA 8600 or  
M axim um SPU Capacities  
PA 8800  
PA 8600 or  
PA 8800  
PA 8700  
PA 8700  
Cell Boards  
PC I C hassis  
2 GB  
2 GB  
64 GB  
256 GB  
1 Cell Board  
1 12 slot chassis  
1 Cell Board  
1 12 slot chassis  
4 Cell Boards  
4 12 slot chassis  
4 Cell Boards  
4 12 slot chassis  
32 Sockets  
Cell Boards  
PC I C hassis  
2 GB  
2 GB  
128 GB  
512 GB  
1 Cell Board  
1 12 slot chassis  
1 Cell Board  
1 12 slot chassis  
8 Cell Boards  
8 12 slot chassis  
8 Cell Boards  
8 12 slot chassis  
64 Sockets  
Cell Boards  
PC I C hassis  
6 GB  
6 GB  
256 GB  
1024 GB (1)  
3 Cell Boards  
1 12 slot chassis  
3 Cell Boards  
1 12 slot chassis  
16 Cell Boards  
16 12 slot chassis  
16 Cell Boards  
16 12 slot chassis  
Standard Features  
Redundant Power Supply  
Redundant Fans  
HP-UX operating system with unlimited user license  
Factory Integration of memory and I/O Cards  
Installation Guide, Operators Guide, and Architecture Manual  
HP Site planning and Installation  
One year warranty with same business day on-site service response  
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HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
There are three basic building blocks in the Superdome system architecture: the cell, the crossbar backplane and the I/O subsystem. Please note that  
Superdome with PA-8800 is based on a different chip set (sx1000) than Superdome with PA-8600 or PA-8700. For more information on the sx1000 chip set,  
please refer to the HP Integrity Superdome QuickSpec.  
C abinets  
A Superdome system can consist of up to four different types of cabinet assemblies:  
At least one Superdome left cabinet. The Superdome cabinets contain all of the processors, memory and core  
devices of the system. They will also house most (usually all) of the system's I/O cards. Systems may include both left  
and right cabinet assemblies containing, a left or right backplane respectively.  
One or more HP Rack System/E cabinets. These 19-inch rack cabinets are used to hold the system peripheral  
devices such as disk drives.  
Optionally, one or more I/O expansion cabinets (Rack System/E). An I/O expansion cabinet is required when a  
customer requires more PCI cards than can be accommodated in their Superdome cabinets.  
Superdome cabinets are serviced from the front and rear of the cabinet only. This enables customers to arrange the cabinets  
of their Superdome system in the traditional row fashion found in most computer rooms. The width of the cabinet  
accommodates moving it through common doorways in the U.S. and Europe. The intake air to the main (cell) card cage is  
filtered. This filter can be removed for cleaning/replacement while the system is fully operational.  
A status display will be located on the outside of the front and rear doors of each cabinet. The customer and field engineers  
can therefore determine basic status of each cabinet without opening any cabinet doors.  
For PA-8600 and PA-8700 processors (single core per processor):  
Superdome 16-way: single cabinet (a left cabinet)  
Superdome 32-way: single cabinet (a left cabinet)  
Superdome 64 way: dual cabinet (a left cabinet and a right cabinet)  
For PA-8800 processors (dual core per processor):  
Superdome 32-way: single cabinet (a left cabinet)  
Superdome 64-way: single cabinet (a left cabinet)  
Superdome 128-way: dual cabinet (a left cabinet and a right cabinet)  
Each cabinet may contain a specific number of cell boards (consisting of CPUs and memory) and I/O. See the following  
sections for configuration rules pertaining to each cabinet. The base configuration product numbers for each of the models  
are listed below.  
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HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Cells (CPUs and M em ory) A cell, or cell board, is the basic building block of a Superdome system. It is a symmetric multi-processor (SMP),  
Four sockets that can hold PA-8600, PA-8700 or PA-8800 processors (only one type is allowed per cell)  
Memory (up to 16-GB RAM with 512-MB DIMMs, 32-GB RAM with 1-GB DIMMs and 64-GB with 2-GB DIMMs.  
NOTE: 1-GB and 2 -GB DIMMs are only supported with Superdome PA 8800)  
One cell controller (CC)  
Power converters  
Data buses  
Optional link to I/O card cage  
Please note the following:  
PA-8600 and PA-8700 processors can be mixed within a Superdome system, but must reside on different cells and  
in different partitions. PA-8800 processors cannot be mixed within a Superdome system with PA-8600 or PA-8700  
A Superdome PA-8800 system can support up to 1 TB of memory with 2 GB DIMMs. However, due to the limitation  
of HP-UX 11i, the maximum amount of memory supported in a partition is 512 GB.  
For PA-8600 and PA-8700 processors: The minimum configuration includes one active CPU and 2 GB memory per  
cell board. The maximum configuration includes four active CPU and 16 GB memory per cell board. Each cell  
board ships with four PA-8600 or PA-8700 CPUs. However, based on the number of active CPUs ordered, from one  
through four CPUs are activated prior to shipment.  
For PA-8800 processors: The minimum configuration includes four active processors and 2 GB memory per cell  
board. The maximum configuration includes 8 active processors and 64 GB memory per cell board using 2-GB  
DIMMs. Each cell board ships with either four or eight PA-8800 CPUs. The minimum number of active processors  
on each cell board is 4. Additional processors on the cell board can be activated individually (not in pairs).  
512-MB, 1-GB and 2-GB (future) DIMMs can be mixed on a cell board in Superdome PA-8800 systems only.  
Crossbar Backplane  
Each Crossbar backplane contains two sets of two crossbar chips that provide a non blocking connection between eight  
cells and the other backplane. Each backplane cabinet can support up to eight resulting in a Superdome PA-8600 or  
Superdome PA-8700 32-way or Superdome PA-8800 64-way system. A backplane supporting four cells would result in a  
Superdome PA-8600 or Superdome PA-8700 16-way and a Superdome PA-8800 32-way system. Two backplanes can be  
linked together with flex cables to produce a cabinet that can support up to 16 cells resulting in a Superdome PA-8600 or  
Superdome PA-8700 64-way or Superdome PA-8800 128-way system.  
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HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
I/O Subsystem  
Each I/O chassis provides twelve I/O slots. Superdome PA-8600 and Superdome PA-8700 support I/O chassis with 12 PCI  
66 capable slots, eight supported via single (1x) ropes (266 MB/s peak) and four supported via dual (2x) ropes (533 MB/s  
peak). Superdome PA-8800 supports I/O chassis with 12 PCI-X 133 capable slots, eight supported via single enhanced (2x)  
ropes (533 MB/s peak) and four supported via dual enhanced (4x) ropes (1066 MB/s peak).  
Each Superdome cabinet supports a maximum of four I/O chassis. The optional I/O expansion cabinet can support three  
I/O chassis enclosures (ICE), each of which supports two I/O chassis for a maximum of six I/O chassis per I/O expansion  
Each I/O chassis connects to one cell board and the number of I/O chassis supported is dependent on the number of cells  
present in the system. A Superdome system can have more cells than I/O chassis. For instance, an 8-cell Superdome can  
have one to eight I/O chassis. Each partition must have at least one I/O chassis with the number of I/O chassis not  
exceeding the number of cells.  
A 4-cell Superdome supports four I/O chassis for a maximum of 48 PCI slots.  
An 8-cell Superdome supports eight I/O chassis for a maximum of 96 PCI slots. Since a single Superdome cabinet only  
supports four I/O chassis, an I/O expansion cabinet and two I/O chassis enclosures are required to support all eight I/O  
A 16-cell Superdome supports 16 I/O chassis for a maximum of 192 PCI slots. Since two Superdome cabinets (left and  
right) only support eight I/O chassis, two I/O expansion cabinets and four I/O chassis enclosures are required to support all  
16 I/O chassis. The four I/O chassis enclosures are spread across the two I/O expansion cabinets, either three ICE in one  
I/O expansion cabinet and one ICE in the other, or two ICE in each.  
Core I/O  
Superdome's core I/O provides the base set of I/O functions required by every Superdome partition. Each partition must have  
at least one core I/O card in order to boot. Multiple core I/O cards may be present within a partition (one core I/O card is  
supported per I/O backplane); however, only one may be active at a time. Core I/O will utilize the standard long card PCI  
form factor but will add a second card cage connection to the I/O backplane for additional non-PCI signals (USB and  
utilities). This secondary connector will not impede the ability to support standard PCI cards in the core slot when a core I/O  
card is not installed.  
Any I/O chassis can support a Core I/O card that is required for each independent partition. A system configured with 16  
cells, each with its own I/O chassis and core I/O card could support up to 16 independent partitions. Note that cells can be  
configured without I/O chassis attached, but I/O chassis cannot be configured in the system unless attached to a cell.  
The core I/O card's primary functions are:  
Partitions (console support) including USB and RS-232 connections  
10/100Base-T LAN (general purpose)  
Other common functions, such as Ultra/Ultra2 SCSI, Fibre Channel, and Gigabit Ethernet, are not included on the core I/O  
card. These functions are, of course, supported as normal add in cards.  
The unified 100Base-T Core LAN driver code searches to verify whether there is a cable connection on an RJ-45 port or on an  
AUI port. If no cable connection is found on the RJ-45 port, there is a busy wait pause of 150 ms when checking for an AUI  
connection. By installing the loopback connector (description below) in the RJ-45 port, the driver would think an RJ 45 cable  
was connected and would not continue to search for an AUI connection, hence eliminate the 150 ms busy wait state:  
Product/O ption Num ber D escription  
RJ-45 Loopback Connector  
Factory integration RJ-45 Loopback Connector  
I/O Expansion C abinet  
The I/O expansion functionality is physically partitioned into four rack mounted chassis-the I/O expansion utilities chassis  
(XUC), the I/O expansion rear display module (RDM), the I/O expansion power chassis (XPC) and the I/O chassis enclosure  
(ICE). Each ICE supports up to two 12-slot I/O chassis.  
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HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Factory Integration  
When an I/O Expansion cabinet is ordered as an upgrade to a Superdome system, it includes the factory testing and  
integration of any components that are ordered at the same time as the cabinet. This includes any I/O Chassis, PCI or PCI-  
X cards and peripherals. If it is ordered as an upgrade but not at the time of the Superdome system, additional installation  
assistance may be required and can be ordered as field installation products.  
Field Racking  
The only field rackable I/O expansion components are the ICE and the 12-slot I/O chassis. Either component would be  
field installed when the customer has ordered additional I/O capability for a previously installed I/O expansion cabinet.  
No I/O expansion cabinet components will be delivered to be field installed in a customer's existing rack other than a  
previously installed I/O expansion cabinet. The I/O expansion components were not designed to be installed in racks other  
than Rack System E. In other words, they are not designed for Rosebowl I, pre-merger Compaq, Rittal, or other third-party  
The I/O expansion cabinet is based on a modified HP Rack System E and all expansion components mount in the rack.  
Each component is designed to install independently in the rack. The Rack System E cabinet has been modified to allow  
I/O interface cables to route between the ICE and cell boards in the Superdome cabinet. I/O expansion components are  
not designed for installation behind a rack front door. The components are designed for use with the standard Rack System  
E perforated rear door.  
I/O C hassis Enclosure  
(IC E)  
The I/O chassis enclosure (ICE) provides expanded I/O capability for Superdome. Each ICE supports up to 24 I/O slots by  
using two 12-slot Superdome I/O chassis. The I/O chassis installation in the ICE puts the I/O cards in a horizontal  
position. An ICE supports one or two 12-slot I/O chassis. The I/O chassis enclosure (ICE) is designed to mount in a Rack  
System E rack and consumes 9U of vertical rack space.  
To provide online addition/replacement/deletion access to I/O cards and hot-swap access for I/O fans, all I/O chassis are  
mounted on a sliding shelf inside the ICE.  
Four (N+1) I/O fans mounted in the rear of the ICE provide cooling for the chassis. Air is pulled through the front as well  
as the I/O chassis lid (on the side of the ICE) and exhausted out the rear. The I/O fan assembly is hot swappable. An LED  
on each I/O fan assembly indicates that the fan is operating.  
C abinet H eight and  
Although the individual I/O expansion cabinet components are designed for installation in any Rack System E cabinet,  
C onfiguration Lim itations rack size limitations have been agreed upon. IOX Cabinets will ship in either the 1.6-meter (33U) or 1.96-meter (41U)  
cabinet. In order to allay service access concerns, the factory will not install IOX components higher than 1.6 meters from  
the floor. Open space in an IOX cabinet will be available for peripheral installation.  
Peripheral Support  
Server Support  
All peripherals qualified for use with Superdome and/or for use in a Rack System E are supported in the I/O expansion  
cabinet as long as there is available space. Peripherals not connected to or associated with the Superdome system to which  
the I/O expansion cabinet is attached may be installed in the I/O expansion cabinet.  
No servers except those required for Superdome system management such as Superdome Support Management Station or  
ISEE may be installed in an I/O expansion cabinet.  
Peripherals installed in the I/O expansion cabinet cannot be powered by the XPC. Provisions for peripheral AC power must  
be provided by a PDU or other means.  
Standalone I/O Expansion If an I/O expansion cabinet is ordered alone, its field installation can be ordered via option 750 in the ordering guide  
C abinet  
(option 950 for Superdome Advanced Architect Program Channel partners).  
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HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
D VD Solution  
The DVD solution for Superdome requires the following components per partition. External racks A4901A and A4902A  
must also be ordered with the DVD solution.  
NOTE: One DVD and one DAT is required per nPartition.  
Superdom e DVD Solutions  
D escription  
Part Number  
O ption Num ber  
PCI Ultra160 SCSI Adapter or PCI Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Adapter  
Surestore Tape Array 5300  
A6828A or A6829A 0D1  
HP DVD+RW Array Module (one per partition)  
(NOTE: HP DVD-ROM Array Module for the TA5300 (C7499B) is replaced by  
HP DVD+RW Array Module (Q1592A) to give customers read capabilities for  
loading software from CD or DVD, DVD write capabilities for small amount of  
data (up to 4 GB) and offline hot-swap capabilities.)  
HP DAT 40m Array Module  
HP DAT 72 Array Module (carbon)  
DDS-4/DAT40 (one per partition)  
NOTE: A5149A supports the MSA30 SB/DB as a boot device on Superdome  
running HP-UX 11i.  
Jumper SCSI Cable for DDS-4 (optional) 1  
SCSI cable 5 meter  
SCSI Terminator  
1 0.5-meter HD-HDTS68 is required if DDS-4 is used.  
If using DAT72, it is recommended to use an A6829A dual port SCSI with daisy chaining to connect the DVD and the  
DAT72 leaving the second port available to connect a SCSI data storage device.  
Partitio ns  
H ardware Partitions  
A hardware partition (nPar) consists of one or more cells that communicate coherently over a high bandwidth, low latency  
crossbar fabric. Individual processors on a single cell board cannot be separately partitioned. nPars are logically isolated  
from each other such that transactions in one nPar are not visible to other nPars within the same complex.  
Each nPar runs its own independent operating system. Different nPars may be executing the same or different revisions of an  
operating system. On HP Integrity Superdome systems, nPars may be executing different operating systems altogether (HP-  
UX, Windows Server 2003 or Linux). Please refer to the HP Integrity Superdome section for details on these operating  
Each nPar has its own independent CPUs, memory and I/O resources consisting of the resources of the cells that make up  
the nPar. Resources may be removed from one nPar and added to another without having to physically manipulate the  
hardware just by using commands that are part of the System Management interface.  
Superdome HP-UX 11i supports static nPars. Static nPars imply that any nPar configuration change requires a reboot of that  
nPar. In a future HP-UX release, dynamic nPars will be supported. Dynamic nPars imply that the nPar configuration  
changes do not require a reboot of that nPar. Using the related capabilities of dynamic reconfiguration (i.e. on-line  
addition, on-line removal), new resources may be added to an nPar and failed modules may be removed and replaced  
while the nPar continues in operation.  
V irtual Partitio ns  
A virtual partition (vPar) provides the capability of dividing a system into different HP UX operating system images. For  
more details on vPars, please refer to Chapter 6 of this guide.  
VPars is available on HP-UX 11i and therefore can run on Superdome PA-8600/PA-8700 servers.  
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HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
H ig h A va ila b ility  
NOTE: Online addition/replacement for cell boards is not currently supported and will be available in a future HP UX  
release. Online addition/replacement of individual CPUs and memory DIMMs will never be supported.)  
Superdome high availability offering is as follows:  
CPU: The features below nearly eliminate the down time associated with CPU cache errors (which are the majority  
of CPU errors).  
Dynamic processor resilience w/ Instant Capacity enhancement.  
CPU cache ECC protection and automatic de allocation  
CPU bus parity protection  
Redundant DC conversion  
Memory: The memory subsystem design is such that a single SDRAM chip does not contribute more than 1 bit to  
each ECC word. Therefore, the only way to get a multiple-bit memory error from SDRAMs is if more than one  
SDRAM failed at the same time (rare event). The system is also resilient to any cosmic ray or alpha particle strike  
because these failure modes can only affect multiple bits in a single SDRAM. If a location in memory is "bad", the  
physical page is de-allocated dynamically and is replaced with a new page without any OS or application  
interruption. In addition, a combination of hardware and software scrubbing is used for memory. The software  
scrubber reads/writes all memory locations periodically. However, it does not have access to "locked-down" pages.  
Therefore, a hardware memory scrubber is provided for full coverage. Finally data is protected by providing  
address/control parity protection.  
Memory DRAM fault tolerance (i.e., recovery of a single SDRAM failure)  
DIMM address/control parity protection  
Dynamic memory resilience (i.e., page de-allocation of bad memory pages during operation)  
Hardware and software memory scrubbing  
Redundant DC conversion  
Cell COD  
I/O : Partitions configured with dual path I/O can be configured to have no shared components between them,  
thus preventing I/O cards from creating faults on other I/O paths. I/O cards in hardware partitions (nPars) are fully  
isolated from I/O cards in other hard partitions. It is not possible for an I/O failure to propagate across hard  
partitions. It is possible to dynamically repair and add I/O cards to an existing running partition.  
Full single-wire error detection and correction on I/O links  
I/O cards fully isolated from each other  
Hardware for the prevention of silent corruption of data going to I/O  
On-line addition/replacement (OLAR) for individual I/O cards, some external peripherals, SUB/HUB  
Parity protected I/O paths  
Dual path I/O  
C rossbar and C abinet Infrastructure:  
Recovery of a single crossbar wire failure  
Localization of crossbar failures to the partitions using the link  
Automatic de-allocation of bad crossbar link upon boot  
Redundant and hotswap DC converters for the crossbar backplane  
ASIC full burn-in and "high quality" production process  
Full "test to failure" and accelerated life testing on all critical assemblies  
Strong emphasis on quality for multiple-nPartition single points of failure (SPOFs)  
System resilience to Management Processor (MP)  
Isolation of nPartition failure  
Protection of nPartitions against spurious interrupts or memory corruption  
Hot swap redundant fans (main and I/O) and power supplies (main and backplane power bricks)  
Dual power source  
Phone-Home capability  
"H A C luster-In-A-Box" C onfiguration: The "HA Cluster-In-A-Box" allows for failover of users' applications  
between hardware partitions (nPars) on a single Superdome system. All providers of mission critical solutions agree  
that failover between clustered systems provides the safest availability-no single points of failures (SPOFs) and no  
ability to propagate failures between systems. However, HP supports the configuration of HA cluster software in a  
single system to allow the highest possible availability for those users that need the benefits of a non-clustered  
solution, such as scalability and manageability. Superdome with this configuration will provide the greatest single  
system availability configurable. Since no single-system solution in the industry provides protection against a SPOF,  
users that still need this kind of safety and HP's highest availability should use HA cluster software in a multiple  
system HA configuration. Multiple Serviceguard or Serviceguard Extension for RAC clusters can be configured within  
a single Superdome system (i.e., two 4-node clusters configured within a 32-way Superdome system).  
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HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
M ulti-system H igh  
A va ila b ility  
Any Superdome partition with PA-RISC processors that is protected by Serviceguard or Serviceguard Extension for RAC can  
be configured in a cluster with:  
Another Superdome with PA-RISC processors  
One or more standalone non Superdome systems with PA-RISC processors  
Another partition within the same single cabinet Superdome (refer to "HA Cluster-in-a-Box" above for specific  
Separate partitions within the same Superdome system can be configured as part of different Serviceguard clusters.  
Please note that when you add nodes or initially create a cluster, all nodes must be at the same version of the operating  
system and Serviceguard. This means that you may have to load an operating system update for hardware enablement of  
the newer hardware, even on older systems. Please refer to the "Compatibility and Feature Matrix" at  
G eographically Dispersed The following Geographically Dispersed Cluster solutions fully support cluster configurations using Superdome systems. The  
C luster C onfigurations  
existing configuration requirements for non-Superdome systems also apply to configurations that include Superdome  
systems. An additional recommendation, when possible, is to configure the nodes of cluster in each datacenter within  
multiple cabinets to allow for local failover in the case of a single cabinet failure. Local failover is always preferred over a  
remote failover to the other datacenter. The importance of this recommendation increases as the geographic distance  
between datacenters increases.  
Extended Campus Clusters (using Serviceguard with Mirrordisk/UX)  
MetroCluster with Continuous Access XP  
MetroCluster with EMC SRDF  
From an HA perspective, it is always better to have the nodes of an HA cluster spread across as many system cabinets  
(Superdome and non Superdome systems) as possible. This approach maximizes redundancy to further reduce the chance of  
a failure causing down time.  
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HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Management Features  
Supportability and management features on HP 9000 Superdome are covered in the next section.  
Service Processor (M P)  
The service processor (MP) utility hardware is an independent support system for nPartition servers. It provides a way for you  
to connect to a server complex and perform administration or monitoring  
tasks for the server hardware and its nPartitions. The main features of the service processor include the Command menu,  
nPartition consoles, console logs, chassis code viewers, and partition Virtual Front Panels (live displays of nPartition and  
cell states).  
Access to the MP is restricted by user accounts. Each user account is password protected and provides a specific level of  
access to the Superdome complex and service processor commands. Multiple users can independently interact with the  
service processor because each service processor login session is private.  
Up to 16 users can simultaneously log in to the service processor through its network (customer LAN) interface and they can  
independently manage nPartitions or view the server complex hardware states.  
Two additional service processor login sessions can be supported by the local and remote serial ports. These allow for serial  
port terminal access(through the local RS-232 port) and external modem access (through the  
remote RS-232 port).  
In general, the service processor (MP) on Superdome servers is similar to the service processor on other HP servers, while  
providing enhanced features necessary for managing a multiple-nPartition server. For example, the service processor  
manages the complex profile, which defines nPartition configurations as well as complex-wide settings for the server. The  
service processor also controls power, reset, and TOC capabilities, displays and records system events (chassis codes), and  
can display detailed information about the various internal subsystems.  
Functional capabilities:  
The primary features available through the service processor are:  
The Service Processor Command M enu: provides commands for system  
service, status, access configuration, and manufacturing tasks.  
Partition C onsoles: Each nPartition in a server complex has its own console.  
Each nPartition's console provides access to Boot Console Handler (BCH) interface  
and the HP-UX console for the nPartition.  
Console Logs: Each nPartition has its own console log, which has a history of  
the nPartition console's output, including boot output, BCH activity, and any HP-  
UX console login activity.  
Chassis Logs Viewers (Live and Recorded Chassis Codes): Three types of chassis  
code log views are available: activity logs, error logs, and live chassis code logs.  
Virtual Front Panels: Each nPartition's Virtual Front Panel (VFP) displays real-  
time status of the nPartition boot status and activity, and details about all cells  
assigned to the nPartition. The VFP display automatically updates as cell and  
nPartition status changes.  
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Page 11  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Management Features  
Support M anagement  
Station (SMS)  
The Support Management Station (SMS) runs the Superdome scan tools that enhance the diagnosis and testability of  
Superdome. The SMS and associated tools also provide for faster and easier upgrades and hardware replacement.  
The purpose of the SMS is to provide Customer Engineers with an industry-leading set of support tools, and thereby enable  
faster troubleshooting and more precise problem root-cause analysis. It also enables remote support by factory experts who  
consult with and back up the HP Customer Engineer. The SMS complements the proactive role of HP's Instant Support  
Enterprise Edition (ISEE) that is offered to Mission Critical customers by focusing on reactive diagnosis for both mission-  
critical and non-mission-critical Superdome customers.  
The user of the SMS is the HP Customer Engineer and HP Factory Support Engineer. The Superdome customer benefits from  
their use of the SMS by receiving faster return to normal operation of their Superdome server and improved accuracy of fault  
diagnosis, resulting in fewer callbacks. HP can offer better service through reduced installation time.  
Functional C apabilities:  
The SMS basic functional capabilities are:  
Remote access via customer LAN  
Modem access (PA-8800 SMS only)  
Ability to be disconnected from the Superdome platform(s) and not disrupt their operation.  
Ability to connect a new Superdome platform to the SMS and be recognized by scan software.  
Support for up to sixteen Superdome systems  
Ability to support multiple, heterogeneous Superdome platforms (scan software capability).  
System scan and diagnostics  
Utility firmware updates  
Enhanced IPMI logging capabilities (Windows-based ProLiant SMS only)  
Console Access  
The optimal configuration of console device(s) depends on a number of factors, including the customer's data center  
layout, console security needs, customer engineer access needs, and the degree with which an operator must interact with  
server or peripheral hardware and a partition (i.e. changing disks, tapes). This section provides a few guidelines. However  
the configuration that makes best sense should be designed as part of site preparation, after consulting with the customer's  
system administration staff and the field engineering staff.  
Customer data centers exhibit a wide range of configurations in terms of the preferred physical location of the console  
device. (The term "console device" refers to the physical screen/keyboard/mouse that administrators and field engineers use  
to access and control the server.) The Superdome server enables many different configurations by its flexible configuration of  
access to the MP, and by its support for multiple geographically distributed console devices.  
Three common data center styles are:  
The secure site where both the system and its console are physically secured in a small area.  
The "glass room" configuration where all the systems' consoles are clustered in a location physically near the  
machine room.  
The geographically dispersed site, where operators administer systems from consoles in remote offices.  
These can each drive different solutions to the console access requirement.  
The considerations listed below apply to the design of provision of console access to the server. These must be considered  
during site preparation.  
The Superdome server can be operated from a VT100 or an hpterm compatible terminal emulator. However some  
programs (including some of those used by field engineers) have a friendlier user interface when operated from an  
LAN console device users connect to the MP (and thence to the console) using terminal emulators that establish  
telnet connections to the MP. The console device(s) can be anywhere on the network connected to either port of the  
Telnet data is sent between the client console device and the MP "in the clear", i.e. unencrypted. This may be a  
concern for some customers, and may dictate special LAN configurations.  
If an HP UX workstation is used as a console device, an hpterm window running telnet is the recommended way to  
connect to the MP. If a PC is used as a console device, Reflection1 configured for hpterm emulation and telnet  
connection is the recommended way to connect to the MP.  
The MP currently supports a maximum of 16 telnet connected users at any one time.  
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Page 12  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Management Features  
It is desirable, and sometimes essential for rapid time to repair to provide a reliable way to get console access that is  
physically close to the server, so that someone working on the server hardware can get immediate access to the  
results of their actions. There are a few options to achieve this:  
Place a console device close to the server.  
Ask the field engineer to carry in a laptop, or to walk to the operations center.  
Use a system that is already in close proximity of the server such as the Instant Support Enterprise Edition (ISEE) or  
the System Management Station as a console device close to the system.  
The system administrator is likely to want to run X applications or a browser using the same client that they access  
the MP and partition consoles with. This is because the partition configuration tool, parmgr, has a graphical  
interface. The system administrator's console device(s) should have X window or browser capability, and should be  
connected to the system LAN of one or more partitions.  
The following matrix describes the supported SMS and recommended console devices for all Superdomes.  
SM S and Console Support M atrix  
PA 8700 (pre March 1, 2004)  
PA 8700 (post March 1, 2004)  
Legacy UNIX SMS 1  
UNIX rx2600 bundle  
TFT5600 + Ethernet switch  
PA 8700 upgraded to Integrity or Legacy UNIX SMS with software  
PA 8800  
UNIX rx2600 bundle3  
TFT5600 + Ethernet switch  
Windows SMS/Console (ProLiant ML350)  
Windows SMS/Console (ProLiant ML350)  
UNIX SMS/Console (rx2600)  
Integrity or PA 8800  
1 A legacy UNIX SMS could be an A400, A500, rp2430 or rp2470 bundle, depending on when it was ordered  
2 In order for a legacy SMS to be upgraded to support Integrity or PA8800, it must be running HP-UX 11.0 or later, as  
sx1000 scan tools are not supported on HP-UX 10.20.  
3 rx2600 SMS bundles ordered and installed prior to October 2004 will require a software upgrade in order to support an  
sx1000-based Superdome. As of October 2004, all rx2600 SMS bundles support PA8800 and Integrity Superdomes without  
this upgrade.  
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Page 13  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Management Features  
PA 8700  
Hardware Requirement  
Customers ordering an SMS for the first time for a new PA 8700 Superdome should order the rx2600 SMS. The rx2600 SMS  
can also be used to manage PA8800 and Integrity Superdomes.  
Customers using the earlier-released A180 SMS must replace it with the rx2600 if they expect to use it with new Superdome  
or Integrity servers. Customers may use an existing rp2470 or A500 SMS to manage any new PA 8700 Superdome.  
One rx2600 SMS can support up to 16 Superdomes using a switch. Please note, however, that certain datacenters are so  
large that the networking structure will not permit the sharing of one SMS for the entire datacenter. The SMS is connected to  
each PA 8700 Superdome system on a private LAN. It is beneficial to have the SMS in close physical proximity to the  
Superdome(s) because the Customer Engineer (CE) requires SMS access to service the Superdome hardware. The physical  
connection from the Superdome is a private Ethernet connection and thus, the absolute maximum distance is determined  
by the Ethernet specification.  
The UNIX rx2600 SMS bundle is comprised of:  
HP rx2600 1.0G 1.5MB CPU server Solution  
Factory rack kit for rx2600  
1GB DDR memory  
36GB 15K HotPlug Ultra320 HDD  
HP-UX 11iv2 Foundation OE  
1 x HP Tape Array 5300 with DVD-ROM and DAT 40  
HP ProCurve Switch 2124  
CAT 5e Cables  
By default, the rx2600 SMS does not come with a display monitor or keyboard unless explicitly ordered to enable console  
access (the TFT5600 rackmounted display/mouse/keyboard is the recommended solution). See the ordering guide for details  
on the additional components that are required in order to use the rx2600 SMS as a console.  
Software Requirem ents  
All SMS software is preloaded in the factory and delivered to the customer as a complete solution. The rx2600 SMS supports  
only HP UX 11i at this time. Current versions of the SMS software have not been qualified for 64 bit Windows. To ensure  
only optimal diagnostic solutions are used, an integrated Windows/Linux SMS/Console is not available for PA 8700  
Superdomes. All SMS software is preloaded in the factory and delivered to the customer as a complete solution.  
SM S Connectivity  
PA-8700 Superdome requires scan traffic to be isolated from console traffic, therefore two distinct networks are required for  
the SMS and/or console. The rx2600 SMS has two LAN connections on the integrated multifunction I/O that can support  
and connect to two LAN interfaces on the Superdome MP: the Private LAN and the Customer LAN. These two LAN  
connections allow SMS and console operations to be performed remotely.  
The 10/100Base TX port on the rx2600 is required, and is connected to the Private LAN on the Superdome MP. This  
connection is solely used for the various diagnostics supported by the SMS. The 10/100/1000Base TX port on the rx2600 can  
optionally be connected to the Superdome MP's Customer LAN for console access to the MP (and the Superdome partitions)  
from the existing management network. More details on console use of the rx2600 is provided later in this chapter.  
For use as an SMS only, the rx2600's 10/100Base-TX port is connected to the Private LAN port on the Superdome MP. This  
can be done with a direct-connect crossover cable, or by using an Ethernet switch. HP recommends the switched connect  
configuration for the rx2600 SMS in order for the SMS to be shared with other Superdomes, and remotely accessed.  
The SMS can be accessed remotely from the Management LAN, or directly via RS 232 on an as needed basis. If the customer  
chooses to access the SMS from the Customer Management LAN, the SMS traffic is on a distinct and private network.  
Console traffic goes to Customer LAN port on MP. This diagram assumes that the Customer provides the console  
infrastructure. Note as well that the UNIX rx2600 SMS is supported for use on all current models of Superdome.  
Providing the Ethernet switch is configured with the UNIX rx2600 SMS, additional Superdomes can be easily added into the  
existing infrastructure with minimal disruption and downtime. Each additional Superdome MP's Private LAN port should be  
connected to the Ethernet switch. Note this will share SMS scan functionality only, not console access.  
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Page 14  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Management Features  
C onsole C onnectivity  
PA8700 Superdomes require scan and console to be on separate networks.  
Existing PA-8700 Superdome customers may have a Legacy UNIX SMS (e.g. A500 or rp2470) that required a separate  
console device. Typically a Unix workstation or PC was configured in these environments. These customers may continue to  
use their existing console device to access any new PA 8700 Superdomes.  
A Superdome console must meet the following requirements:  
HP Workstation running HP UX 11.0 or 11i v1  
PC running Windows NT, XP, 2000  
C1099A terminal server (limited functionality due to text mode only operation)  
10Base T Ethernet connection or an RS 232 port or both.  
X windows emulator for console access on the PC (i.e., Reflection for HP with NS/VT).  
For new environments, the UNIX rx2600 SMS can also be used as a console for a PA8700 Superdome by creating a distinct  
network for the console traffic and including a display and keyboard. Separate networks can be created via two Ethernet  
hubs or one Ethernet switch. The Customer LAN port on the Superdome MP is then connected through the console  
hub/switch to the 10/100/1000Base TX port on the integrated I/O of the rx2600.  
In order to use the UNIX rx2600 SMS as a console for PA8700 Superdome, the following components must be ordered:  
TFT5600 retractable keyboard/display/mouse  
CAT5e cables to create new console network  
Additional PA 8700 Superdomes must have the Private LAN port connected into the scan network and the Customer LAN  
port connected into the Console Access network. For graphical access to partitions, the nPar Core I/O cards can be  
connected into the Console Access switch as well.  
PA 8800  
Hardware Requirements  
The UNIX rx2600 can also be used as an SMS for PA8800 Superdomes. The same hardware requirements as detailed in the  
previous section for the PA8700 SMS apply.  
The Windows ProLiant ML350 SMS/Console solution is supported on sx1000-based (i.e. PA-8800 and Integrity)  
Superdomes only. It is not supported on PA-8700 Superdomes.  
The Windows ProLiant SMS:  
Allows local access to SMS by CE.  
Provides integrated console access, providing hpterm emulation over telnet and web browser, connecting over LAN  
or serial to a Superdome system  
Provides remote access over a LAN or dialup connection:  
ftp server with capability to ftp the firmware files and logs  
dialup modem access support (i.e., PC Anywhere or VNC)  
Provides seamless integration with data center level management.  
Provides partition logon capability, providing hpterm emulation over telnet, X windows, and Windows Terminal  
Services capabilities.  
Provides following diagnostics tools:  
Runs HP's proven highly effective JTAG scan diagnostic tools, which offer rapid fault resolution to the failing wire.  
Console log storage and viewing  
Event log storage and viewing  
Partition and memory adviser flash applications  
Supports updating platform and system firmware.  
Always on event and console logging for Superdome systems, which captures and stores very long event and console  
histories, and allows HP specialists to analyze the first occurrence of a problem.  
Allows more than one LAN connected response center engineer to look at SMS logs simultaneously.  
Can be disconnected from the Superdome systems and not disrupt their operation.  
Provides ability to connect a new Superdome system to the SMS and be recognized by scan software.  
Scans one Superdome system while other Superdome systems are connected (and not disrupt the operational  
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Page 15  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Management Features  
Supports multiple, heterogeneous Superdome platforms.  
The Windows ProLiant SMS/Console is comprised of a ProLiant ML350 G3/G4 and a TFT5600 retractable display  
monitor/keyboard/mouse to enable console access. This solution also requires (and includes) a switch. This is because scan  
diagnostics will not work properly if more than one IP address exists on the ProLiant SMS/Console. An important difference  
between the UNIX rx2600 SMS and the Windows ProLiant SMS/Console is that the ProLiant SMS, by default, provides  
console functionality whereas the UNIX rx2600 SMS does not. The TFT5600 retractable display/keyboard which is an  
optional add-on for the UNIX-based rx2600 SMS, is included by default with the Windows ProLiant SMS.  
Additionally, the Windows ProLiant SMS/Console includes an internal modem that is intended for connection to a phone  
line. This is for cases in which the Customer does not want the SMS to be on a public network, and HP Field Services needs  
to access the SMS (they would then access the SMS via the phone line and PCAnywhere.)  
A customer may not substitute any PC running Windows Server 2000 SP4 for the ProLiant SMS/Console due to the  
specialized software applications that have been qualified on the hardware and OS. Utilizing any other device as the SMS  
will void the warranty on the Superdome system and degrade the ability to service the system.  
The Windows ProLiant SMS bundle is comprised of:  
1 x HP ProLiant server ML350 G3/G4  
1 x Intel Xeon ™ DP 3.06 GHz CPU  
2 x 256MB  
36GB 10K U320 HDD  
1 x internal DVD  
1 x internal V.90 56K modem with phone cord  
Windows 2000 Server SP4  
2 x 25' CAT5e cables  
1 x 4' CAT5e cable  
Ethernet switch and jumper cord  
Retractable display/keyboard/mouse  
Third-party applications  
Software Requirem ents  
All SMS software is preloaded in the factory and delivered to the customer as a complete solution.  
The UNIX rx2600 SMS supports only HP UX 11i at this time. Current versions of the SMS software have not been qualified for  
64 bit Windows.  
The Windows ProLiant SMS/Console will run Windows 2000 SP4 as the default operating system. The ProLiant  
SMS/Console will follow the Windows OS roadmap and support later versions of this operating system as needed. The  
version of the scan tools used on the sx1000 Superdomes also does not require scan traffic to be isolated from console  
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Page 16  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Management Features  
SM S/Console Connectivity One SMS can support up to 16 Superdomes using a switch (the Windows ProLiant SMS can support Integrity Superdomes  
only, and the UNIX rx2600 SMS can support both Integrity and HP 9000 Superdomes). Please note, however, that certain  
datacenters are so large that the networking structure will not permit the sharing of one SMS for the entire datacenter. It is  
beneficial to have the SMS in close physical proximity to the Superdome(s) because the Customer Engineer (CE) requires  
SMS access to service the Superdome hardware. The physical connection from the Superdome is a private Ethernet  
connection and thus, the absolute maximum distance is determined by the Ethernet specification.  
Console capabilities are integrated with the Windows ProLiant SMS solution. The ProLiant SMS includes the necessary  
display, keyboard and mouse, and only one LAN port on the MP is required to be connected. The Windows ProLiant SMS  
can support and connect to either of the MP LAN interfaces (known as the Private and Customer LAN ports). Both LAN ports  
on the MP have identical functionality so there is no preference in using one over the other. Only one IP port on the  
Superdome MP is required to be connected to the ProLiant SMS. Since scan and console traffic can co-exist on the same  
network, only one IP address exists (and is supported) on the ProLiant SMS.  
The PA-8800 (i.e. Integrity) Superdome scan tools use TCP/IP, not UDP, for scan diagnostics. Therefore it is not necessary to  
isolate scan and console traffic on PA-8800 Superdomes.  
The Core I/O cards from each nPar can optionally be connected to the Ethernet switch in order to facilitate graphical  
console functionality (i.e., parmgr). However, security concerns may dictate that a partition NIC not be connected to the  
management LAN. Alternatives are to access from a management station to a partition LAN through a secure router, or to  
use text mode access to commands via the console.  
Additional PA-8800 Superdomes can be added to this configuration. Each new PA-8800 Superdome will require only one  
CAT5e LAN cable for connection of the Customer/Private LAN port on the Superdome MP to the existing switch.  
Customers using the UNIX rx2600 SMS solution for PA-8800 Superdome can also use the rx2600 as a console device. In  
order to use the UNIX-based rx2600 SMS as a console for PA8800 Superdome, the only component that must be ordered is  
the TFT5600 retractable keyboard/display/mouse. See the ordering guide for more details.  
Additional PA-8800 Superdomes require only a CAT5e LAN cable for connection of the Private/Customer LAN port to the  
existing switch. PA-8700 Superdomes can also be added to this configuration, but require separate scan & console  
networks. Details on mixed Superdome environments follow later in this section.  
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Page 17  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Management Features  
Mixed Superdome Environments  
Some important rules regarding SMS/Console support in mixed Superdome environments:  
1. PA-8700 Superdomes require scan and console traffic to be isolated on separate networks  
2. PA-8800 Superdomes do not require scan and console traffic to be isolated on separate networks  
3. The Windows ProLiant SMS cannot be used to manage PA-8700 Superdomes  
4. The UNIX rx2600 SMS can be used to manage all current models of Superdome  
5. A legacy UNIX SMS can manage PA-8800 Superdomes as long as it undergoes a software upgrade and is running HP-UX 11.0  
Upgrading a PA-8700  
Superdome to PA-8800  
Once a PA-8700 Superdome has been upgraded to PA-8800, a software upgrade must be performed on the SMS in order  
to have the correct scan tools for the sx1000 chipset. Alternatively, a new Windows ProLiant SMS or a UNIX rx2600 SMS can  
be ordered.  
After performing the software upgrade, scan and console traffic from the SMS to the newly upgraded Superdome can co-  
exist on the same network. Note that if there are other PA-8700 Superdomes still connected to the SMS, those Superdomes  
will still require the two separate networks (see Adding a PA-8800 Superdome to a PA-8700 Environment, below).  
Adding a PA-8800  
When adding a PA-8800 Superdome to a PA-8700 environment, the Customer can choose to purchase a new  
Superdome to a PA-8700 SMS/Console (either the Windows or UNIX version) to manage the new PA-8800 Superdome, and continue to use their  
Environm ent  
existing legacy SMS to manage the PA-8700 Superdomes.  
A simpler solution is to upgrade the software on the legacy UNIX SMS so that it may manage the new PA-8800 Superdome.  
The upgraded UNIX SMS is able to determine which Superdomes are PA-8700 and which are PA-8800, and will separate  
scan traffic from console traffic on the PA-8700 Superdomes.  
To support this, the separate scan and console networks should be maintained for all PA-8700 Superdomes. The new PA-  
8800 Superdome requires only one connection to the SMS from its Private/Customer LAN port on the MP.  
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Page 18  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
HP-UX System s Insight M anager is an easy-to-use multi-system management solution with web-enabled and  
command line interfaces. HP Systems Insight Manager delivers multi system access to all key system administration tools for  
fault monitoring, configuration, and workload management. HP Systems Insight Manager will replace HP Servicecontrol  
Manager. It is available for download from the web now and will be included in the system soon. Service Insight  
Manager integrates with many other HP-UX-specific system management tools, including the following:  
Ignite-U X-Ignite-UX addresses the need for HP-UX system administrators to perform fast deployment for one or  
many servers. It provides the means for creating and reusing standard system configurations, enables replication of  
systems, permits post installation customizations, and is capable of both interactive and unattended operating  
Software D istributor (SD ) is the HP-UX administration tool set used to deliver and maintain HP-UX operating  
systems and layered software applications. Delivered as part of HP-UX, SD can help you manage your HP-UX  
operating system, patches, and application software.  
System Adm inistration M anager (SAM ) is used to manage accounts for users and groups, perform auditing  
and security, and handle disk and file system management and peripheral device management. Service Insight  
Manager enables these tasks to be distributed to multiple systems and delegated using role based security.  
H P-U X Kernel C onfiguration-for self-optimizing kernel changes. The new HP-UX Kernel Configuration tool  
allows users to tune both dynamic and static kernel parameters quickly and easily from a Web-based GUI to  
optimize system performance. This tool also sets kernel parameter alarms that notify you when system usage levels  
exceed thresholds.  
Partition M anager creates and manages nPartitions-hard partitions for high-end servers. Once the partitions are  
created, the systems running on those partitions can be managed consistently with all the other tools integrated into  
Service Insight Manager. Key features include:  
Easy to use, familiar graphical user interface.  
Runs locally on a partition, or remotely. The Partition Manager application can be run remotely on any  
system running HP-UX 11i remotely manage a complex either by 1) communicating with a booted OS on  
an nPartition in the target complex via WBEM, or 2) communicating with the service processor in the target  
complex via IPMI over LAN. The latter is especially significant because a complex can be managed with  
NONE of the nPartitions booted.  
Full support for creating, modifying, and deleting hardware partitions.  
Automatic detection of configuration and hardware problems.  
Ability to view and print hardware inventory and status.  
Big picture views that allow system administrators to graphically view the resources in a server and the  
partitions that the resources are assigned to.  
Complete interface for the addition and replacement of PCI devices.  
Comprehensive online help system.  
Security Patch C heck determines how current a systems security patches are, recommends patches for continuing  
security vulnerabilities and warns administrators about recalled patches still present on the system.  
System Inventory M anager is for change and asset management. It allows you to easily collect, store and  
manage inventory and configuration information for HP-UX based servers. It provides an easy-to-use, Web based  
interface, superior performance, and comprehensive reporting capabilities  
Event M onitoring Service (EMS) keeps the administrator of multiple systems aware of system operation  
throughout the cluster, and notifies the administrator of potential hardware or software problems before they occur.  
HP Service Insight Manager can launch the EMS interface and configure EMS monitors for any node or node group  
that belongs to the cluster, resulting in increased reliability and reduced downtime.  
Process Resource Manager (PRM) controls the resources that processes use during peak system load. PRM can  
manage the allocation of CPU, memory resources, and disk bandwidth. It allows administrators to run multiple  
mission critical applications on a single system, improve response time for critical users and applications, allocate  
resources on shared servers based on departmental budget contributions, provide applications with total resource  
isolation, and dynamically change configuration at any time-even under load. (fee based)  
HP-UX W orkload M anager (WLM) A key differentiator in the HP-UX family of management tools, Workload  
Manager provides automatic CPU resource allocation and application performance management based on  
prioritized service level objectives (SLOs). In addition, WLM allows administrators to set real memory and disk  
bandwidth entitlements (guaranteed minimums) to fixed levels in the configuration. The use of workload groups  
and SLOs improves response time for critical users, allows system consolidation, and helps manage user  
expectations for performance. (Fee based)  
HP's M anagem ent Processor enables remote server management over the Web regardless of the system state. In  
the unlikely event that none of the nPartitions are booted, the Management Processor can be accessed to power  
cycle the server, view event logs and status logs, enable console redirection, and more. The Management Processor  
is embedded into the server and does not take a PCI slot. And, because secure access to the Management Processor  
is available through SSL encryption, customers can be confident that its powerful capabilities will be available only  
to authorized administrators.  
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Page 19  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
O penView O perations Agent-collects and correlates OS and application events (fee-based)  
O penView Perform ance Agent-determines OS and application performance trends (fee-based)  
O penView G lancePlus-shows real time OS and application availability and performance data to diagnose  
problems (fee-based)  
O penView D ata Protector (O m niback II)-backs up and recovers data (fee-based)  
In addition, the Network Node Manager (NNM) management station automatically discovers, draws (maps), and monitors  
networks and the systems connected to them.  
All other OpenView management tools, such as OpenView Operations, Service Desk, and Service Reporter, will be able to  
collect and process information from the agents running on the server.  
G eneral Site Preparation Rules  
AC Power Requirem ents  
The modular, N+1 power shelf assembly is called the Front End Power Subsystem (FEPS). The redundancy of the FEPS is  
achieved with 6 internal Bulk Power Supplies (BPS), any five of which can support the load and performance requirements.  
Input Power O ptions  
PDC A Product  
Source Type Source Voltage (nominal) PDCA  
Input C urrent Per Power Required  
Phase (200-240  
Option 006  
Voltage range 200-240 VAC, 4-wire  
phase-to-phase, 50/60 Hz  
44 A Maximum per  
2.5 meter UL power cord and OL approved  
plug provided. The customer must provide the  
mating in line connector or purchase quantity  
one A6440A opt 401 to receive a mating in  
line connector. An electrician must hardwire  
the in line connector to  
60 A/63 A site power.a,b,c  
Option 007  
Voltage range 200-240 VAC, 5-wire  
phase-to-neutral, 50/60 Hz  
24 A Maximum per  
2.5 meter <HAR> power cord and VDE  
approved plug provided. The customer must  
provide the mating in line connector or  
purchase quantity 1 A6440A opt 501 to  
receive a mating in line connector. An  
electrician must hardwire the in line  
connector to  
30 A/32 A site power.a,b,d  
a. A dedicated branch is required for each PDCA installed.  
b. In the U.S.A, site power is 60 Amps; in Europe site power is 63 Amps.  
c. Refer to O ption 006 and 007 Specifics Table below for detailed specifics related to this option.  
d. In the U.S.A. site power is 30 Amps; in Europe site power is 32 Amps.  
Console Device  
PA-800 Superdome integrates console functionality into the Support Management Station. Note that this SMS/Console is  
also used on Integrity Superdome.  
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Page 20  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
Console Considerations  
The optimal configuration of console device(s) depends on a number of factors, including the customer's data center  
layout, console security needs, customer engineer access needs, and the degree with which an operator must interact with  
server or peripheral hardware and a partition (i.e., changing disks, tapes). This section provides a few guidelines. However  
the configuration that makes best sense should be designed as part of site preparation, after consulting with the customer's  
system administration staff and the field engineering staff.  
Customer data centers exhibit a wide range of configurations in terms of the preferred physical location of the console  
device. (The term "console device" refers to the physical screen/keyboard/mouse that administrators and field engineers use  
to access and control the server.) The Superdome server enables many different configurations by its flexible configuration of  
access to the MP, and by its support for multiple geographically distributed console devices.  
Three common data center styles are:  
The secure site where both the system and its console are physically secured in a small area.  
The "glass room" configuration where all the systems' consoles are clustered in a location physically near the  
machine room.  
The geographically dispersed site, where operators administer systems from consoles in remote offices.  
These can each drive different solutions to the console access requirement. The considerations listed below apply to the  
design of provision of console access to the server. These must be considered during site preparation.  
The Superdome server can be operated from a VT100 or an hpterm compatible terminal emulator. However some  
programs (including some of those used by field engineers) have a more friendly user interface when operated from  
an hpterm.  
LAN console device users connect to the MP (and thence to the console) using terminal emulators that establish  
telnet connections to the MP. The console device(s) can be anywhere on the network connected to either port of the  
Telnet data is sent between the client console device and the MP "in the clear", i.e. unencrypted. This may be a  
concern for some customers, and may dictate special LAN configurations.  
If an HP-UX workstation is used as a console device, an hpterm window running telnet is the recommended way to  
connect to the MP. If a PC is used as a console device, Reflection1 configured for hpterm emulation and telnet  
connection is the recommended way to connect to the MP.  
The MP currently supports a maximum of 16 telnet-connected users at any one time.  
It is desirable, and sometimes essential, for rapid time-to-repair to provide a reliable way to get console access that  
is physically close to the server, so that someone working on the server hardware can get immediate access to the  
results of their actions. There are a few options to achieve this:  
Place a console device close to the server.  
Ask the field engineer to carry in a laptop, or to walk to the operations center.  
Use a system that is already in close proximity of the server such as the Instant Support Enterprise Edition  
(ISEE) or the System Management Station as a console device close to the system.  
The system administrator is likely to want to run X-applications or a browser using the same client that they access  
the MP and partition consoles with. This is because the partition configuration tool, parmgr, has a graphical  
interface. The system administrator's console device(s) should have X-window or browser capability, and should be  
connected to the system LAN of one or more partitions.  
Functional C apabilities  
Local console physical connection (RS-232)  
Display of system status on the console (front panel display messages)  
Console mirroring between LAN and RS-232 ports  
System hard and soft (TOC or INIT) reset capability from the console  
Password secured access to the console functionality  
Support of generic terminals (i.e. VT100 compatible).  
Power supply control and monitoring from the console. It will be possible to get power supply status and to switch  
power on/off from the console.  
Console over the LAN. This means that a PC or HP workstation can become the system console if properly  
connected on the customer LAN. This feature becomes especially important because of the remote power  
management capability. The LAN will be implemented on a separate port, distinct from the system LAN, and  
provide TCP/IP and Telnet access.  
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Page 21  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
Pre-existing SM S  
Some customers may have an existing rp2470 or A500 SMS that required a separate console device. Typically a Unix  
workstation or PC was configured in these environments. These customers may continue to use their existing SMS (with the  
appropriate software upgrade) along with their existing console device to access the new PA-8800 Superdome. A  
Superdome console must meet the following requirements:  
HP Workstation running HP-UX 11.0 or 11i v1  
PC running Windows NT, XP, 2000  
C1099A terminal server (limited functionality due to text mode only operation)  
10Base-T Ethernet connection or an RS-232 port or both.  
X windows emulator for console access on the PC (i.e., Reflection for HP with NS/VT).  
O ption 006 and 007 Specificsa  
C ustom er-Provided Part  
In-Line C onnector  
PDCA Product Num ber  
A5800A Option 006  
Attached Power Cord  
OLFLEX 190 (PN 600804),  
Attached Plug  
Panel-M ount Receptacle  
Mennekes ME 460R9 3-phase,  
Mennekes ME 460P9 3-phase, Mennekes ME 460C9 3-  
four conductor, 6-AWG (16- 4-wire, 60-Amp, 250-Volt, UL phase, 4-wire, 60-amp, 250- 4-wire, 60-amp, 250-Volt, UL  
mm2), 600-Volt, 60-Amp, 90- approved. Color blue, IEC  
Volt, UL approved. Color approved. Color blue, IEC  
degree C, UL, and CSA  
approved, conforms to CE  
directives GN/YW ground  
309-1, IEC 309-1, grounded blue, IEC 309-1, IEC 309-1, 309-1, IEC 309-1, grounded  
at 3:00  
grounded at 9:00.a  
at 9:00.b  
A5800A Option 007  
Five conductors, 10-AWG (6- Mennekes ME 532P6-14 3-  
mm2), 450/475-Volt, 32-  
phase, 5-wire, 32-Amp,  
Mennekes ME 532C6-16 3-  
phase, 5-wire, 32-Amp,  
Mennekes ME532R6-1276 3-  
phase, 5-wire, 32-Amp,  
Amp, <HAR> European wire 450/475-volt, VDE certified, 450/475-Volt, VDE certified, 450/475-Volt, VDE certified,  
cordage, GN/YW ground wire. color red, IEC 309-1, IEC  
309- 2, grounded at 6:00.  
color red, IEC 309-1, IEC  
309-2, grounded at 6:00.c  
color red, IEC 309-1, IEC  
309-2, grounded at 6:00.b  
a. In-line connector is available from HP by purchasing A6440A, Option 401.  
b. Panel-mount receptacles must be purchased by the customer from a local Mennekes supplier.  
c. In-line connector is available from HP by purchasing A6440A, Option 501.  
NOTE: A qualified electrician must wire the PDCA in-line connector to site power using copper wire and in compliance with all local codes.  
Input Requirem ents  
Reference the Site Preparation Guide for detailed power configuration requirements.  
Requirem ents  
Conditions/Com m ents  
Nominal Input Voltage (VAC rms)  
Input Voltage Range (VAC rms)  
Frequency Range (Hz)  
Auto selecting. Measure at input terminals.  
Number of Phases  
3-phase 5-wire with power cord;  
3-phase 4-wire with power cord  
Maximum Input Current (A rms), 3-Phase 5-wire  
Maximum Input Current (A rms), 3-Phase 4-wire  
3-phase source with a source voltage of 220 VAC  
measured phase to neutral  
3-phase source with a source voltage of either 208  
VAC or 230 VAC measured phase-to-phase  
Maximum Inrush Current (A peak)  
Circuit Breaker Rating (A), 3-Phase 5-wire  
Circuit Breaker Rating (A), 3-Phase 4-wire  
Power Factor Correction  
25 A  
Per phase  
Per phase  
45 A  
0.95 minimum  
Ground Leakage Current (mA)  
>3.5 mA, with 6 BPSs installed  
Warning label applied to the PDCA at the AC  
Mains input  
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Page 22  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
Cooling Requirem ents  
The cooling system in Superdome was designed to maintain reliable operation of the system in the specified  
environment as shown in the Superdom e Specifications Table. In addition, the system is designed to provide  
a redundant cooling (i.e. N+1 fans and blowers) that allows all of the cooling components to be "hot swapped."  
The typical power dissipation for the PA-8600 is 28,850 BTUs/hour for a fully populated 32-way cabinet. For PA-  
8700, the typical power dissipation is approximately 23,660 BTUs/hour for a fully populated 32-way cabinet.  
NOTE: For other configurations see "Site Prep Guide 6th Edition", Table 5. For maximum power dissipation, see  
Superdom e Specifications Table under Site Preparation.  
Superdome was designed to operate in all data center environments with any traditional room cooling scheme (i.e.  
raised floor environments) but in some cases where data centers have previously installed high power density  
systems, alternative cooling solutions may need to be explored by the customer. Since no such system has been  
available previously, HP teamed with Liebert to develop an innovative data room cooling solution called  
DataCool. DataCool is a patented overhead climate system utilizing fluid based cooling coils and localized  
blowers capable of cooling heat loads of several hundred watts per square foot. Some of DataCool's highlights are  
listed below:  
Liebert has filed for several patents on DataCool  
DataCool, based on Liebert's TeleCool, is an innovative approach to data room cooling  
Liquid cooling heat exchangers provide distributed cooling at the point of use  
Delivers even cooling throughout the data center preventing hot spots  
Capable of high heat removal rates (500 W per square foot)  
Floor space occupied by traditional cooling systems becomes available for revenue generating equipment.  
Enables cooling upgrades when installed in data rooms equipped with raised floor cooling  
DataCool is a custom-engineered overhead solution for both new data center construction and for data room upgrades for  
high heat loads. It is based on Liebert's TeleCool product, which has been installed in 600 telecommunications equipment  
rooms throughout the world. The system utilizes heat exchanger pump units to distribute fluid in a closed system through  
patented cooling coils throughout the data center. The overhead cooling coils are highly efficient heat exchangers with  
blowers that direct the cooling where required. The blowers are adjustable to allow flexibility for changing equipment  
placement or room configurations. Equipment is protected from possible leaks in the cooling coils by the patented  
monitoring system and purge function that detects any leak and safely purges all fluid from the affected coils. DataCool  
has interleaved cooling coils to enable the system to withstand a single point of failure and maintain cooling capability.  
Features and Benefits  
Fully distributed cooling with localized distribution  
Even cooling over long distances  
High heat load cooling capacity (up to 500 W per square foot)  
Meets demand for narrow operating temperature for computing systems  
Allows computer equipment upgrade for existing floor cooled data rooms  
Floor space savings from removal of centralized air distribution  
Withstand single point of failures  
For M ore Inform ation  
HP has entered into an agreement with Liebert to reference sell the DataCool solution.  
The HP/Liebert business relationship will be managed by HP Complementary Products Division.  
DataCool will be reference by HP. Installation, service and support will be performed by Liebert.  
HP will compensate the HP Sales Representative and District Manager for each DataCool that Liebert sells to a  
customer referred by HP.  
An HP/Liebert DataCool website will be setup to get more information on the product and to manage the reference  
sales process. Please go to http://hpcp.grenoble.hp.com/ for more information.  
Environm ental  
20-30 degrees C inlet ambient temperature  
0-10,000 feet  
2600 CFM with N+1 blowers. 2250 CFM with N.  
65 dBA noise level  
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Page 23  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
U ninterruptible Power  
Supplies (U PS)  
HP will be reselling high-end (10 kW and above) three-phase UPS systems from our partners. We will test and qualify a  
three-phase UPS for Superdome. The UPS is planned to be available Q1 FY01.  
All third-party UPS resold by HP will be tested and qualified by HP to ensure interoperability with our systems  
We plan to include ups_mond UPS communications capability in the third-party UPS(s), thus ensuring consistent  
communications strategy with our PowerTrust UPS(s)  
We will also establish a support strategy with our third party UPS partners to ensure the appropriate level of support  
our customer have come to expect from HP.  
For more information on the product and to manage the reference sales process. Please go to  
http://hpcp.grenoble.hp.com/ for more information.  
APC U ninterruptible  
Power Supplies for  
The Superdome team has qualified the APC Silcon 3-phase 20-kW UPS for Superdome.  
There are several configurations that can be utilized depending on the Superdome configuration your customer is  
deploying. They range from a 64-way Superdome with dual-cord and dual-UPS with main tie main to a 32-way Superdome  
with single-cord and single-UPS. In all configurations the APC Silcon SL20KFB2 has been tested and qualified by the  
Superdome engineers to ensure interoperability.  
H P U PS Solutions  
Product Number/ Q uantity/  
W att VA  
Fam ily  
O utput  
D escription  
C onfiguration  
APC Silcon  
3-phase UPS  
Quantity 2/  
20 kW 20 kVA Delta conversion APC Silcon  
Standalone rack  
Configurable for  
200: 208 or 220V  
3-phase nominal  
output voltage  
8- or 16-cell dual cord/dual  
UPS with main tie main  
Quantity 1/  
on-line double  
32- or 64-way single-  
Switch Gear  
Quantity 1/  
Customer Design N/A  
for Superdome  
8- or 16-cell dual cord/dual  
UPS with main-tie-main  
Quantity 0/  
32- or 64-way single-  
Start-Up Service  
Quantity 2/  
8- or 16-cell dual cord/dual  
UPS with main-tie-main  
Quantity 1/  
32- or 64-way single-  
Next Business Day  
On site Service  
Quantity 2/  
8- or 16-cell dual cord/dual  
UPS with main-tie-main  
Quantity 1/  
8- or 16-cell single-  
NOTE: The APC Silcon 3-phase UPS solutions for Superdome must be ordered directly from APC. Please contact Ron Seredian at [email protected].  
Superdom e Server W att Ratings for UPS loading  
C lass  
W att Rating for U PS loading  
19 kW  
UPSs Typically Used  
SL20KFB2; 20 kW/20 kVA  
19 kW each cabinet; 38 kW total  
SL20KFB2; 20 kW/20 kVA; Quantity 2  
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Page 24  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
Power Protection  
Runtim es  
The UPS will provide battery backup to allow for a graceful shutdown in the event of a power failure. Typical runtime on the  
APC SL20KFB2 Silcon 3 Phase UPS varies with the kW rating and the load. The APC SL20KFB2 UPS provides a typical  
runtime of 36.7 minutes at half load and 10.7 at full load. If additional run time is needed please contact your APC  
Power C onditioning  
The APC SL20KFB2 provides unparalleled power conditioning with its Delta-Conversion on-line double conversion  
technology. This is especially helpful in regions were power is unstable.  
C ontinuous Power during The APC SL20KFB2 will provide battery backup to allow for continuous power to the connected equipment in the event of a  
Short Interruptions of  
Input Power  
brief interruption in the input power to the UPS. Transaction activity will continue during brief power outage periods as long  
as qualified UPS units are used to provide backup power to the SPU, the Expansion Modules, and all disk and disk array  
U PS C onfiguration  
G uidelines  
In general, the sum of the "Watt rating for UPS sizing" for all of the connected equipment should not exceed the watt rating  
of the UPS from which they all draw power. In previous configuration guides, this variable was called the "VA rating for UPS  
sizing." With Unity Power Factor, the Watt rating was the same as the kVA rating, so it didn't matter which one we used. VA  
is calculated by multiplying the voltage times the current. Watts, which is a measurement of true power, may be less than  
VA if the current and voltage are not in phase. APC SL20KFB2 has Unity Power Factory correction, so the kW rating equals  
the kVA rating. Be sure to add in the needs for the other peripherals and connected equipment. When sizing the UPS, allow  
for future growth as well. If the configuration guide or data sheet of the equipment you want to protect gives a VA rating,  
use this as the watt rating. If the UPS does not provide enough power for the additional devices such as system console and  
mass storage devices, additional UPSs may be required.  
The only qualified UPS available for use with Superdome is the APC SL20KFB2 Silcon 3 Phase 20 kW UPS.  
The APC SL20KFB2 can provide power protection for the SPU and peripherals. If the system console and primary mass  
storage devices (such as HP High Availability Disk Array Model 20) also require power protection (which is highly  
recommended) they may require one or more additional UPSs depending on the total Watts. Make sure that the total watts  
do not exceed the UPS's voltage rating.  
The APC SL20KFB2 includes both field integration start up service and next day on site service for one year provide by APC.  
Power Connections with the APC SL20KFB2  
Product Number W atts  
NOM Out  
O utput Receptacles  
Input Receptacles  
20 kW  
115/200 3PH, 120/208 3PH, 127/220 3PHV  
C om m unications  
C onnections  
A DB-25 RS-232 Contact Closure connection is standard on all APC SL20KFB2 UPS. A WEB/SNMP card is also included.  
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Page 25  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
Power Management  
D escription  
Network interface cards that provide standards based remote management of UPSs  
G eneral Features  
Boot-P support, Built-in Web/SNMP management, Event logging, Flash Upgradeable, MD5 Authentication Security,  
Password Security, SNMP Management, Telnet Management, Web Management  
CD with software, User Manual  
Docum entation  
User Manual  
Installation Guide  
Type of UPSs  
Some customers may experience chronic "brown out" situations or have power sources that are consistently at the lower  
spectrum of the standard voltage range. For example, the AC power may come in consistently at 92 VAC in a 110 VAC  
area. Heavy-load electrical equipment or power rationing are some of the reasons these situations arise. The APC SL20KFB2  
units are designed to kick in before the AC power drops below the operating range of the HP Superdome Enterprise Server.  
Therefore, these UPS units may run on battery frequently if the AC power source consistently dips below the threshold  
voltage. This may result in frequent system shutdowns and will eventually wear out the battery. Although the on-line units  
can compensate for the AC power shortfall, the battery life may be shortened. The best solution is to use a good quality  
boost transformer to "correct" the power source before it enters the UPS unit.  
O rdering G uidelines  
The APC SL20KFB2 Silcon 3-phase UPS units may be ordered as part of a new Superdome system order or as a field  
upgrade to an existing system.  
For new systems order please contact APC at Ron Seredian [email protected] during the Superdome pre-  
consulting phase. APC will coordinate with HP to ensure the UPS is installed to meet the Superdome installation  
For field upgrades please contact APC at Ron Seredian [email protected] when you determine a customer is in  
need and/or interested in power protection for Superdome. APC will coordinate with the customer to ensure the UPS  
is installed to meet their requirements.  
Numerous options can be ordered to compliment APC SL20KFB2 Silcon 3-phase UPS units. Your APC consultant  
can review these option with you are you can visit the APC website at www.apcc.com  
M ulti-cabinet  
C onfigurations  
In order to support the maximum number of PCI slots, a 16-cell Superdome system requires 16 I/O chassis. The two  
Superdome cabinets (left and right) that make up a 16-cell Superdome system only provide eight I/O chassis, therefore four  
I/O chassis enclosures, each with two I/O chassis are needed. The I/O chassis enclosures are placed in the I/O expansion  
cabinet. Each I/O expansion cabinet supports up to three I/O chassis, so two I/O expansion chassis are needed. Please  
note that in order to have 16 I/O chassis, there must also be 16 cells configured.  
When configuring Superdome systems that consist of more than one cabinet and include I/O expansion cabinets, certain  
guidelines must be followed, specifically the I/O interface cabling between the Superdome cabinet and the I/O expansion  
cabinet can only cross one additional cabinet due to cable length restrictions.  
C onfiguration Rules  
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Page 26  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
SuperDom e Configuration G uidelines/Rules  
Rule Index  
Rule D escription  
Every Superdome complex requires connectivity to a Support Management Station (SMS). For Superdome PA-8800,  
the PC-based SMS also serves as the system console. For Superdome PA-8600/PA-8700, a separate system console  
is needed.  
Every cell in a Superdome complex must be assigned to a valid physical location.  
All CPUs in a cell are the same type, same Front Side Bus (FSB) frequency and same core frequency. Every cell  
within a partition must be of the same type, same Front Side Bus (FSB) frequency and same core frequency with no  
mixing. With PA-8800, the entire cabinet must consist of only PA-8800 cell boards.  
Configurations with 8, 16 and 32 DIMM slots are recommended (i.e. are fully qualified and offer the best  
bandwidth performance.  
Configurations with 4 and 24 DIMM slots are supported (i.e. are fully qualified, but don't necessarily offer the best  
bandwidth performance).  
DIMMs can be deallocated in 2 DIMM increments (to support HA) in Superdome PA-8800 systems. ). DIMMs are  
deallocated in 4 DIMM increments for Superdome PA-8600/8700 systems.  
Superdome PA-8800 only: Mixed DIMM sizes within a cell board are supported, but only in separate Mbat  
interleaving groups. At the time of boot, the system firmware gathers information on which DIMMs are present and  
how to best interleave the memory. Thus, DIMMs of different sizes will not be in the same Mbat interleaving group.  
From a customer perspective, it is it automatically done by the system firmware.  
Superdome PA-8800 only: System orders from the factory provide mixed DIMM sizes in recommended  
configurations only.  
For system orders from the factory, the same memory configuration must be used for all cells within a partition.  
DIMMs in the same rank must have SDRAMs with the same number of banks and row and column bits.  
Size of memory within an interleave group must be power of 2.  
DIMMs within the same interleave group must be same size and have same number of banks, row bits, and column  
There are currently no restrictions on mixing DIMMs (of the same type) with different vendor SDRAMs.  
One cell in every partition must be connected to an I/O chassis that contains a Core I/O card, a card connected to  
boot media, a card connected to removable media, and a network card with a connected network.  
A partition cannot have more I/O chassis than it has active cells.  
Removable media device controller should be in slot 8 of the I/O chassis.  
Core I/O card must be in slot 0 of the I/O chassis.  
Boot device controller should be in slot 1 of the I/O chassis  
PCI X high bandwidth I/O cards should be in the high bandwidth slots in the I/O chassis  
Every I/O card in an I/O chassis must be assigned to a valid physical location.  
Every I/O chassis in a Superdome complex must be assigned to a valid physical location  
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Page 27  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
Rule Index  
Rule D escription  
NOTE: Only Superdome PA-8800 supports 1 GB and 2 GB DIMM sizes. The amount of memory on a cell should  
be evenly divisible by 4 GB if using 512-MB DIMMs or 8 GB if using 1-GB DIMMs or 16 GB if using 2-GB DIMMs,  
i.e. 8, 16 or 32 DIMMs. The cell has four memory subsystems and each subsystem should have an echelon (2  
DIMMs) populated. The loading order of the DIMMs alternates among the four subsystems. This rule provides  
maximum memory bandwidth on the cell, by equally populating all four memory subsystems.  
Superdome PA-8600/8700 supports 512MB DIMMs only. The amount of memory on one of these cells should be  
evenly divisible by 4GB, i.e. 8, 16 or 32 DIMMs. These cells have two memory subsystems and each subsystem  
should have a rank (4 DIMMs) populated. The loading order of the DIMMs alternates between the two subsystems.  
This rule provides maximum memory bandwidth on the cell by equally populating both memory subsystems.  
All cells in a partition should have the same number of processors.  
The number of active CPUs per cell should be balanced across the partition, however minor differences are OK.  
(Example: 4 active CPUs on one cell and three active CPUs on the second cell)  
If memory is going to be configured as fully interleaved, all cells in a partition should have the same amount of  
memory (symmetric memory loading). Asymmetrically distributed memory affects the interleaving of cache lines  
across the cells. Asymmetrically distributed memory can create memory regions that are non optimally interleaved.  
Applications whose memory pages land in memory interleaved across just one cell can see up to 16 times less  
bandwidth than ones whose pages are interleaved across all cells.  
If a partition contains 4 or fewer cells, all the cells should be linked to the same crossbar (quad) in order to  
eliminate bottlenecks and the sharing of crossbar bandwidth with other partitions. In each Superdome cabinet, slots  
0, 1, 2 and 3 link to the same crossbar and slots 4, 5, 6 and 7 link to the same crossbar.  
A Core I/O card should not be selected as the main network interface to a partition. A Core I/O card is a PCI 1X  
card that possibly produces lower performance than a comparable PCI 2X 66-MHz or PCI X 2X 133-MHz PCI-X  
The number of cells in a partition should be a power of two, i.e., 2, 4, 8, or 16.  
Optimal interleaving of memory across cells requires that the number of cells be a power of two. Building a  
partition that does not meet this requirement can create memory regions that are non optimally interleaved.  
Applications whose memory pages land in the memory that is interleaved across just one cell can experience up to  
16 times less bandwidth than pages which are interleaved across all 16 cells.  
Before consolidating partitions in a Superdome 32-way or 64-way system, the following link load calculation  
should be performed for each link between crossbars in the proposed partition.  
Links loads less then 1 are best. As the link load begins to approach 2 performance bottlenecks may occur.  
For crossbars X and Y  
Link Load = Qx * Qy / Qt / L, where  
- Qx is the number of cells connected to crossbar X (quad)  
- Qy is the number of cells connected to crossbar Y (quad)  
- Qt is the total number of cells in the partition  
- L is the number of links between crossbar X and Y (2 for Superdome 32-way systems and 1 for Superdome 64-way  
Maximum performance for optimal configurations is power of two cells, uniform memory across cells and power of  
two DIMM ranks per cell.  
(If rule #30 cannot be met, rule #31 is recommended) Non power of two cells, but still uniform memory across  
cells, power of two DIMM ranks per cell, uniform type of DIMM.  
NOTE: Only Superdome PA-8800 supports 1 GB and 2 GB DIMMs. (If rule #30 or #31 cannot be met, rule #32  
is recommended) Same amount of memory in each cell, but possibly different memory types in each cell (for  
instance, a two cell configuration with 8 512MB DIMMs in one cell, and 4 1GB DIMMs in the other). Differences in  
memory across different cells within the same partition should be minimal for the best performance.  
NOTE: Only Superdome PA-8800 supports 1 GB and 2 GB DIMMs. Same amount of memory in each cell, but  
non optimal and/or mixed loading within a cell (for instance, a two cell configuration with 16 512MB DIMMs and  
8 1GB DIMMs in each cell).  
Non-uniform amount of memory across cells (this needs to boot and run, but performance is whatever you get).  
Superdome PA-8800 only: For the same amount of total memory, best performance is with a larger number of  
smaller size DIMMs.  
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Page 28  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
Rule Index  
Rule D escription  
Single System  
H igh  
Superdome PA-8600/PA-8700: Each cell should have at least two active CPUs.  
Superdome PA-8800: Each cell should have at least four active CPUs.  
A va ila b ility  
NOTE: Only Superdome PA 8800 supports 1-GB DIMMs. Each cell should have at least 4 GB (8 DIMMs) of  
memory using 512-MB DIMMs and at least 8 GB of memory using 1-GB DIMMs or at least 16 GB of memory using  
2-GB DIMMs..  
I/O chassis ownership must be localized as much as possible. One way is to assign I/O chassis to partitions in  
sequential order starting from INSIDE the single cabinet, then out to the I/O expansion cabinet 'owned' by the  
single cabinet.  
I/O expansion cabinets can be used only when the main system cabinet holds maximum number of I/O card  
cages. Thus, the cabinet must first be filled with I/O card cages before using an I/O expansion cabinet.  
Single cabinets connected to form a dual cabinet (using flex cables) should use a single I/O expansion cabinet if  
Spread enough connections across as many I/O chassis as it takes to become 'redundant' in I/O chassis'. In other  
words, if an I/O chassis fails, the remaining chassis have enough connections to keep the system up and running,  
or in the worst case, have the ability to reboot with the connections to peripherals and networking intact.  
All SCSI cards are configured in the factory as unterminated. Any auto termination is defeated. If auto termination  
is not defeatable by hardware, the card is not used at first release. Terminated cable would be used for connection  
to the first external device. In the factory and for shipment, no cables are connected to the SCSI cards. In place of  
the terminated cable, a terminator is placed on the cable port to provide termination until the cable is attached.  
This is needed to allow HP UX to boot. The customer does not need to order the terminators for these factory  
integrated SCSI cards, since the customer will probably discard them. The terminators are provided in the factory by  
use of constraint net logic.  
Partitions whose I/O chassis are contained within a single cabinet have higher availability than those partitions  
that have their I/O chassis spread across cabinets.  
A partition's core I/O chassis should go in a system cabinet, not an I/O expansion cabinet.  
A partition should be connected to at least two I/O chassis containing Core I/O cards. This implies that all  
partitions should be at least 2 cells in size. The lowest number cell or I/O chassis is the 'root' cell; the second lowest  
number cell or I/O chassis combo in the partition is the 'backup root' cell.  
A partition should consist of at least two cells.  
Not more than one partition should span a cabinet or a crossbar link. When crossbar links are shared, the partition  
is more at risk relative to a crossbar failure that may bring down all the cells connected to it.  
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Page 29  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
Rule Index  
Rule D escription  
M ulti-System  
H igh  
Multi-initiator support is required for Serviceguard.  
A va ila b ility  
(Please also refer to  
Multi-System High  
Availability section  
following this  
M ulti-System  
H igh  
To configure a cluster with no SPOF, the membership must extend beyond a single cabinet. The cluster must be  
configured such that the failure of a single cabinet does not result in the failure of a majority of the nodes in the  
cluster. The cluster lock device must be powered independently of the cabinets containing the cluster nodes.  
Alternative cluster lock solution is the Quorum Service, which resides outside the Serviceguard cluster providing  
arbitration services.  
A va ila b ility  
A cluster lock is required if the cluster is wholly contained within two single cabinets (i.e., two Superdome 16-way or  
32-way systems or two Superdome PA-8800 32-way or 64-way systems) or two dual cabinets (i.e. two Superdome  
64-way systems or two Superdome PA-8800 128-way systems). This requirement is due to a possible 50% cluster  
Serviceguard only supports cluster lock up to four nodes. Thus a two cabinet configuration is limited to four nodes  
(i.e., two nodes in one dual cabinet Superdome 64-way system or Superdome PA-8800 128-way system and two  
nodes in another dual cabinet Superdome 64-way system or Superdome PA-8800 128-way system). The Quorum  
Service can support up to 50 clusters or 100 nodes (can be arbitrator to both HP-UX and Linux clusters).  
Two cabinet configurations must evenly divide nodes between the cabinets (i.e. 3 and 1 is not a legal 4-node  
Cluster lock must be powered independently of either cabinet.  
Root volume mirrors must be on separate power circuits.  
Redundant heartbeat paths are required and can be accomplished by using either multiple heartbeat subnets or via  
standby interface cards.  
Redundant heartbeat paths should be configured in separate I/O chassis when possible.  
Redundant paths to storage devices used by the cluster are required and can be accomplished using either disk  
mirroring or via LVM's pvlinks.  
Redundant storage device paths should be configured in separate I/O chassis when possible.  
Dual power connected to independent power circuits is recommended.  
Rule Index  
Rule D escription  
M ulti-System  
H igh  
Cluster configurations can contain a mixture of Superdome and non-Superdome nodes.  
Care must be taken to configure an even or greater number of nodes outside of the Superdome cabinet  
If half the nodes of the cluster are within a Superdome cabinet, a cluster lock is required (4-node maximum cluster  
A va ila b ility  
If more than half the nodes of a cluster are outside the Superdome cabinet, no cluster lock is required (16-node  
maximum Serviceguard cluster size).  
Up to a 4-node cluster is supported within a single cabinet system (Superdome 16-way or Superdome PA 8800 32-  
Up to an 8-node cluster is supported within a single cabinet system* (Superdome 32-way or Superdome PA-8800  
Up to a 16-node cluster is supported within a dual cabinet system* (Superdome 64-way or Superdome PA-8800  
Cluster lock is required for 2-node configurations  
Cluster lock must be powered independently of the cabinet.  
Root volume mirrors must be on separate power circuits.  
Dual power connected to independent power circuits is highly recommended.  
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Page 30  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
Power Redundancy  
Superdome servers, by default, provide an additional power supply for N+1 protection. As a result, Superdome servers will  
continue to operate in the event of a single power supply failure. The failed power supply can be replaced without taking  
the system down.  
Instant C apacity (formerly With HP's Instant Capacity solutions, Superdome servers can be populated with high performance PA-RISC CPUs. It is no  
known as Instant Capacity on longer necessary to pay for the additional CPUs until the customer uses them, and additional CPUs can be activated  
Demand, iCOD)  
instantly with a simple command providing immediate increases in processing power to accommodate application traffic  
In the unlikely event that a CPU fails, the HP system will replace the failed CPU on the cell board at no additional charge.  
The Instant Capacity CPU brings the system back to full performance and capacity levels, reducing downtime and ensuring  
no degradation in performance.  
When additional capacity is required, additional CPUs on a cell board can be brought online. The Instant Capacity CPUs  
are activated with a single command.  
Instant Capacity on Demand (Instant Capacity) can be ordered pre-installed on Superdome servers.  
The following applies to Instant Capacity on Superdome servers:  
The number of Instant Capacity processors is selected per partition instead of per system at planning/order time.  
Superdome PA-8600/PA-8700: At least one processor per cell in a partition must be a purchased processor.  
Superdome PA-8800: At least 2 processors per cell in a partition must be purchased processors.  
Processors are deallocated by Instant Capacity in such a way as to distribute deallocated processors evenly across the  
cells in a partition. There is no way for a Customer Engineer (CE) or an Account Support Engineer (ASE) or a  
customer to influence this distribution.  
Reporting for the complex is done on a per partition basis. In other words, all partitions with Instant Capacity  
processors must be capable of and configured for sending e-mail to HP.  
Processors can be allocated and deallocated instantly or after a reboot at the discretion of the user.  
Beginning with Instant Capacity Client Agent software version B.04.00 (September 2001), a license key must be  
obtained prior to either activating or deactivating Instant Capacity processors. A free license key is issued once email  
connectivity with HP has been successfully established from all partitions with Instant Capacity processors.  
Superdome PA-8600/PA-8700  
All cell boards within the Superdome server will be populated with four CPUs and the customer orders the number of CPUs  
that must be activated prior to shipment.  
D escription  
Product Number  
Right to use processor for PA 8600 552 MHz processor (no longer orderable)  
Right to use processor for PA 8700 750 MHz processor  
Right to use processor for PA 8700 875 MHz processor  
Instant Capacity right to access PA-8700 (750-MHz or 875-MHz) processor  
Instant Capacity Enable right-to-use PA 8600 552 MHz processor  
Instant Capacity Enable right-to-use PA-8700 750-MHz processor  
Instant Capacity Enable right-to-use PA-8700 875-MHz processor  
Performance Considerations with Instant Capacity:  
Going from one to two to three active CPUs on a cell board gives linear performance improvement  
Going from three to four active CPUs gives linear performance improvement for most applications except some  
technical applications that push the memory bus bandwidth.  
Number of active CPUs per cell boards should be balanced across partitions. However, minor differences are okay.  
(Example: Four active CPUs on one cell board and three active CPUs on the second cell board)  
NOTE: The Instant Capacity software will do CPU activation to minimize differences of number of active CPUs per  
cell board within a partition.  
Superdome PA-8800  
Superdome PA-8800 offers both half populated and fully populated cell boards. A half-populated cell board on the  
Superdome PA-8800 server will be populated with 4 PA-8800 processors. A fully populated cell board on the Superdome PA-  
8800 server will be populated with 8 PA-8800 processors. However, inactive processors can be enabled/activated  
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Page 31  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
D escription  
Product Number  
PA-8800 processor assembly (contains 4 CPUs and occupies 2 sockets)  
PA-8800 processor assembly (contains 2 CPUs and occupies 1 socket)  
NOTE: Requires terminator AB480A if only a single socket is occupied.  
Instant Capacity right-to-access PA-8800 processor assembly (contains 4 CPUs and occupies 2  
Instant Capacity right-to-access PA-8800 processor assembly (contains 2 CPUs and occupies 1  
NOTE: Requires terminator AB480A if only a single socket is occupied.  
Instant Capacity Enable right-to-use PA-8800 processor  
NOTE: When ordering active sx1000 cell boards, Instant Capacity and non-Instant Capacity processors and non-Instant  
Capacity memory can be ordered. But when ordering Instant Capacity sx1000 cell boards, only Instant Capacity processors  
and Instant Capacity memory can be ordered.  
Cell Board CO D  
With cell board COD, Superdome PA-8800 servers can be populated with PA-8800 cell boards (CPU and memory) and it is  
no longer necessary to pay for the additional cell boards (CPU and memory) until the customer uses them. Additional CPUs  
and cell boards can be activated instantly with a simple command providing immediate increases in processing power and  
memory capacity to accommodate application traffic demands.  
In the unlikely event that a cell board fails, the HP system will replace the cell board at no additional charge. The COD cell  
board brings the system back to full performance and capacity levels, reducing downtime and ensuring no degradation in  
Please note the following when when ordering Instant Capacity sx1000 cell boards:  
only Instant Capacity processors and Instant Capacity memory can be ordered.  
the maximum memory needed must be ordered because it is not possible to purchase additional Instant Capacity  
memory without ordering the Instant Capacity Cell Board upgrade product, A9913A.  
When additional capacity is required, additional cell boards can be brought online. The COD cell boards are each  
activated with a single command.  
Cell board Capacity on Demand (COD) can be ordered pre installed on Superdome servers.  
Below are the relevant product numbers of cell board Instant Capacity  
D escription  
Product Number  
Instant Capacity cell board for PA-8800 (no CPU/memory included)  
- Factory integration  
- Field add-on  
Instant Capacity PA-8800 cell board enablement  
A9747A option 02A  
NOTE: When activating the Instant Capacity cell board, you must activate a minimum of 2  
Instant Capacity processors and ALL Instant Capacity memory.  
Instant Capacity 2-GB memory  
A9748A option 02A  
Instant Capacity 2-GB memory enablement  
Instant Capacity 4-GB memory  
Instant Capacity 4-GB memory enablement  
Instant Capacity 8-GB memory  
A9749A option 02A  
Instant Capacity 8-GB memory enablement  
A9750A option 02A  
Tem porary Instant Capacity  
Temporary Instant Capacity provides the customer the flexibility to temporarily activate an Instant Capacity processor(s) for a  
30 CPU day period. The program includes a temporary Operating Environment (OE) license to use and temporary  
hardware/software support. The Temporary Instant Capacity program enables customers to tap into processing potential for a  
fraction of the cost of a full activation, to better match expenditures with actual usage requirements and to enjoy the benefits  
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Page 32  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
System Management Features  
of a true utility model in a capitalized version.  
To order Temporary Instant Capacity apacity on Superdome, A7067A must be ordered. For more information on Instant  
Capacity, please refer to the appropriate section in this guide.  
U tility or Pay-per-U se Program  
HP Utility Pricing allows financial decisions on investments to be postponed until sufficient information is available. It  
allows customers to align their costs with revenues, thereby allowing customers to transition from fixed to variable cost  
structures. This more flexible approach allows customers to size their compute capacity consistent with incoming revenues  
and Service Level Objectives. HP Utility Pricing encompasses just-in-time purchased capacity, pay per forecast based on  
planned usage, as well as pay per use via metered usage. All offerings are industry leading performance solutions to our  
This program was introduced in July 2001 on HP's powerful Superdome and IA-32 servers. Customers are able to pay for  
what they use with this new processing paradigm. The usage payments are comprised of both fixed and variable amounts,  
with the latter based on average monthly CPU usage. Additionally, with HP retaining ownership of the server, technology  
obsolescence and underutilized processing assets are no longer a customer concern. This is the cornerstone of HP's pay-as-  
you-go Utility Pricing. Customers will be able to benefit from their servers as a "compute utility". Customers will choose when  
to apply additional CPU capacity and will only be charged when the additional processing power is utilized. Real-life  
examples of processing profiles that benefit from Pay-per-Use are season spikes and month-end financial closings.  
The utility program is m utually exclusive with Instant Capacity. In order to take part in this program, the utility metering  
agent (T1322AA) must be ordered.  
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Page 33  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
For information on Superdome Server Upgrades, please refer to the Superdome Server Upgrades QuickSpec.  
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Page 34  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Technical Specifications  
Superdom e Specifications SPU D escription  
Superdome 16-socket  
Superdome 32-socket  
Superdome 64-  
SPU Product Num ber  
A5201A + A5202A  
PA-8600 / PA-8700 Attributes  
TPC-C disclosure (PA 8700)/  
875 MHz  
Not disclosed  
Not disclosed  
541,674 tpm  
Clock speed (MHz)  
- PA 8600  
552 MHz  
750 MHz, 875 MHz  
552 MHz  
750 MHz, 875 MHz  
552 MHz  
750 MHz, 875 MHz  
- PA 8700  
Number of CPU's  
2-64 GB  
2-128 GB  
Memory (with 512 MB DIMM's)  
6-256 GB  
Maximum Power Dissipation  
PA 8800 Attributes (with sx1000 chip set)  
Clock speed (MHz)  
1.0 GHz  
1.0 GHz  
1.0 GHz  
Number of CPU's  
Memory (with 512 MB DIMMs)  
2-64 GB  
2-128 GB  
4-256 GB  
8-512 GB  
6-256 GB  
12-512 GB  
24-1024 GB 1  
Memory (with 1 GB DIMMs)  
Memory (with 2 GB DIMMs)  
4-128 GB  
8-256 GB  
Maximum Power Dissipation  
Cell Boards2  
PA-8800 is supported in 1-  
socket, 2-socket, 3-socket and  
4-socket cells. Other PA-RISC  
processors are supported in 4-  
socket cells  
Expandability / C onnectivity  
12-slot PCI I/O chassis without  
I/O expansion cabinet  
(PCI-X supported with PA-8800  
PCI slots without I/O expansion  
(PCI-X supported with PA-8800  
PCI slots with I/O expansion  
(PCI-X supported with PA 8800  
12-slot PCI I/O chassis with  
I/O expansion cabinet  
(PCI-X supported with PA-8800  
only) 4  
Number of Partitions without  
I/O expansion cabinet  
Number of Partitions with I/O  
expansion cabinet  
RS-232C Serial Ports  
10/100Base-T Ethernet  
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Page 35  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Technical Specifications  
H P-U X Attributes  
Maximum CPUs per HP-UX 11i  
Maximum CPUs per HP-UX 11i  
128 GB  
256 GB  
Maximum memory per HP-UX  
11i partition  
512 GB  
1 TB  
Maximum memory per HP-UX  
11i partition  
128 GB  
256 GB  
HP-UX revisions supported  
HP-UX 11i, HP-UX 11i v2  
HP-UX 11i, HP-UX 11i v2  
HP-UX 11i, HP-UX 11i  
M axim um I/O Cards See supported I/O table for specific products  
Mass Storage  
16 - 48  
8 - 24  
8 - 25  
8 - 16  
32 - 96  
16 - 48  
16 -25  
16 -32  
64 - 192  
32 - 96  
25 -32  
32 -64  
Multi-Function (Mass Storage /  
Additional Interface Cards  
8 -16  
8 -32  
Electrical C haracteristics  
AC input power-Option 7: 3-  
phase 5-wire input  
200-240 VAC phase-to-neutral, 5-wire, 50/60 Hz  
200-240 VAC phase-to-phase, 4-wire, 50/60 Hz  
AC input power-Option 6: 3-  
phase 4-wire input  
Maximum Current requirements  
at 220V 240V:  
Option 7:  
3-phase 5-wire input  
24 A/Phase  
44 A/Phase  
Option 6:  
3-phase 4-wire input  
Required Power Receptacle-  
Options 6 and 7  
None. Cord, plug and included. Receptacle should be ordered separately. Electrician must  
hard wire receptacle to site power.  
Site Preparation  
Site planning and installation  
Depth (mm / inches)  
Width (mm / inches)  
Height (mm / inches)  
Weight (Kg / lbs)  
1,220 / 48.1  
762 / 30  
1,220 / 48.1  
762 / 30  
1,220 / 48.1  
1,524 / 60  
1,960 / 77.2  
500 / 1,123  
1,960 / 77.2  
598 / 1,343  
1,960 / 77.2  
1,196 / 2,685  
Environm ental C haracteristics  
65 dB  
Operating temperature  
Non-operating temperature  
68° to 86° F (20° to 30° C)  
-40° to 158° F (-40° to 70° C)  
68° F/hr (20° C/hr)  
Maximum rate of temperature  
Operating relative humidity  
Operating altitude  
15% to 80% @ 86° F (30° C)  
0 to 10,000 ft (0 to 3.1 km)  
0 to 15,000 ft (0 to 4.6 km)  
Non-operating altitude  
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Page 36  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Technical Specifications  
Regulatory Com pliance  
IEC 950:1991+A1, +A2, +A3, +A4; EN60950:1992+A1, +A2, +A3, +A4, +A11; UL  
1950, 3rd edition; cUL CSA C22.2 No. 950-95  
Key Dates  
First CPL date  
First ship date  
4Q /00  
4Q /00  
4Q /01  
1 Due to limitation of HP UX 11i, maximum memory in a partition is 512 GB  
2 Superdome PA 8600/PA 8700 support only fully populated cells. Superdome PA 8800 supports both half and fully  
populated cells.  
3 A second I/O expansion cabinet is required for if number of PCI slots is greater than 168  
4 SPU cabinet must be filled first before placing I/O chassis in I/O expansion cabinet  
5 A second I/O expansion cabinet is required if number of I/O chassis is greater than 14  
NOTE: Given that PA 8600/PA 8700 are single core processors and PA 8800 is a dual core processor, the columns listed  
in this table refer to 16 socket, 32 socket and 64 socket. This terminology refers to 16 way, 32 way and 64 way for  
Superdome PA 8600/PA 8700 systems and 32 way, 64 way and 128 way for Superdome PA 8800 systems.  
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Page 37  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Technical Specifications  
Superdom e I/O Expansion  
(IO X) C abinet  
SPU D escription  
Superdome 16 socket  
Superdome 32 socket  
Superdome 64 socket  
SPU Product Num ber  
Maximum Number of I/O  
Chassis Enclosures (ICEs)*  
Peripherals Supported  
All peripherals qualified for use with Superdome and/or for use in an RBII D rack are  
supported in the I/O expansion cabinet as long as there is available space. Peripherals not  
connected to or associated with the Superdome system to which the I/O expansion cabinet  
is attached may be installed in the I/O expansion cabinet.  
Servers Supported  
With PA 8600/PA 8700: Superdome 32 way, Superdome 64 way  
With PA 8800: Superdome 64 way, Superdome 128  
Electrical C haracteristics  
AC input power  
200-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz  
Current requirements at 200V-  
Typical Maximum Power  
2,290 watts  
3,200 watts  
Maximum Power Dissipation  
D im ensions  
Height (mm / inches)  
Depth (mm / inches)  
Width (mm / in)  
1.6 meters or 1.96 meters  
45.5 in (same depth as 32 W)  
24.0 in  
Environm ental  
Same as Superdome  
Relevant Product N um bers  
12 slot PCI Chassis for Rack  
System E Expansion Cabinet  
12 slot PCI -X Chassis for Rack  
System E Expansion Cabinet  
I/O Expansion Cabinet Power  
and Utilities Subsystem  
I/O Expansion Power and  
Utilities Subsystem Graphite  
I/O Chassis Enclosure for 12  
slot PCI X Chassis  
Key Dates  
First CPL Date  
First Ship Date  
9 / 00  
2Q / 01  
*NOTE: Each ICE holds two I/O card cages or 24 PCI X I/O slots.  
D escription  
APC Silcon, 20000VA/20000W, Input 115/200 3PH, 120/208 3PH, 127/220 3PHV/  
Output 115/200 3PH, 120/208 3PH, 127/220 3PHV, Interface Port DB-25 RS-232,  
Contact Closure  
G eneral Features  
0% to 95% non-condensing, 200% overload capability, Audible Alarms, Built in static  
bypass switch, Delta Conversion On line Technology, Environmental Protection, Event  
logging, Extendable Run Time, Full rated output available in kW, Input Power Factor  
Correction, Intelligent Battery Management, LCD Alphanumeric Display, Overload  
Indicator, Paralleling Capability, Sine wave output, SmartSlot, Software, Web  
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Page 38  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Technical Specifications  
Parallel Card, Triple Chassis for three SmartSlots, User Manual, Web/SNMP Management  
Spare parts kits  
See APC website http://www.apcc.com  
User Manual and Installation Guide  
Docum entation  
Nominal input voltage  
Input frequency  
115/200 3PH, 120/208 3PH, 127/220 3PH V  
50 Hz programmable +/- 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8%; 60 Hz  
programmable +/- 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8%  
Input connection type  
Hardwire 5-wire (3PH + N + G)  
Input voltage range for main  
170-230 (200 V), 177-239 (208 V), 187-242 (220 V) V  
Typical backup time at half  
36.7 minutes  
Typical backup time at full load 10.7 minutes  
Battery type  
Maintenance-free sealed Lead-Acid battery with  
suspended electrolyte: leak proof  
Typical recharge time **  
Maximum height dimensions  
Maximum width dimensions  
Maximum depth dimensions  
Net weight  
2 hours  
55.12 in (140.00 cm)  
39.37 in (100.00 cm)  
31.50 in (80.01 cm)  
1,290.00 lbs (586.36 kg)  
1,340.00 lbs (609.09 kg)  
66.93 in (170.00 cm)  
43.31 in (110.00 cm)  
35.43 in(90.00 cm)  
Shipping Weight  
Shipping Height  
Shipping Width  
Shipping Depth  
Dark green (NCS 7020 B50G), Light gray (NCS 2703  
Units per Pallet  
C om m unications and  
Interface port  
DB-25 RS-232, Contact Closure  
Smart Slot Interface Quantity  
Pre-Installed SmartSlot Cards  
Control panel  
Multi-function LCD status and control console  
Beep for each 52 alarm conditions  
Audible alarm  
Emergency Power Off (EPO)  
Optional Management Device See APC website http://www.apcc.com  
Environm ental  
Operating Environment  
68° to 86° F (20° to 30 °C) (recommended is 68° to 77° F  
(20° to 25° C))  
Operating Relative Humidity  
Operating Elevation  
15% to 80% at 86°F (30°C)  
0 to 10000 ft (0 to 3050 m)  
-40° to 158° F (-40° to 70° C)  
0% to 90%  
Storage Temperature  
Storage Relative Humidity  
Storage Elevation  
0 to 15,000 ft (0 to 4575 m)  
Audible noise at 1 meter from 55 dBA  
surface of unit  
Online thermal dissipation  
Protection Class  
4,094 BTU/hour  
NEMA 1, NEMA 12  
EN 55022 Class A, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, UL 1778, UL  
Listed, cUL Listed  
Standard warranty  
One-year repair or replace, optional on-site warranties  
available, optional extended warranties available  
Optional New Service  
See APC website http://www.apcc.com  
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Page 39  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Technical Specifications  
* Without TAX/VAT  
** The time to recharge to 90% of full battery capacity following a discharge to shutdown using a load rated for 1/2 the full  
load rating of the UPS  
Supported I/O Cards with Superdome PA-8600/PA-8700  
M aximum Cards by  
Sockets per System  
I/O Card  
M ass Storage Host Bus Adapters  
Fast/Wide/Differential SCSI  
PCI 1 port 2x Fibre Channel4  
Dual port FWD SCSI  
Duplex SC  
PCI 2 Gb/s Fibre Channel  
PCI X 2 channel 2 Gb /sFibre Channel  
PCI 1 channel U160 SCSI  
PCI 2 channel U160 SCSI  
PCI 2 channel Ultra320 SCSI  
Local Area N etwork (LAN ) Adapters  
PCI 1 port Universal FDDI LAN  
PCI 1 port 1000Base SX4  
Duplex SC  
PCI 1 port 1000 BaseT4  
PCI 1 port 10/100Base TX  
Duplex SC  
PCI 1 port ATM 622 Mb/s (MMF)  
PCI 4 port 100Base TX  
PCI 1 port 802.5 Token Ring 4/16/100  
PCI 1 port 1000Base T (gigabit copper)  
PCI 1 port 1000Base SX (gigabit fiber)  
PCI-X 2-port 1000Base-SX Gigabit Adpt  
PCI-X 2-port 1000Base-T Gigabit Adpt  
RJ-45 and DB 9  
Duplex SC  
M ulti-Function C ards (M ass Storage / LAN )  
PCI 2 port 100Base T/ 2 port Ultra2 SCSI  
PCI-X 2Gb Fibre Channel / 1000BaseSX  
PCI-X 2Gb Fibre Channel / 1000BaseTX  
1 LC, 1 RJ-45  
2 LC  
HP PCI-X Multifunction 2-port 2Gb FC /  
2-port 1 Gb Ethernet Adapter  
3.3 volts only.  
Supported on HP-UX  
11i, HP-UX 11i v2.  
Factory integration  
available in April  
W ide Area Network (W AN) Adapters  
PCI 1 port ATM 155 Mbps (MMF)  
Duplex SC  
2 port Programmable Serial Interface  
(PSI) X.25 / Frame Relay / SDLC  
RS-530, RS-232,  
V.35, RS-449 or  
4 port X.25/Frame Relay  
RS-530, RS 232  
V.35, RS-449 or  
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Page 40  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Technical Specifications  
PCI 8 port X.25/BX.25 Advance  
Communications Controller  
RS-232, V.35,  
RS-449 or X.21  
Additional Interface C ards  
Public Key Cryptography  
PCI HyperFabric 4X Fiber2  
N / A  
DB - 37  
PCI HyperFabric 2 Fibre  
LC Duplex  
PCI 8-port Terminal Multiplexer  
PCI 64-port Terminal Multiplexer1  
PCI 8-port Terminal Multiplexer4  
PCI 64-port Terminal Multiplexer4  
RS-232 or RS-422  
RS-232 or RS-422  
1Must order option 001 for Port Module Accessory Kit that enables the cables to connect the MUX to the port modules.  
2Discontinued. Upgrade to A6386A PCI HyperFabric2 fiber adapter  
3Supports up to 96 or 192 cards when using an expansion cabinet  
4No longer on CPL-not orderable  
NOTE: All cards listed have the OLAR capability except for SNA over X.25. Additionally, the Superdome core I/O card in slot 0 does not support OLAR. X.25  
dual port (J3525A) needs separate cables for each card port (2 ports per card).  
NOTE: The MSA30 SB/DB are supported as a boot disk on Superdome running HP UX 11i with the following cards: A7173A, A6828A, A6829A, A5838A  
Supported I/O Cards with Superdome PA-8800  
M aximum Cards by  
Sockets per System  
I/O Card  
M ass Storage Host Bus Adapters  
Fast/Wide/Differential SCSI 2  
PCI 1 port Ultra2 SCSI 2  
PCI 2x Fibre Channel 2  
Dual port FWD SCSI  
PCI 2 Gb/s Fibre Channel  
PCI X 2 channel 2 Gb /sFibre Channel  
PCI 1 channel U160 SCSI  
PCI 2 channel U160 SCSI  
PCI 2 channel Ultra320 SCSI  
Local Area N etwork (LAN ) Adapters  
PCI 10/100 Base-T  
AUI, BNC, RJ-45  
PCI 1 port Universal FDDI LAN  
PCI 1 port 1000Base SX 2  
Duplex SC  
PCI 1 port 1000 BaseT 2  
PCI 1 port 10/100Base TX  
Duplex SC  
PCI 1 port ATM 622 Mb/s (MMF)  
PCI 4 port 100Base TX  
PCI 1 port 802.5 Token Ring 4/16/100  
PCI 1 port 1000Base T (gigabit copper)  
PCI 1 port 1000Base SX (gigabit fiber)  
PCI-X 2-port 1000Base-SX  
RJ-45 and DB-9  
Duplex SC  
Duplex SC  
PCI-X 2-port 1000Base-T  
PCI -X 2 port 4x Fabric (HPC) Adapter2  
4x Infiniband  
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Page 41  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Technical Specifications  
PCI-X 133MHz 10GbE SR Fiber Adapter  
PCI-X 4-port 1000 Base-T Gigabit  
PCI -X 24 port 4x Fabric Copper Switch  
4x Infiniband  
M ulti-Function C ards (M ass Storage / LAN )  
PCI 2 port 100Base T/ 2 port Ultra2 SCSI  
PCI-X 2Gb Fibre Channel / 1000BaseSX  
PCI-X 2Gb Fibre Channel / 1000BaseTX  
1 LC, 1 RJ-45  
W ide Area Network (W AN) Adapters  
PCI 1 port ATM 155 Mbps (MMF)  
Duplex SC  
2 port Programmable Serial Interface  
(PSI) X.25 / Frame Relay / SDLC  
RS-530, RS-232,  
V.35, RS-449 or  
4 port X.25/Frame Relay  
RS-530, RS 232  
V.35, RS-449 or  
PCI 8 port X.25/BX.25 Advance  
Communications Controller  
RS-232, V.35,  
RS-449 or X.21  
Additional Interface C ards  
PCI HyperFabric 4X Fiber  
DB - 37  
LC Duplex  
PCI HyperFabric 2 Fibre  
PCI 8-port Terminal Multiplexer  
PCI 64-port Terminal Multiplexer1  
RS-232 or RS-422  
1Supports up to 96 or 192 cards when using an expansion cabinet  
2Not Orderable - No longer on CPL  
NOTE: The MSA30 SB/DB are supported as a boot disk on Superdome running HP UX 11i with the following cards: A7173A, A6828A, A6829A, A5838A.  
Supported M ass Storage with Superdome PA-8600/PA-8700/PA-8800  
N earline/O ffline Storage  
M ass Storage O ptical Jukeboxes  
660ex 4 drives  
5200ex drive  
160ex 2 drives  
320ex 4 drives  
400ex 2 drives  
660x 6 drives  
1200ex 10 drives  
1200ex 4 drives  
STK 9490  
M ass Storage Tape Libraries  
STK SD-3  
DLT Library 10/560, 6/100, 3/30  
DLT Library 2/15  
M ass Storage Tape Devices (Order DDS-3 Autoloader  
ULTRIUM 215,230  
TA5300 and TA5500)  
IBM 3590  
STK Eagle  
DDS-5/DAT 72  
DVD and Tapes  
Q1592A (HP DVD+RW Array Module)option OD1  
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Page 42  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Technical Specifications  
C7508AZ (racked TA5300 tape and DVD chassis)  
C1354AZ (racked TA5500 tape chassis)  
FC Hub 1X and 2X  
M ass Storage Infrastructure  
FC Switch 1X and 2X  
SE/FWD SCSI Converter (not in the base configuration any more)  
O nline Storage  
M ass Storage Arrays  
AutoRAID 12  
AutoRAID 12H  
XP256 - FWD SCSI ports  
Nike 10  
XP256 - Fibre Channel ports  
Nike 20  
Nike 30  
XP Enhancement  
EVA 5000  
EVA 3000  
EVA1500 XL  
EMC Symmetrix 3000  
EMC Symmetrix 5000  
EMC Symmetrix 8000  
EMC Symmetrix DMX  
StorageWorks Disk System 2100  
StorageWorks Disk System 2110 (discontinued)  
StorageWorks Disk System 2300  
StorageWorks Disk System 2405 (A6250AZ)  
StorageWorks 4314T and 4314R  
StorageWorks 4354R  
McDATA ED5000  
M ass Storage Enclosures  
High Availability Storage System (discontinued)  
Surestore Disk System HVD10 (discontinued)  
Surestore Disk System FC10 (discontinued)  
Surestore Disk System SC10 (discontinued)  
SAN Switches and Hub  
StorageWorks SAN switch /8 (discontinued)  
StorageWorks SAN switch /16 (discontinued)  
EMC Connectrix DS-16B  
StorageWorks SAN switch Integrated 32 (discontinued) EMC Connectrix ED-1032  
StorageWorks SAN switch Integrated 64 (discontinued) StorageWorks SAN Director 64 (discontinued)  
StorageWorks SAN switch 2/16-EL  
StorageWorks SAN switch 2/16  
Peripherals Required Per Partition (nPar)  
HP-UX 11i version 1 (HW E)  
I/O Cards  
Core I/O (Slot 0) provides console and LAN  
Default boot device (Slot 1)  
Removable media card (Slot 8)  
DVD hard drive (boot disk)  
DDS-4/DAT-40 tape backup drive  
C7508AZ or C7508A (Qualec device)  
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Page 43  
HP 9000 Superdome Servers  
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)  
Technical Specifications  
© Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.  
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.  
Microsoft and Windows Server 2003 are US registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel and Itanium are US registered trademarks of Intel  
The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein  
should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.  
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Page 44  

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